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Gareth Furber

Depression and Creativity Symposium Webcast (Library of Congress) - 0 views

    TITLE: "Depression and Creativity" Symposium SPEAKER: Kay Redfield Jamison, Terence Ketter, Peter Whybrow EVENT DATE: 02/03/2009 RUNNING TIME: 124 minutes DESCRIPTION: Kay Redfield Jamison, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Mood Disorders Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, convened a discussion of the effects of depression on creativity. Joining Jamison were two distinguished colleagues from the fields of neurology and neuropsychiatry, Dr. Terence Ketter and Dr. Peter Whybrow. The Music and the Brain series is co-sponsored by the Library's Music Division and Science, Technology and Business Division, in cooperation with the Dana Foundation. The "Depression and Creativity" symposium marks the bicentennial of the birth of German composer Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), who died after a severe depression following the death of his sister, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, also a gifted composer. Speaker Biography: One of the nation's most influential writers on creativity and the mind, Kay Redfield Jamison is a noted authority on bipolar disorder. She is the co-author of the standard medical text on manic-depressive illness and author of "Touched with Fire," "An Unquiet Mind," "Night Falls Fast" and "Exuberance: The Vital Emotion." Speaker Biography: Dr. Terence Ketter is known for extensive clinical work with exceptionally creative individuals and a strong interest in the relationship of creativity and madness. He is professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and chief of the Bipolar Disorders Clinic at Stanford University School of Medicine. Speaker Biography: Dr. Peter Whybrow, an authority on depression and manic-depressive disease, is director of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is also the Judson Braun Distinguished Professor and executive chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at th
MrGhaz .

Laughter: The Best Medicine? A Hilarious Cure - 0 views

    Laughter, he decided, was the best medicine, and Cousins started to watch classic episodes of the television program Candid Camera. "I made the joyous discovery," he wrote later, "that 10 minutes of genuine belly laughter…would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep".

Modern Times Helpline Pharma - Exporter of Gefitinib Medicines & Erlotinib Tablets from... - 1 views

    Gefitinib Medicines, Erlotinib Tablets & Sorafenib Tosylate Exporter offered by Modern Times Helpline Pharma from New Delhi, Delhi, India
Barbara Smith

The Health Service That You Truly Deserve - 1 views

I have been suffering from my migraine for several years already. The medicines which I used only gave me temporary relief but did not really solve my problem. I was already hopeless thinking that ...

started by Barbara Smith on 10 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
John Clement

Highly Skilled Duct Cleaners - 1 views

I have noticed that almost all of us at home got some allergies that cannot be completely healed despite the kind of medicines that we took. I already suspected that it could have been caused by th...

started by John Clement on 18 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Mike Mandel, Leading Forensic Hypnotist - 0 views

    In this exciting interview, Mike Mandel - forensic hypnotist, master of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and consultant for the Canadian police force - shares the priceless lessons he's learned after practicing hypnosis for 40 years. Like many great tales of success, in his interview he reveals the interesting story behind it all that's made up of life lessons, failure, doubt and perseverance. Oh, and in this instance, some wise advice from an old Chinese medicine book. You'll also discover his trick for getting into an amazing mental state, and some invaluable insights he wished someone had told him at the start of his career... Intrigued? Visit to listen to this exclusive interview now…
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