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Kevin Champion

Community - 100 views

The idea would be to Create community. Not community online. The online part is just a potential enhancement. One that does not currently exist here, and perhaps in very few places. The online ...

community integral

Kevin Champion

Ideas for research? - 103 views

Yeah, I don´t like that either. I think partially it is designed that way so that you can reply to any post on in the thread of the forum, rather than just being able to reply to the most recent. ...

Kevin Champion

Membership - 25 views

If you know of anyone else who should be invited to this group, respond here.


started by Kevin Champion on 05 Aug 07 no follow-up yet
Adam Bohannon

Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher - 1 views

    High on Mount Sinai, Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the Ten Commandments, an Israeli researcher claimed in a study published this week. Such mind-altering substances formed an integral part of the religious rites of Israelites in biblical times, Benny Shanon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem wrote in the Time and Mind journal of philosophy.
Kevin Champion

Top 10 Tips for Renters : ENERGY STAR - 0 views

    • Kevin Champion
      My question is, why don´t we as renters have rights to request greater energy efficiency from our landlords? Especially for students in Manhattan, KS, of whom a large number rent old, outdated homes that have had little or no repairs in 30 years. I have been following each of these tips at least to the extent they recommend, if not more so, and I still pay out the ass in utilities. At what point do we, as a society, deem energy inefficiency to violate safety and thus to be against code? Could there be government subsidies allocated for this purpose? Especially since those worse off economically are going to be stuck in the least energy efficient homes, thus furthering their financial burden. Wes Jackson once outlined that efficiency actually increases usage. By this account, it is easy to see why. Those who have, get more efficient, so they can have more.
  • Don't over dry your clothes. If your dryer has a moisture sensor that will automatically turn the machine off when clothes are done, use it to avoid over drying. Remember to clean the lint trap before every load. Dry full loads, or reduce drying time for partial loads.
  • Considering purchasing a room air conditioner? Consider an ENERGY STAR qualified model. They use at least 10 percent less energy than standard models.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Lighting is one of the easiest places to start saving energy. Replacing your five most frequently used light fixtures or the bulbs in them with ENERGY STAR qualified lights can save more than $60 a year in energy costs. ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) provide high-quality light output, use less energy, and last 6–10 times longer than standard incandescent light bulbs, saving money on energy bills and replacement costs.
  • Top 10 Tips for Renters!
  • If possible, install a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust your home's temperature settings when you're away or sleeping.
  • Wash your laundry with cold water whenever possible. To save water, try to wash full loads or, if you must wash a partial load, reduce the level of water appropriately.
  • Consumer electronics play an increasingly larger role in your home's energy consumption, accounting for 15 percent of household electricity use. Many consumer electronics products use energy even when switched off. Electronics equipment that has earned the ENERGY STAR helps save energy when off, while maintaining features like clock displays, channel settings, and remote-control functions.
  • Make sure all air registers are clear of furniture so that air can circulate freely. If your home has radiators, place heat-resistant reflectors between radiators and walls. In the winter, this will help heat the room instead of the wall.
  • A ten minute shower can use less water than a full bath.
  • Save water by scraping dishes instead of rinsing them before loading in the dishwasher. Run your dishwasher with a full load and use the air-dry option if available.
  • During cold weather, take advantage of the sun's warmth by keeping drapes open during daylight hours. To keep out the heat of the summer sun, close window shades and drapes in warm weather.
Kevin Champion

Slap in the Facebook: It's Time for Social Networks to Open Up - 0 views

  • Therein lies the rub. When entering data into Facebook, you're sending it on a one-way trip. Want to show somebody a video or a picture you posted to your profile? Unless they also have an account, they can't see it. Your pictures, videos and everything else is stranded in a walled garden, cut off from the rest of the web.
  • Like locked cell phones and copy-protected music, Facebook is on the wrong side of the open-network debate. Facebook is a sealed bubble. Facebook users are locked into Facebook, just as iTunes locks music fans to Apple's iPod.
    • Kevin Champion
      This is exactly why I have always been reluctant to use Facebook. It´s the same reason I don´t have an ipod. I cannot stand the thought that my content or media will be confined to one place. It seems Facebook starts closed and is slowly opening, whereas this article suggests starting open and then slowly closing might be better (perhaps not closing at all). The one thing Facebook has been successful with is getting people to use it. However, I submit there is something wrong when it´s most discerning users still are not comfortable with it.
  • We would like to place an open call to the web-programming community to solve this problem. We need a new framework based on open standards. Think of it as a structure that links individual sites and makes explicit social relationships, a way of defining micro social networks within the larger network of the web.
    • Kevin Champion
      This is very similar to the ideas I have been having about what the quorum online would look like. All of these services suffer the fate of trying to be the end-all service. The one and only greatest. This is fragmenting us and keeping us from meeting up online. I want to collaborate with people but it seems like most of the time I first have to convince them to use the tool/service I am using to collaborate with, or I have to submit and use theirs. Our conversations can´t even begin until we´ve hashed out these meta-conversations (conversations about how best to have conversations). It all becomes incredibly taxing, and so we are just left fragmented.
Adam Bohannon About DEMO - 0 views

