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Spellbound et psychanalyse / Spellbound and Psychoanalysis - 0 views

    This paper was presented at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, held from 31 March to 2 April 2000. * * * Hermia: Methinks I see these things with parted eye, When everything seems double… Demetrius: Are you sure That we are awake? It seems to me That yet we sleep, we dream. A Midsummer Night's Dream, IV, ii, 192-197. Just about everything about Hitchcock's Spellbound (1945) seems double, not least the film's critical reputation. On the one hand, Andrew Britton, not a man to equivocate, declares that "one can make no claim forSpellbound as an achieved work of art," citing, among its shortcomings, "the discrepancy between surface and implication, the grotesque uncertainty of tone (especially noticeable in the wildly clashing conventions of the acting) and the frequent banality of the script" (83). Many, even among Hitchcock's admirers, would agree.Spellbound is, in fact, not spellbinding, not one of Hitchcock's masterworks, not a Rear Window (1954) nor aVertigo (1958). On the other hand, though, it is, as Marshall Deutelbaum and Leland Poague point out, the first of Hitchcock's films in which "questions of visualization and displacement, of guilt conjured up and denied - questions which will eventually inform such films as Rear Window and Vertigo - become overt subject matter"

Dispartion Jean-Bertrand Pontalis - 0 views

    J.B. PONTALIS dans son bureau en 2011. Né un 15 janvier (1924), Jean-Bertrand Lefèvre-Pontalis est mort ce 15 janvier (2013). Il avait 89 ans. Agrégé de philosophie, psychanalyste, éditeur et romancier, il avait notamment reçu le prix Valery-Larbaud pour «Traversée des ombres» (2003) et le prix Médicis pour «Frère du précédent» (2006). (SIPA) (BISSON BERNARD/JDD/SIPA)

Best of College of Lay Analysis / BEST ONLINE COLLEGES FOR PSYCHOLOGY - 0 views

    Comment of the original texts from which Freud's texts prove a fertility unprecedented in this area and is far from exhausting itself over time. This is the safest way and most rational p ... View More description University of psychoanalysis aimed at the training of analysts. Currently, there is yet no classes, the initiative is at the beginning, then they are psychoanalysts who spontaneously offer a reflection and form a cartel (eg, psychosis) in multilingual spaces. This is a long-term initiative, everything depends on the quality of teachers and the originality of their articles.

University of psychoanalysis. - 0 views

    * Because as psychoanalysis works are meant to be read, and not to be piled, stacked, arranged, lined in bookshelves, our ideas are made to be called, published, discussed, proposed, otherwise they do not exist. * Because internet traffic movement, and it is better that our ideas are taken as living in a gangue of silence. * Because of the action as well as supports and validates the decision, I write (and I do not think it could be otherwise, here I assume that the subjective joined the lens, rather than the singular or my gesture joined the collective act of writing) and I can only write in a gesture that is continuous, that does not stop because everyday gestures come to intersect with it. Only there is a natural place for this, which is a space where one is asked to leave his name at the door and where the words flowing. * Because the dynamics of the publication supports the dynamics of writing, confirms, corroborates it.

Psychoanalysis in Palestine 1918-1948 The origins of the analytic movement Israeli Pref... - 0 views

    "... The intention of the Zionist organization in our university create Jerusalem a chair psychoanalysis meets my most fervent wishes. I also expressed my belief that the choice of Dr. Wulff to represent our young science is a good choice. "

J.Lacan and Zen ( Fr - Angl ) - 0 views

    What is psychoanalysis, I asked someone who was hostile? Not teach it not to distinguish conscious from unconscious? - Yes, I replied. So, he concludes, it is a truism as stupid as the others, such as "when one is not great is that we are small." Can we say that the thought is not equal to the reflected consciousness is equal to the unconscious? -

MANIFESTO FOR Psychoanalysis CIFPR & Manifesto for psychoanalysis Tassigny Frans (fr-angl) - 0 views

    Ne prétendons plus à la neutralité mais tenons compte de l'efficace psychanalytique et de sa résistance, de ses spéculations et stratagèmes, interpellons de façon critique, ouvrons des brèches: c'est oeuvrer à la psychanalyse "en fracas". Faut-il encore soumettre le discours psychanalytique à la rigueur de la preuve, aux chaînes de la conséquences , aux contraintes internes du collectif? Faut-il toujours articuler et surtout ne plus ignorer ce que certains voudraient laisser tomber ou réduire sous les dogmes de diverses chapelles? Faut-il enfin déterminer la spécificité de l'après-coup psychanalytique et de ce qu'elle arraisonne?

Anna and Sigmund Freud, Correspondence 1904-1938 / The great adventure of the talking c... - 0 views

    Double fate of Anna Freud as a woman and as an analyst is built around the ambiguity of his desire to please - and not offend - the father, but also around the ambiguity of his desire him, Freud, vis-à-vis his daughter. It does not cease to warn, and that very soon, against potential suitors, and first and foremost against Jones, whom he suspects of wanting to woo Anna, then aged nineteen, when it 's is made only in England

