The objective of 21st century learning is to build capacity in areas that promote a resilient society capable of effectively adapting to rapid change. It represents a shift in emphasis from the instruction of facts to a model which focuses on competencies such as critical thinking, character, creativity, innovation, as well as digital and computer literacy.
such as displaying an excerpt from a work on a smartboard as long as the work is not commercially available for purchase.
The use of works that are legally available from a freely accessible website is also allowed as long as there is no clearly visible notice prohibiting the use of the work or there is no technological measure limiting access to the work.
If you find a key paragraph about the topic your students are researching, you can highlight it and then bookmark the page. As long as you're logged into Diigo, every time you visit that page, the paragraph will be highlighted
Highlight text and pictures in a variety of colors and add sticky notes to a bookmarked page
Categorize websites with titles, notes, keyword tags, lists, and groups