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Wave Energy Pros and Cons - Tidal and Ocean Wave Power Still Niche Technologies | Green... - 2 views

  • Wave Power is quite immature,costly and unproven in large scale. While some companies have made good progress, the technology remains largely unproven and has only been put to actual test in pilot cases.
  • While Wave Energy has been known since the 1700s the progress has been extremely slow.
  • Severe Weather like Storms and Typhoons can be quite devastating on the Wave Power Equipment especially those place on the Sea Floor.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • One of the biggest problems of Renewable Power is that it is intermittent in nature as it generates energy only when there are waves. This problem can be solved with energy storage however this leads to additional costs.
  • This is a disadvantage which is common to all  the 3 types of Water based Energy that is Tidal, Hydro and Waver Energy. Some forms of Energy are just better suited to some places.
  • A Wave Power Plant can cost around$6-10 million million to be spent in building 1 Megawatt.
  • The sight of wave generators around the shoreline can look quite ugly and cause loss of tourism potential around shorelines. Also local residents can have problems even with wave power equipment which is not far offshore. The Cape Wind Energy project off the shore of Massachusetts has been delayed by over 10 years as it has drawn serious objections from the owners of coastal homes about loss in their property values.
  • Wave Power generate power quite far away from the consumption of electricity. Transportation of Wave Energy can be quite cumbersome and expensive. Some Wave Energy Generators are converting power at the bottom of the ocean or far away from the shoreline. Moving that power towards where it is used can be difficult.
  • Waver Energy does not require any fuel like most other sources of energy
  • Wave Energy is powered by the waves of the ocean which are totally free just like Wind and Sunlight.
  • Wave Energy Generators can be installed in various sizes with as little as 1 MW. This is not possible for other energy forms which require a minimum large size such as Coal, Nuclear etc.

My Library - 0 views


Wave (geography) - GCSE Wiki - 0 views

  • Wave energy is generally affected by three main factors: Wind speed - higher wind speed means more wave energy, because the energy is transfered from the wind to the wave. Fetch - the distance of open water over which the wave has travelled across makes a big differenece on wave height and wave energy, as a longer fetch gives the waves longer to 'grow'. Wind duration - with a longer storm, the waves will be bigger.

History of BioFuel | - 0 views

  • Fueling up with ethanol and vegetable oils  was common long before the development of the internal combustion engine. Vegetable and animal oil lamps have been used since the dawn of civilization. Increasingly efficient heaters and lamps meant that higher quality fuels were developed.  For example, small alcohol stoves (also called “spirit lamps”) were commonly used by travelers in the 17th century to warm food and themselves. One of Ben Franklin’s spirit lamps is on display in a Philadelphia exhibit.
  • Fueling up with ethanol and vegetable oils  was common long before the development of the internal combustion engine. Vegetable and animal oil lamps have been used since the dawn of civilization. Increasingly efficient heaters and lamps meant that higher quality fuels were developed.  For example, small alcohol stoves (also called “spirit lamps”) were commonly used by travelers in the 17th century to warm food and themselves. One of Ben Franklin’s spirit lamps is on display in a Philadelphia exhibit.
  • At the end of WWI, gasoline quality was declining, and Detroit dropped the standard compression ratio to 3.8 to one. According to Scientific American in 1919, there were to options. One, lower the compression ratio even further, sacrificing efficiency but allowing the continued use of low-grade petroleum.  Or two, use more ethanol in the fuel mix in order to conserve petroleum and allow the creation of more efficient, higher compression engines.  The choice was further skewed in the direction of ethanol when the US Geological Survey announced, in 1920, that oil was running out.[20]
    "Around the 1850s, lamp fuels in the US and Europe were usually made from animal and vegetable oils, often combined with alcohol.  "Camphene" (a camphor oil scented blend of turpentine and ethanol) was by far the leading fuel in the US with at least 90 million gallons sold per year.[14] But a tax on all alcohol in the US, including industrial alcohol for lamps, meant that other sources of illuminants were needed.  The kerosene industry arose as a direct result of this tax on its competitor - and not because whales were running out, as the "whale oil" myth would have it. "Kerosene" was named as the solar (keros) fuel in imitation of  "camphene." The highly volatile byproduct, called "gasoline" in the hope it would be used in municipal gas light systems, was usually blended unsafely into lamp fuels, or just poured into streams or burned off."

