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Home/ QAIS Teachers/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Daryl Bambic

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Daryl Bambic

Daryl Bambic

Des iPad obligatoires au Collège Jean-Eudes | Marie-Eve Morasse | Produits él... - 4 views

    Always good to know what direction others are moving in.  
Daryl Bambic

ccMixter - Welcome to ccMixter - 7 views

    • Daryl Bambic
      Sir Ken Robinson would probably agree.
Daryl Bambic

Best of History Web Sites - 1 views

    Tom Daccord is an award winning history teacher and a Montrealer now located in Boston Mass where he teaches teachers.
Daryl Bambic

Lesson Plans - Student Learning with Diigo - 0 views

  • Diigo is an awesome tool to use in the classroom. Teachers across the globe have used the social bookmarking tool to motivate and engage students in collaborative learning
    A website with resources and ideas for using Diigo.
Daryl Bambic

Connected Principals | Sharing. Learning. Leading. - 1 views

    An international blog for administrators learning from each other.
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