University of Westminster - Research - Property and Construction Research Group - 0 views
Ihering Alcoforado on 28 Apr 12Property and Construction Research Group Research in property and construction covers a wide range of activities. While we are interested in every aspect of research in property and construction, there are particular areas we specialise in. These include property valuation, construction and project management, construction economics, and energy use in buildings. In property and planning, our recent research has focused on business improvement districts, the use of taxation in sustainable development, and property and development finance. Property research has also focused on commercial leases and rent reviews. Research into the technical aspects of construction concerns the role of building services and design technology for low carbon building. Other research is concerned with fibre-reinforced concrete, passive solar design, and energy issues of the built environment. Our construction management research focuses on incentivisation schemes in project management, risk management of projects and project finance. Research in construction economics has been in infrastructure markets, international construction and economic theory applied to the construction sector. For further information, please contact Dr Stephen Gruneberg on Areas of expertise Construction technology Low energy Fibre-reinforced sprayed concrete Building conservation Construction management Project and organisation, risk Property Valuation Finance Construction economics International construction Construction markets Construction labour Specialist contractors Economic theory of construction Staff research interests and outputs Debbie Ancell - sustainability, construction forensics Martin Ball - Project management John Begg - energy use in housing Tony Burke - building conservation, adaptation and usage of buildings. Masi Farjadmand - fibre reinforced sprayed concrete Colin Gleeson - low energy building and implications. Monica Grinfeld - energy conser