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scientific reseach:"Sensitive" people are mentally ill! - scientific research - 0 views

    scientific reseach:"Sensitive" people are mentally ill!.. Late research has affirmed that over the top passionate affectability may prompt a condition of craziness and mental issue

Portable Breath test device for detecting head and neck cancer - 0 views

    The new device, equipped with extremely sensitive sensors, has been tested on patients and operates with a computer or even a mobile phone. It's an innovative tool for the early diagnosis of tumours.
    The new device, equipped with extremely sensitive sensors, has been tested on patients and operates with a computer or even a mobile phone. It's an innovative tool for the early diagnosis of tumours.
thinkahol *

Study finds 'magic mushrooms' may improve personality long-term | The Raw Story - 0 views

    A new study suggests that a single dose of psilocybin -- the active ingredient in "Magic Mushrooms" -- can result in improved personality traits over the long term. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that individuals who received the drug once in a clinical setting reported a greater sense of "openness" that often lasted 14 months or longer, according to study published this week in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. The study defined openness as a personality trait that "encompasses aesthetic appreciation and sensitivity, imagination and fantasy, and broad-minded tolerance of others' viewpoints and values." It is one of five main personality traits that are shared among all cultures worldwide. Of the 51 participants, 30 had personality changes that left them feeling more open. Other personality traits (extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness) were not impacted. Only the participants who said they had a "complete mystical experience" while on the drug registered an increased sense of openness. "The mystical experience has certain qualities," lead author Katherine MacLean said. "The primary one is that you feel a certain kind of connectedness and unity with everything and everyone." Because personality traits are generally considered to remain stable throughout a persons lifetime, researchers are excited about therapeutic implications of the study. "[T]his study shows that psilocybin actually changes one domain of personality that is strongly related to traits such as imagination, feeling, abstract ideas and aesthetics, and is considered a core construct underlying creativity in general," study author Roland R. Griffiths told USA Today. "And the changes we see appear to be long-term."     
José Cavalcante

The Brain Rejects Inequality | Brain Blogger - 24 views

    Behavioral and anthropological evidence show that humans dislike social inequality and unfair distribution of outcomes. But this evidence is not purely social, anymore, since researchers at the California Institute of Technology and Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, have identified reward centers in the brain that are sensitive to inequality.
    nice. So we want to give, we enjoy doing so. Then why are we so distant from one another? Why are friendships so hard to form as you get older?
    şifa deryasınına dalıp fıkıh pınarından faydalanabilceğiniz hadis şerbetinle tatlanıp kısadan hiselerle hayalle gercek arasında gidip geleceğiniz,bazen tasavvuf aleminden bir derviş bazense rüya eleminden bir resime bakacagınız siteleri hayatınızdan bir kesit olacktır.
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