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Child Wheelchair @ Rs 5733 : Wheelchair Child : Wheelchairs for Children : Childrens Wh... - 0 views

    Child Wheelchair When it comes to wheelchairs, young children have a different set of needs than adults. Aesthetically, devices designed for kids are often sleek and colorful, and functionally, they are typically lightweight and adjustable. As any parent knows, young people don't stay the same size for long and - since a wheelchair is a major purchase - you don't want a simple growth spurt to render it useless. That's why our kids wheelchair category offers models that feature seat width and depth adjustability, elevating legrests, and other versatile features. If you're looking for a safe, affordable mobility solution for the child in your care, you're in the right place.
Richard Turner

Darnell Cox Shares her Anti-aging Secrets with DynaPro Direct - 0 views

    Darnell Cox attacks the aging process from every angle by focusing on staying youthful. In an exclusive interview, she shares with DynaPro Direct exactly why feeling youthful is so important to her, and reveals some great secrets on how you can bask in the fountain of youth, too! Check out her tips and catch some motivation.

Wheelchair Pediatric - 0 views

    Reclining Child Wheelchair Pediatric Reclining wheelchair is designed especially for children and offers the maximum in safety and comfort that is sure to put smiles on the faces of parents and children alike.The precision crafted reclining mechanism provides ultra smooth reclining performance and comes standard with swing away detachable elevating legrests. Reclining Child Wheelchairs for children have a backrest which can be reclined independently of the rest of the seating system.Reclining wheelchairs will have a long wheelbase for stability and a high backrest to ensure your child remains supported when reclined. Reclining backrests can be a useful feature for children Are unable to sit upright for sustained periods because of weak muscles in the upper body, or a stiff spine or hip. Have difficulty breathing. Are receiving treatment that require them to be in a reclined position. Key features: *Reclining backrest *Comfortable seat *Elevating or standard leg rests *Lightweight folding design
    young children have a different set of needs than adults. Aesthetically, devices designed for kids are often sleek and colorful, and functionally, they are typically lightweight and adjustable. As any parent knows, young people don't stay the same size for long and since a wheelchair is a major purchase -- don't want a simple growth spurt to render it useless. Wheelchair category offers models that feature seat width and depth adjustability, elevating legrests, and other versatile features. As a weight-bearing activity is critical to proper physical and mental function-which is why children with cerebral palsy, who may sit for stretches in a wheelchair and typically are unable to stand on their own, can benefit greatly from pediatric standers as part of a comprehensive pediatric rehabilitation program. Pediatric standers are offered in passive, active and mobile formats: Passive standers stay in one place and feature a support surface, active standers allow reciprocal movement of the extremities while in a standing position, and mobile standers enable users to self-propel. Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair: Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair Description: The model designed for cerebral palsy child only. Ultra light weight aluminium alloy frame. Seat Width 38 cms (15"). Net Weight: 18.5 kgs. Epoxy powder coated frame. Detachable arm rest & foot rest provided. Elevated and swinging foot rest. Elevated foot rest provided to elevate leg angle. Height adjustable and detachable head rest. Hydraulic reclining high back for a comfortable posture. Hydraulic adjustable seat angle. Detachable back and seat pad. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & calg Foldable. Lever and paddle brakes provided. Safety belt provided. Maintenance free rear solid wheels. Cloth look like water proof upholstery. Anti wheels for better safety and stability. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & leg. Folding action. Lever and paddle brakes provide
World Vitamins

RealAge scheme exposed by NY Times - 0 views

    A popular online age quiz, RealAge, has gained notoriety among many Americans for its claims to pinpoint a person's true biological age and make corresponding recommendations for staying healthy and young.

CP Wheelchair @ Rs 18130 : CP Chair : CP Child Chair : CP Child Wheelchair : Wheelchair... - 0 views

    When it comes to wheelchairs, young children have a different set of needs than adults. Aesthetically, devices designed for kids are often sleek and colorful, and functionally, they are typically lightweight and adjustable. As any parent knows, young people don't stay the same size for long and since a wheelchair is a major purchase we don't want a simple growth spurt to render it useless. That's why our kids wheelchair category offers models that feature seat width and depth adjustability, elevating legrests, and other versatile features. If you're looking for a safe, affordable mobility solution for the child in your care, you're in the right place.
Richard Turner

DynaPro Direct Interviews Darnell Cox, Leading Anti-Aging Expert - 0 views

    Anti-aging expert Darnell Cox knows all about embracing the essence of youth, and credits her ability to do so to her overall mindset and physical well-being. In an exclusive interview, she shares with DynaPro Direct exactly how she gets her head in the game to keep her health at the tippy top of her priority list. Check out her tips and catch some motivation!
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