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Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Types Of Cerebral Palsy - 0 views

    Types of CP Associated With Muscle Tone Cerebral palsy comes in several types, which may be associated with muscle tone or specific body parts. Those associated with muscle tone include: spastic CP, where abnormally high muscle tone causes problems with movement, usually in the legs and hips; ataxia, which is marked by involuntary muscle movements; athetoid, which prevents sufferers from maintaining a fixed muscle position (for example, grasping and holding); and mixed, where symptoms of both spastic and athetoid CP occur. Cerebral Palsy: Hope Through Research: Detailed information from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, including facts on the causes, risk factors, warning signs, and types of CP. Definitions and Accommodations for Cerebral Palsy: Information on the types of CP and how to accommodate and interact with severe sufferers. From Kentucky's Office for the Americans With Disabilities Act. United Cerebral Palsy Association: Nonprofit organization that offers a nationwide network of affiliates aimed at expanding the rights, freedoms, and opportunities of those with cerebral palsy. Health Encyclopedia: Cerebral Palsy: Facts on the types, causes, prevalence, and accommodations related to cerebral palsy. Provided by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Cost of Cerebral Palsy: Information on the human and economic impact of cerebral palsy, presented in the form of an academic report composed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Types of CP Associated With Body Parts Certain types of cerebral palsy are associated with specific body parts rather than with the general condition of the muscular system. These types include: quadriplegia, in which all four limbs suffer severe motor dysfunction and a general inability to work together; hemiplegia, in which the limbs on one side of the body are severely affected, with the impact more pronounced in the digits; and diplegia, which causes problems with mus

2-fluoroamphetamine-hcl-2fa - 0 views

    What are research chemicals ? research chemicals are chemical substances . Scientists use them for medical and scientific research purposes. A research chemical is not intended for human or veterinary use. research chemicals require this distinction on the labels. Thus, it exempts them from regulation under parts 100-740 in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Governments authorise chemical companies to put this on all product labels.
jacob logan

Cancer Research UK announces Research network for radiotherapy - 1 views

    Cancer Research UK has announced a £56m Research network to transform the UK into a global hub for radiotherapy study. By leveraging the use of the latest techniques, such as FLASH radiotherapy and artificial intelligence (AI), the network aims to accelerate the development of advanced radiotherapy.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Cerebral Palsy Information - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of conditions caused by medical abnormalities in the development of a fetus or the early life of a child. These lead to damage or delayed development in the brain. The disorder is permanent and, though it does not worsen with age, the level of functionality of a person with cerebral palsy varies widely: in some cases, effects may be very minor, while in others, movement is impaired to the extent that a wheelchair is required. Common complications associated with CP vary by the type of CP disorder but can include vision problems, seizures, learning disabilities, and issues speaking, writing, and performing other tasks related to motor control. Cerebral palsy is the focus of a large amount of medical research every year. Though much of this research deals with younger patients, more and more attention is being paid to CP sufferers as they age and seek fuller opportunities and more integration with the rest of society. Living with CP is a daily challenge, but paths to a richer and more fulfilling life are being found. There is not, and may never be a "cure" for CP, but greater understanding by clinicians and the daily success stories of those who overcome their limitations are making. Buy online CP Wheelchair, Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair, Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair, CP Child Wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Karma CP Wheelchair, Pediatric Wheelchair, Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair, CP Child Wheelchair at low price in india. Causes of Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is generally caused by developmental issues during pregnancy which lead to abnormal conditions in the brain. During the birth process, lack of oxygen caused by premature delivery or delivery-room errors can cause brain damage that facilitates cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy can also be caused by recognizable brain injuries sustained by the developing child up to an early
kyra smith

Preclinical and clinical research: Part of drug development process - Part I - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical research plays an essential role in the development of new drug molecules for safe and effective use in patients. Preclinical and clinical research are two important phases in drug discovery and development process. It takes about 12 to 16 years to bring a molecule from laboratory to clinical practice.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Benefit Of Ergonomic Wheelchair - 0 views

