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Gareth Furber

Neuroscience & psychology blogs « Neurophilosophy - 0 views

    great list of psychology and neuroscience blogs
Tero Toivanen

Cognitive Daily: A quick eye-exercise can improve your performance on memory tests (but... - 1 views

  • If you're taking a test of rote memorization, like words from a list, move your eyes from side to side for about 30 seconds before you start.
  • It may be that this quick activity helps facilitate interaction between the brain hemispheres.
  • any activity that encourages communication between the hemispheres is likely to increase recall.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • people who have poorer interactions between the hemispheres should benefit more than others. Who has less interactions between hemispheres? People who are strongly right-handed.
  • Strongly right-handed students remembered significantly more words if they moved their eyes compared to keeping their eyes still. Non-strongly-right-handed students (including left-handers) remembered the same number of words regardless of whether they moved their eyes before the test.
  • strongly right-handed students had significantly fewer false alarms after they moved their eyes back and forth. But for non-strongly-right-handed people, the reverse occurred; moving their eyes caused them to falsely remember more words. So overall, while the eye-saccade exercise helped right-handers, for lefties and for those who didn't have a strongly dominant hand, the exercise actually harmed their performance.
  • You might think that only side-to-side movement would improve performance, but Lyle's team found that moving your eyes up and down caused the same effect.
  • researchers say that other studies have shown that any eye movements increase bilateral activity in the frontal eye field, so it's still possible that hemispheric connectivity can explain the improved performance after eye movements.
  • So why doesn't the exercise work the same way for left-handers? Left handers (and ambidextrous individuals) already have a high level of hemispheric connectivity. Lyle's team speculates that there might be such a thing as too much connectivity, which results in a decrease in performance.
Hypnosis Training Academy

8 Effective Hypnosis Techniques to Deal with Insomnia - 0 views

    Curious to discover how you can use hypnosis for insomnia? Yes? Great, you've come to the right place. The Hypnosis Training Academy has compiled a list of 8 proven hypnosis techniques for better sleep, energy, and health. This in-depth article discusses the causes of insomnia, the medical side effects of prolonged sleeplessness, 9 non-hypnotic lifestyle changes that can help, in addition to 8 proven hypnosis techniques that'll get to the root cause of insomnia. If you'd like to learn how hypnosis can be used to treat sleep disorders, you won't want to miss this article. Read it, share it and never stop enhancing your hypnosis skills!
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