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Cole Camplese

Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade - - 4 views

  • According to Cathy N. Davidson, co-director of the annual MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competitions, fully 65 percent of today’s grade-school kids may end up doing work that hasn’t been invented yet.
  • For those two-thirds of grade-school kids, if for no one else, it’s high time we redesigned American education.
  • What she recommends, in fact, looks much more like a classical education than it does the industrial-era holdover system that still informs our unrenovated classrooms.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • An institutional grudge match with the young can sabotage an entire culture.
  • When we criticize students for making digital videos instead of reading “Gravity’s Rainbow,” or squabbling on instead of watching “The Candidate,” we are blinding ourselves to the world as it is.
  • But digital video and Web politics are intellectually robust and stimulating, profitable and even pleasurable.
  • It’s possible that any of these educational approaches would be more appropriate to the digital era than the one we have now.
  • “What if bad writing is a product of the form of writing required in school — the term paper — and not necessarily intrinsic to a student’s natural writing style or thought process?” She adds: “What if ‘research paper’ is a category that invites, even requires, linguistic and syntactic gobbledygook?”
  • Her recommendations center on one of the most astounding revelations of the digital age: Even academically reticent students publish work prolifically, subject it to critique and improve it on the Internet. This goes for everything from political commentary to still photography to satirical videos — all the stuff that parents and teachers habitually read as “distraction.”
  • The new classroom should teach the huge array of complex skills that come under the heading of digital literacy. And it should make students accountable on the Web, where they should regularly be aiming, from grade-school on, to contribute to a wide range of wiki projects.
    Reminds me of the things Chris Long and I were trying to articulate in our Hacking Pedagogy talk from last year's LDSC.  Must read.
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