  • DEMO is the premier launch venue for new products, technologies and companies. For more than 16 years, DEMO has established a reputation for identifying and presenting to an elite audience the products most likely to have a significant impact on the marketplace and market trends in the coming year. Each product is carefully screened and selected by DEMO's Executive Producer, Chris Shipley, one of the top trend spotters in the personal technology product industry. DEMO is held two times a year; one in February, and one in September.
Kevin Champion

At $1 per Watt, the iTunes of Solar Energy Has Arrived | - 0 views

  • A Silicon Valley start-up called Nanosolar shipped its first solar panels -- priced at $1 a watt. That's the price at which solar energy gets cheaper than coal. Curious that this story is not on every front page.
  • While other companies have been focusing their efforts on increasing the efficiency of solar panels, Nanosolar took a different approach. It focused on manufacturing.
  • Nanosolar has developed proprietary process technology that makes it possible to produce 100x thinner solar cells 100x faster.
Kevin Champion

Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology - A Group Blog » Are our best... - 0 views

    • Kevin Champion
      While I have not gone to grad school, and thus I am not an authority on the matter, one very large motivation for not going is something like this fear. I do not want to put myself in a situation where I am forced to study, read, and write about things that are of little importance to me. I would much rather pursue my own interests. Thus far, I have found this approach to be rather prolific, reading a book a week and working on numerous projects. I also find it very interesting how defensive these people are in the comments to this post. They seem to disagree whole-heartedly. This raises flags for me, flags of ignorance. Perhaps they are purposefully looking the other way. What do you think?
  • It seems that while most faculty (and, I would add, many students) assume that people drop out because they aren’t up to snuff, it may in fact be that the best students are finding that it is graduate school which isn’t up to snuff. Especially women.
Adam Bohannon

BBC NEWS | Americas | Che: The icon and the ad - 0 views

  • "Che Guevara has become a brand. And the brand's logo is the image, which represents change. It has becomes the icon of the outside thinker, at whatever level - whether it is anti-war, pro-green or anti-globalisation," she says. Its presence - everywhere from walls in the Palestinian territories to Parisian boutiques - makes it an image that is "out of control", she adds. "It has become a corporation, an empire, at this point."
  • "There is a theory that an image can only exist for a certain amount of time before capitalism appropriates it. But capitalism only wants to appropriate images if they retain some sense of danger," Ms Ziff says.
  • But in Latin America, she points out, Che Guevara's face remains a symbol of armed revolution and indigenous struggle.
Kevin Champion

YouTube - Do you have Facebook? - 0 views

shared by Kevin Champion on 11 Jul 07 - Cached
    • Kevin Champion
      Is this just the reality of the web now, in a positive sense that we control what image and information we put out there? Or, is this really something to worry about?
Kevin Champion

Advertising Age - Digital - 23-Year-Old Mark Zuckerberg Has Google Sweating - 0 views

  • Owen Van Natta, Facebook's chief operating officer, said a visit to will uncover all the product recommendations one might want but the value can be limited in the anonymity of the people posting the reviews. On the other hand, if you take your online activities and put them through the filter of the people you know well, those actions take on greater meaning.
    • Kevin Champion
      This is exactly what I have been saying about the web for a long time, and especially recently. We need intersection of real and virtual worlds. I use the internet to connect with people I know. Connecting with random people is only marginally useful and usually novelty. Facebook, however, has a long way to be what it could be... or rather what I want from the web. An extension of, and motivation force for, community. Connections with people I know.
  • All of this works, Mr. Van Natta said, because Facebook inhabits the intersection of the web and real life, and its connections are between real people who know each other.
Kevin Champion

NPR: Americans Skip a Page When It Comes to Reading - 0 views

    • Kevin Champion
      I bet developmental psychology a la Ken Wilber could offer some interesting explanations here.
    • Kevin Champion
      Hmm... wonder if Marshall McLuhan's "hot" and "cold" media has anything to do with this.
Adam Bohannon

BBC NEWS | Business | Costa Rica supports US trade deal - 0 views

  • With 89% of votes counted, 51.7% backed the treaty.
  • Five other Central American countries have already ratified the agreement. Costa Rica is the only country to hold a referendum on the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which will also cover Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
  • Correspondents say its adoption by Costa Rica will be welcomed by Washington, which is keen to maintain its influence in Latin America to counter that of socialist leaders in Venezuela and Cuba.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Costa Ricans have for many years enjoyed more stability and a higher standard of living and public services than their neighbours in Central America. Earlier Mr Arias said a "No" vote would undermine that position. "Costa Rica would be saying 'no' to a market of 300 million inhabitants, and that would be a grave error," he said. The issue has provoked repeated protests in Costa Rica, including a two-day strike by public workers last year.
Kevin Champion

Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph - 0 views

  • Ultimately make the social graph a community asset, utilizing the data from all the different sites, but not depending on any company or organization as "the" central graph owner.
  • A user should then be able to log into a social application (e.g. for the first time, ideally but not necessarily with OpenID, and be presented with a dialog like, "Hey, we see from public information elsewhere that you already have 28 friends already using dopplr, shown below with rationale about why we're recommending them (what usernames they are on other sites). Which do you want to be friends with here? Or click 'select-all'."
  • Establish a non-profit and open source software (with copyrights held by the non-profit) which collects, merges, and redistributes the graphs from all other social network sites into one global aggregated graph.
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