Reducing the Cost of Fuel Cells - 0 views

  • Most folks don’t realize the depth of the economic problem that fuels cells pose for mass adoption.  Often there are price quotes running in the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.  That’s because the catalysts of choice are the noble metals platinum or palladium.  These are very rare metals, more so than gold and have considerable market presence already in the automotive field.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell | Yale Office of Sustainability - 1 views

  • At 250 kilowatts, the fuel cell produces 40-50% of the electricity for the Environmental Science Center. Its electricity production alone is 47% effective, and the addition of heat recovery allows for up to 60% efficiency
  • While designed to run on pure hydrogen, Yale’s fuel cell is actually powered by natural gas, 80% of which is usable hydrogen. The fuel cell takes in natural gas and water and produces water, electricity, and hot air.
    Explains what this energy source is best suited for and how this energy source reduces other forms of pollution

HowStuffWorks "Algae Biodiesel Engineering: Extracting Oil from Algae " - 0 views

  • How can we get oil from algae? It's like getting juice from an orange -- with an additional chemical reaction thrown in

NREL: Learning - Biofuels Basics - 0 views

  • Unlike other renewable energy sources, biomass can be converted directly into liquid fuels, called "biofuels," to help meet transportation fuel needs
  • Today, ethanol is made from starches and sugars, but NREL scientists are developing technology to allow it to be made from cellulose and hemicellulose,

The History Of Biofuel - 0 views

  • First of all, biofuels come in many varieties, but in general, there are two main products, those that replace (or blend with) gasoline, and those that replace (or are blended with) middle distillate fuels, such as diesel fuel, or home heating oil.

Energy from Wind Power - 0 views

  • Wind energy is a pollution-free, infinitely sustainable form of energy. It doesn’t use fuel; it doesn’t produce greenhouse gasses and it doesn’t produce toxic or radioactive waste.
Connor Wiggins

Fuel Cells Information, Fuel Cells Facts, Fuel Cells Technology - National Geographic - 0 views

  • A fuel cell is a device that uses a source of fuel, such as hydrogen, and an oxidant to create electricity from an electrochemical process.
  • Most fuel cells in use today, however, use hydrogen and oxygen as the chemicals.
  • Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it is difficult to store and distribute. Canisters of pure hydrogen are readily available from hydrogen producers, but as of now, you can't just fill up with hydrogen at a local gas station.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • All fuel cells have the same basic configuration; an electrolyte and two electrodes. But there are different types of fuel cells, based mainly on what kind of electrolyte they use.
  • All fuel cells have the same basic configuration; an electrolyte and two electrodes. But there are different types of fuel cells, based mainly on what kind of electrolyte they use.
    According to many experts, we may soon find ourselves using fuel cells to generate electrical power for all sorts of devices we use every day
jack wells

Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study - Telegraph - 0 views

  • Wind farms can cause climate change, according to new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures.
  • Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools. But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.
    • dpurdy
      What this means is that close to the wind farm there is a local warming, not a global impact.

How Fuel Cells Work - 1 views

    • combspat98
      pictue and descripiton of how fuel cells work

Group items matching "change future" in title, tags, annotations or url - qmstech2 | Di... - 0 views

  • We are working to produce biofuels that are low cost, low carbon, sustainable and able to fulfil the world’s transportation fuel needs on a large scale without compromising food production

Group items matching "hydrogen potential" in title, tags, annotations or url - qmstech2... - 0 views

    if we fix our problems with price and how we make it hydrogen, we have the potential to generate all of our electrical need using fuel cells 

Wave power conversion systems for electrical energy production | Leonardo ENERGY - 1 views

  • Sea waves have associated a form of renewable energy which can be captured by using a hydro mechanical device that in turn drives an electrical generator to produce electrical energy.

Fuel cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • There were 140,000 fuel cell stacks shipped globally in 2010
  • although, as of 2010, no public company in the industry had yet become profitable
    actually a pretty decent site to find info on hydrogen

Solar Power Energy Information, Solar Power Energy Facts - National Geographic - 0 views

  • Every hour the sun beams onto Earth more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs for an entire year. Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable. Today, the technology produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand.
  • In one technique, long troughs of U-shaped mirrors focus sunlight on a pipe of oil that runs through the middle. The hot oil then boils water for electricity generation. Another technique uses moveable mirrors to focus the sun's rays on a collector tower, where a receiver sits. Molten salt flowing through the receiver is heated to run a generator.
  • Despite the drawbacks, solar energy use has surged at about 20 percent a year over the past 15 years, thanks to rapidly falling prices and gains in efficiency. Japan, Germany, and the United States are major markets for solar cells. With tax incentives, solar electricity can often pay for itself in five to ten years.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Solar energy is lauded as an inexhaustible fuel source that is pollution and often noise free. The technology is also versatile.
    " Today, the technology produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand."
    Intriguing facts about the suns energy on how they use it on oil and the drawback 
    Every hour the sun beams onto Earth more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs for an entire year. Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable. Today, the technology produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand.

Re: How is tidal power converted to electricity? - 0 views

  • Tidal Energy originates from gravitational energy. Imagine you have a damn- like structure built along a river. During the high tide, the water flows into the river, causing the turbine to rotate and thus generating electricity. During the low tide, the water flows from the river to the sea, again, turning the turbine. (An electricity generating turbine consists of rotating wires surrounded by strong fixed magnetic field)
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