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reuse (re)create remix - 3 views

    Resources for remix culture collected by students in a Remix Culture Seminar in Amsterdam.

Freedom of Speech on the Internet - Part 1: Remix Culture - - 2 views

  • mash-up culture
    • Thais B.
      Maties' project is gonna be about this issue
  • But freedom on the Internet is at risk.
  • The Internet has been such a powerful force in the world for freedom of thought, freedom of information, and freedom of expression.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • You should read:
    • Thais B.
      Do it because is it really interesting to our course!

Viral Video Award 2009 - 2 views

    This link might be interesting for Pavel and Kim. It's about the viralvideoaward 2009! I have watched some of the videos and I actually found some that are political videos for example: du bist terrorist... (but it's not a remix)

Digital Culture Adventure - 2 views

  • Political remix video not criticize the way that mass media work, but it used them to send messages totally different from that which the media want to launch.
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      Good point.
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      Or at least an interesting assertion - I wonder if it's completely true? Probably?
  • the usage of  material that is already familiar to the public and has a certain amount of built in cultural meaning helps to create a more close relation with the public
  • Dennis G. Jez, a teacher from Pennsylvania
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      If you call him "an American academic" or "a scholar who" or something like that it makes him sound more authoritative - and it's true, he's a researcher/academic at a university or college. Teacher sounds a bit like he's a high school teacher rather than a researcher. Also, his last name is Jerz, not Jez :)

tamaleaver / Sources of Legally Reusable Media - 1 views

    Comprehensive list of videos, images, sounds, music and texts that you can legally reuse. Great resource!

New apple remix - 1 views

    I like that he turned their own ad against them as it were...

KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more! - 1 views

    A link that allows me to download video from youtube. Still make sure downloading and use of video is not in violation of copyrigth.
    Great! I have been looking for that during all the week!

iterating toward openness » Blog Archive » What's the Inverse of Remixing?... - 1 views

    Dave Wiley introduces the notion of unmixing, as opposed to remixing. He states that since remixing includes a recontruction of meaning (references), and introduction of new references to sections of text, using a hypertext script would constitute something else, namely a unmix. (Hmmm)

Political Remix Video: Transforming Mass Media and Pop Culture - 1 views

shared by Thais B. on 27 Aug 09 - Cached
  • We Are Creators Too
    Blog which does nothing but post examples of political remix videos, with useful commentary and links. A gem if you're interested in this genre!

Vídeo - How you can know where is the fire by Twiter - 0 views

    A great fiction video about the advantages of our new share and digital culture

Richard Dawkins: "Memes, The New Replicators'' (chapter 11 of The Selfish Gene) - 0 views

  • qualities that make for high survival value among memes.  But in general they must be the same as those discussed for the replicators of Chapter 2: longevity, fecundity, and copying-fidelity
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      Qualities that make for high survival value among memes: - longevity - fecundity - copying-fidelity (Same as for genes)
  • copying-fidelity.  Here I must admit that I am on shaky ground
  • It looks as though meme transmission is subject to continuous mutation, and also to blending. 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • An `idea-meme' might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another.
  • The human brain, and the body that it controls, cannot do more than one or a few things at once.  If a meme is to dominate the attention of a human brain, it must do so at the expense of `rival' memes. 
  • I have been dissatisfied with explanations that my fellow-enthousiasts have offered for human behaviour.  They have tried to look for `biological advantages' in various attributes of human civilization
    This is the article that introduces the concept "meme", and required reading for Thursday's Remix Culture class.

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media ... - 0 views

  • not passed on entirely 'intact'
    • Elisabeth Nesheim
      Here again Dawkins talk about memes not being high-fidelity replicators and that they "mutate", and it is not what is difference between mutations that represent the meme, rather the element that all mutations contain
  • how to throw the pot rather than the pot itself
    • Elisabeth Nesheim
      Maybe it is not about throwing the pot away, but changing the old pot with on that is easier to throw.  That the original meme is differentiated to such an extent that it has given rise to new memes, that still is part of the same meme-cluster

||editor|director|artist|Johan Söderberg| - 0 views

shared by ziska 04 on 26 Sep 09 - Cached
    When you press the button: read my lips on the right hand side, you can watch a series of remixed videos. Nr. 1 is the Bush-Blair love song. Nr. 2 is Silvio Berlusconi singing: Just a giggolo... all of them are political remixes. Lessig mentions the maker of those videos in his book.

Disruptive technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Innovations that drastically change/limit/replace the use of one technology/medium, much due to its offer of price reduction and new usability. Such innovations are named Disruptive Technologies and the term was coined by Clayton M. Christensen in his 1995 article Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave

Haraway_CyborgManifesto.html - 0 views

  • am making an argument for the cyborg as a fiction mapping our social and bodily reality and as an imaginative resource suggesting some very fruitful couplings
  • Our bodies, ourselves; bodies are maps of power and identity. Cyborgs are no exception
  • Intense pleasure in skill, machine skill, ceases to be a sin, but an aspect of embodiment. The machine is not an it to be animated, worshipped, and dominated. The machine is us, our processes, an aspect of our embodiment.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • take intense pleasure in machines, and then with excuses that this was organic activity after all, appropriate to females.
  • These sociobiological stories depend on a high-tech view of the body as a biotic component or cybernetic communications system.
  • Identities seem contradictory, partial, and strategic. With the hard-won recognition of their social and historical constitution, gender, race, and class cannot provide the basis for belief in 'essential' unity. There is nothing about teeing 'female' that naturally binds women
  • not even such a state as 'being' female,
  • created by   157 mechanisms inducing affinity
    Donna Haraway's referenced manifest describing the hybrid between man and machine, the Cyborg and uses this metaphor to discuss gender in terms of cultural constructions, (dis)connection to the body and identiy.