Women Psychoanalysts in France ( fr - angl ) - 0 views

    Women Psychoanalysts in France 167 PAGES DE BIOGRAPHIES Annie Anzieu Jenny Aubry Piera Aulagnier Marie Balmary Laurence Bataille Anne Berman Marie Bonaparte Françoise Boulanger (Canada) DeniseBraunschweig Elsa Breuer Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel MaryseChoisy Françoise Dolto Judith Dupont Micheline Enriquez Solange Faladé Juliette Favez-Boutonier Marcelle Geber Florence Guignard Dominique Guyomard Luce Irigaray Évelyne Kestemberg Julia Kristeva Paulette Laforgue Anne Levallois Maud Mannoni JoyceMcDougall CatherineMillot MichèleMontrelay Sophie Morgenstern Marie Moscovici Gisela Pankow Catherine Parat Ginette Raimbault Blanche Reverchon-Jouve ÉlisabethRoudinesco Monique Schneider Eugénie Sokolnicka Anne-Lise Stern Maria Torok Nathalie Zaltzman

'Between Man and Beast,' by Monte Reel - - 0 views

    "human exceptionalism"

Best of College of Lay Analysis ( angl-fr) fairness - 0 views

    Psychoanalysts since Freud thought they passed psychoanalysis alone, and then only in the context of the analytic cure: set of mirrors where the "shrink" was even here the "knowing" possession of knowledge and discourse the man, his mental and psychic life? OR, the analyst, in principle ... is at the heart of the cure being "psychoanalysis" as an issue of transmission. He puts this object, emphasizing this no word could contain the whole truth. "There is no metalanguage". No words can all say anything. Word and things, words and ideas are lame to conjoin. Tinker, tinker, and see: the small screws never find their right ankles ... Why prohibit psychoanalysis, often when we saw outside the inner circle of Schools, to be also affected by this impossible? There had he not, in everyday life as an object of knowledge that few could pass, but contain them all?

Interview with Slavoj Zizek ( angl - fr ) - 0 views

    The following interview with Slavoj Zizek took place on the morning of September 29, 2003, at the Hilton Palmer House, a golden age era hotel in downtown Chicago. In the luxurious lobby of the hotel, it was easy to spot the bearded Zizek among businessmen nattily dressed and well-healed tourists.

Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism - 0 views

    This two-day conference, supported by the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism (Birkbeck, University of London), Birkbeck College, University of London and the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies of the University of Essex, will bring together historians, social theorists and psychoanalysts to explore the impact of the Second World War and totalitarianism on psychoanalysis, and of psychoanalysis on the understanding of the war and totalitarian systems

Lacan était un imbécile ...Jacques Lacan Was a Fool by George Elerick - 0 views

    Elerick attempts to interpret what it means to be a Christian in light of Lacan's famous, but asinine, proposition: "I think where I am not, therefore I am where I do not think." What should be immediately present to everyone who reads the proposition is that it is self-contradictory, for it at once denies the possibility of the individual subject to think itself (or re-present itself to itself) by affirming an inexorable fact about the Self, thereby speaking in absolute and universal terms and negating itself. In other words, if Lacan is right about the nature of the individual self/ego, then he is simultaneously wrong. And if he is wrong, which he is, then why bother with the man anymore?

Psychoanalysis outside meaning / La psychanalyse hors sens - 0 views

    Abstract: Forty years after the writing of The Stuns Lacan and ten years after the first philological reading of the text, Fierens gives us a new interpretation quite dazzling.

Jacques Arena, Believe in God's time fragile. Psychoanalysis of mourning for God (fr-angl) - 0 views

    If "death of God" or "the output of religion", these emblems of modern disenchantment, require thinking in terms radically new man in a world robbed of all transcendence, that he must go TODAY ' Today the central question of the subject?

Psychoanalysts show their analysis - 0 views

    It is recognized that the personal psychoanalysis by psychoanalysts is necessary for their training and their psychoanalytic practice. most often they are implicit allusions scattered in their theoretical and clinical texts. But sometimes they make explicit stories

Successful and Schizophrenic / The Psychology of Gang Rape: Dissecting Stuebenville - 0 views

    THIRTY years ago, I was given a diagnosis of schizophrenia. My prognosis was "grave": I would never live independently, hold a job, find a loving partner, get married. My home would be a board-and-care facility, my days spent watching TV in a day room with other people debilitated by mental illness. I would work at menial jobs when my symptoms were quiet. & Sex Crimes and Small Town Exaltation of Athletes in an Era of Anonymous by Darrah Le Montre On August 11/12th of last year, a 16-year old girl in Steubenville, Ohio, was allegedly repeatedly sexually assaulted by members of Steubenville High School's almighty Big Red Football team. When the story subsequently broke worldwide, it divided a small town and forced us to question the future of our men.

The Anti-Freud: Bennett Roth's Review of the Film The Master ( angl - fr ) - 0 views

    A dystopian film. " THE MASTER" For some time I was occupied by a search for a title for this review of 'The Master'; Paul Thomas Anderson's 70 mm film homage to post war alienation and deceit. Anderson is a student of film history while his being an auteur is essential to understanding his intent. He stands on the shoulders of earlier filmmakers, influenced by them and seeking to relate his version of the "American Dream".

Beckett and Bion - 0 views

    Ce document a été rédigé pour l' Beckett et à Londres la conférence qui a eu lieu au Goldsmiths College, Londres en 1998. The ascertainable facts about Beckett's period of psychoanalysis with Wilfred Bion are, like the prayers of the lukewarm soul, faint and few. Beckett was a young man of 27 who had taken the first steps in his literary career, with the publication of `Whoroscope', Proust, Echo's Bones and, shortly after beginning analysis, More Pricks Than Kicks. After his years of promise and freedom at the Ecole Normale, during which time he came to know Joyce and begun to make out a reputation and literary career for himself, Beckett had suffered a series of reverses.
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