Say hello to a little conversation.
Mootly is where ongoing conversations take the main stage. In a moot the discussion can go as deep or as frivolous as you like. Sign up now by creating your first moot!
Very easy signup: add name, email, participants, and welcome message. It is like a very simple Facebook group and free to use. Can't be more simple and straightforward than this.
Students can use this to setup a simple and temporary chat/collaboration platform if they do not want to use Facebook.
Technical uses: Animoto es una de las mejores herramientas gratuitas para la creación de presentaciones. Esto le permite combinar sus fotos, vídeos, clips de sonido, las palabras y la música para hacer una presentación dinámica. Puede tirar fotos y clips de video desde Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Instagram y otros medios sociales / sitios web o subirlos directamente desde su ordenador. A continuación, puede añadir palabras y la música. Cuando el pase de diapositivas se hace, puedes compartir tu video en Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, correo electrónico, o incluso descargar en un DVD. La versión "Lite" es gratuita, pero viene con restricciones. Hay dos niveles más altos de planes de pago, cada una con su propio conjunto de atributos.
Pedagogical uses:
Project presentations, students presentations related to their projects.
"What is ThingLink?
ThingLink helps you create and discover touching images.
Be creative! Make your images come alive with music, video, text, images, shops and more!
Every image contains a story and ThingLink helps you tell your stories. Follow image channels from your favorite bands, bloggers and friends. Your ThingLink interactive images form a channel that other users can follow.
Share your channel with friends on Facebook and Twitter, and follow your friends. Touch and discover."
Quirky offers three different areas: You can help to develop new products of and product ideas of all different kinds. You can buy products. You can promote products via facebook and twitter. Last you can be a part of the community.
Pedagogical uses:languages skills, creative designing,
tag: Intermediate level, English languag skills requierd, art
This is a very popular Q&A forum, with a high standard on questions and answers.
Pedagogical uses: finding answers online
Pros: good quality answers and questions
Cons: only in English