Edwards/Tryon: Political video mashups as allegories of citizen empowerment - 0 views

  • Subsequently, inspired after watching another user’s mashup, still more users may choose to participate directly in remix culture, and produce their own video mashups. In terms of empowerment, these further acts of participation are crucial because they signify how users can become more active and more media literate with the online and off–line information they are consuming on a daily basis [4].
  • Just as in the case of a video camera in the hands of a video activist at a street rally, engaged online users can produce mashups as a means for political advocacy (tool), political protest (weapon), and political observation (witness).
    Scholarly article analysing three political video mashups: "When the viral video "Vote Different" broke into the mainstream media in March 2007, the political video mashup became a notable media phenomenon. User-generated mashups threatened to cut through the U.S. news clutter that typically shapes election discourse. In this paper, political video mashups are examined as allegories of citizen empowerment during the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Political video mashups can act as tools of political advocacy, forms of political protest, and modes of political commentary. Finally, though they are already being co-opted by mainstream political campaigns, the paper addresses the potential of mashups to re-interpret political messages in ways that may encourage the active re-framing of political issues among twenty-first century citizens."

Remix Theory » Archivio » WHAT COMES AFTER REMIX? by Lev Manovich - 0 views

  • officially accepted
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      Hm, that doesn't seem to fit with Lessig and others' arguments about the music industry suing people who use remix?
  • “appropriation” never completely left its original art world context where it was coined.
  • I think that “remixing” is a better term anyway because it suggests a systematic re-working of a source, the meaning which “appropriation” does not have
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The other older term commonly used across media is “quoting” but I see it as describing a very different logic than remixing. If remixing implies systematically rearranging the whole text, quoting refers inserting some fragments from old text(s) into the new one.
  • “montage” and “collage”
  • three differences.
  • we can say that if modernist collage always involved a “clash” of element, electronic and software collage also allows for “blend.
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      This is really interesting!! Consider in relation to our discussions about film theory and editing - Kuleshov, Eisenstein and more.
  • database of culture
  • Wired magazine devoted its July 2005 issue to the theme Remix Planet.
  • If post-modernism defined 1980s, remix definitely dominates 2000s
  • Remixing originally had a precise and a narrow meaning that gradually became diffused
  • In his book DJ Culture Ulf Poschardt singles out different stages in the evolution of remixing practice
  • Around the turn of the century (20tth to 21st) people started to apply the term “remix” to other media besides music: visual projects, software, literary texts
    Useful short article by Lev Manovich, who is a prominent scholar of digital culture, about the history of remix and its relationship to other related practices in art and literature (appropriation, quoting, montage, etc). Read this!

The Medium - The Hitler Meme - - 0 views

  • It turns out you could play make-out music, show slow-mo clips of any two male actors interacting, throw up suggestive title cards (“a truth they couldn’t deny”) and — presto — any American blockbuster could be shown to chronicle love between two men
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      Interesting - and this is also relevant to Kurdin's trailer where she shows an example of Harry Potter as a Brokeback Mountain spoof. I also like the way in which the author of this article draws a conclusion that CROSSES all the remixes - the many similar remixes make an argument as a group, in a way?
  • what’s the larger point of the “Downfall” remixes?
  • satirists who for years have been snatching video and audio from “Downfall,” the 2004 German movie of Hitler’s demise, and doctoring it to tell a range of stories about personal travails and world politics.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • subtitles
    • Jill Walker Rettberg
      This should be useful for Kim's project!
  • the lesson of the parodies seems to be that “Downfall” was a closeted Hitler comedy. Having seen the spoofs before seeing the movie, I find it virtually impossible now to watch the film with a straight face
  • many of the “Downfall” parodies choose not to have Ganz-as-Hitler directly ventriloquize another politician or figure of derision. Instead, as with the Malaysian parody, the spoofs often make the new speaker a disappointed supporter of a public figure.
    Interesting NYTimes article about the many creative subtitlings of the scene from Downfall (a 2004 movie about Hitler's demise) - this article is a wonderful example of how you can analyse a whole group of remixes. If this were an academic article you'd also want to include more context about this (what is remixing? what kinds of other video/subtitle remixes exist? what sort of things are scholars writing about remixes like this?) but the ANALYSIS of what the remixes means would be perfect. I especially like how the author makes interpretations across the whole group - see some of my annotations/comments.

Total Recut Contest Results - The Winners! - 0 views

  • Congratulations to all of our winners! After a gruelling public vote and an even more intense celebrity judging round, the winners of the 2008 Total Recut Video Remix Challenge have finally been determined.
    • Sissel Lenvik
      Video challenge "What is Remix Culture?". Including alot of interesting movies.
    Video challenge including ten videos on the theme "What is Remix Culture?"
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