Staff Values
People and Community: We value and respect each person, both as an individual and as an integral part of this and other communities.
Excellence and Responsibility: We hold ourselves to high standards of quality, responsibility, and accountability in our work.
Collaboration: As an ensemble, we value mutuality, group process, shared decision-making and open communication.
Diversity: We believe in the importance and complexity of honoring and learning from diversity.
Honesty and Integrity: We aim to be straightforward and sincere in our communications and interactions with others.
Learning: We hope to nurture individual and organizational growth that is rooted in experience, intentional reflection and multiple ways of knowing.
Commitment to a Shared Vision: We derive continual inspiration from our mission and sense of common purpose.
Celebration: We take time to acknowledge and appreciate one another and our accomplishments.
Creativity: The dynamic context of our work requires a commitment to thoughtful exploration and a willingness to take risks.
Advancement of Social Equity: Social justice and civic values are core values for each of us, as well as at the heart of our mission as a center.