    Ergonomics: Benefits of Active Sitting for the Able-bodied The field of ergonomics, in particular that of office furniture, now offers various active sitting products that enable different kinds of movement: forward and backward, lateral (side to side), 360 degree wobble, etc. It is important to note that the ergonomic research also indicates that - although movement is necessary - it is not enough. All movements are not the same; there are movements to be avoided. For example, movement that alternates between different awkward sitting postures that repeatedly load the same joints will provide little benefit.Buy online Ergonomic Wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Ergonomic Wheelchair manufacturer, distributor, dealer and supplier of variety of karma Ergonomic Wheelchair at low price in india The benefits of active sitting are understood to occur with movements through a graded range of centered and symmetrical postures. The active and controlled postural positions in sitting are believed to activate and strengthen muscles in the back and core area,to relieve the static loads acting on joints, ligaments, and tendons, and to promote circulation for elimination of waste products. Thus, a dynamic, ergonomic sitting position is believed to lead to improved posture, core stability, and circulation. Wheelchair at low price in india for handicapped and disability product like Karma S Ergo 305 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 125 Wheelchair, Karma S-Ergo 115 Wheelchair, Karma Ergo Lite 2501 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 106 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 105 Wheelchair, along with that we offer huge discount and promo code when you purchase ERGONOMIC WHEELCHAIR from our online shopping store of Ergonomic Wheelchair. Although extensive research in the field of ergonomics and active sitting is yet to become widely available, the logical benefits are easily extrapolated. The pelvis is tilte

Methylene Blue and its Anti-Aging Potentials - 0 views

    We, humans, are always searching for products and ways that promise to defy skin aging. Researchers are always trying to figure out the secret of slowing down skin aging and with time Researchers are getting closer to the desired result.

Consuming Less Salt Can Help You Live Longer - 0 views

    Consumption of salt, it states both the positive and negative sides of salt and adds some research reports to add more impact to the writing
    Consumption of salt, it states both the positive and negative sides of salt and adds some research reports to add more impact to the writing

A slight genetic rearrangement can save lives from Malaria - Insights care - 0 views

    A revolutionary discovery by the researchers have proved that the most severe form of malaria, caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum,is linked with natural variation in human red blood cell genes.
    A revolutionary discovery by the researchers have proved that the most severe form of malaria, caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum,is linked with natural variation in human red blood cell genes.
jacob logan

AI tool for smart speakers could respond to nearly half of cardiac arrests - 2 views

    Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a new contactless artificial intelligence (AI) tool to monitor at-risk patients for cardiac arrest, even when they're asleep.
jacob logan

Smart sensors detect wound healing through tissue changes - 1 views

    Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland are developing smart sensors which can monitor the healing progress of a wound, eliminating the need to look underneath a bandage.
jacob logan

New discovery facilitates blood test for mortality risk in elderly - 1 views

    Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Germany and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands have discovered new blood biomarkers that could indicate a mortality risk in elderly people.
jacob logan

New study finds digital devices may help identify dementia signs - 1 views

    Apple has joined forces with Eli Lilly and Evidation Health on a new feasibility study to detect evidence of brain decline with data from personal digital devices. The research has revealed that these devices may help in the identification of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease dementia.
jacob logan

US researchers develop skin sensors to wirelessly monitor health - 1 views

    Researchers at Stanford University in the US have developed new sensors that can be adhered to the skin for wireless monitoring of health. The sensors are designed to identify the physiological signals that the skin emanates, such as pulse. These readings will be wirelessly transmitted to a receiver clipped onto clothing. The sensor and receiver system has been named BodyNet.
jacob logan

UK to provide research access to NHS patients' medical histories - 1 views

    Seven new 'data hubs' are set to revolutionise medical research across Britain, making the medical histories of millions of NHS patients available to doctors, scientists and academics.
jacob logan

US researchers use liquid biopsy to predict glioblastoma prognosis - 1 views

    Researchers from the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania have found that liquid biopsy can help to predict the prognosis of glioblastoma(GBM), the most aggressive and common brain cancer in adults.

Tech-Enabled Contract Research Organization | Vial CRO - 1 views

    Vial is a technology enabled Contract Research Organization (CRO) that delivers faster, higher quality trial outcomes.

Synthetic-Chem Consulting Network - 1 views

Here At Synthetic-Chem Consulting Network, you can buy Research Chemicals online at a reasonable price. We have the capabilities to serve everyone from home users to large businesses. All of our ...

Fitness Health Research chemicals psychedelics mushrooms pharmaceutical

started by brianwilliams2 on 03 Nov 22 no follow-up yet
Peter Martinez

Yoga Teacher Training: Yoga for Enhanced Academic Performance - 0 views

    By Bhavan Kumar The benefits of yoga are well known for adults, but many of these benefits also carry over to young students. Research has shown that regular practice of yoga techniques can help students fare better in their academic and emotional lives in various ways.
Status of Health

9 best tips to lose weight fast, expert advice - 0 views

    The best way to lose weight is to follow these 9 best tips to lose weight fast. It has been tested on many people. In recent research we found people who follow these tips lose more weight than those who don't. So why not you give it a chance and make you weight loss efforts actually work
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