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Mr Casal

50 Online Tools to Convert Documents and Media Files | Technically Digital - 0 views

    Downloading a document only to find that you do not have the application to open it can be frustrating. Thankfully however there are numerous web apps that help you out of this predicament. We have gathered 50 such online tools that help you convert not only digital documents but also images and various other media files. Read on to find the tools and see which ones suit your needs best.
Mr Casal

Awesome Visual on How to Use Google Drive with Students ~ Educational Technology and Mo... - 0 views

    "Google Drive is absolutely one of the essential tools in your teaching digital tool kit. Using Google Drive you can have both a cloud storage service available for you anytime anywhere together with a powerful productivity suite that includes tools to write a document, create a drawing, build a presentation, or make a spreadsheet. Now with the syncing functionalities Google introduced lately, you can start a document or presentation on your desktop and finish it in school on your iPad. For me personally there is nothing that beats it even Dropbox and Evernote are not as practical as Google Drive ( personal view )."
Mr Casal

IPEVO Point 2 View USB Document Camera | IPEVO Online Store - 0 views

    Great inexpensive USB document camera
Mr Casal

Tech Forum 10/21/11 iPads in the Classroom - Google Docs - 0 views

    An editable document with iPad resources created at the 2011 Tech Forum - feel free to add your own insights
Mr Casal

Using Dropbox in the Classroom - 0 views

    you can use it to store and sync documents and files across computers, tablets, and smart phones
Mr Casal

PDF Mergy - WebApp to merge PDF files - 0 views

    Very handy way to merge multiple PDF files into a single PDF document
Mr Casal

How-to Tutorial on Creating Student Portfolios on iPad Using Google Drive App ~ Educati... - 0 views

    This is a post several of you have been looking for, I know this from the emails I have been receiving from you. Now you have a great video tutorial on how to use Google Drive app to create documentation, spreadsheets, tutorials, and PDF annotation all from the palm of your hand using your own iPad.
Mr Casal

iPaddiction - 0 views

    On March 24, 2011, my classroom was awarded a 21st century model classroom complete with 30 iPad 2's.  Over the next five months, we will prepare to deploy 30 iPad2's so that 125 students may use them on a daily basis for the 2011-2012 school year. Follow the documented, educational journey as our students discover the power of thinking, questioning, and creating in a classroom that uses iPad2's every day!
Mr Casal

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The Comprehensive Google Drive Guide for Te... - 2 views

    "Google Drive is one of the fundamental tools in our digital toolkits as teachers and educators. Whether you want to compose a document, create a presentation,  design a sheet, or share a beautiful drawing you made, Google Drive provides you with the tools to do that on any device and anywhere you are with an internet connection . Given this huge importance of Google Drive for teachers, I have created an entire section here packed full of tips, tricks, ideas, and third party tools to enable you to better tap into the full educational potential of this platform."
Mr Casal

7 ways of using Google Drive with a classroom PC and projector - 0 views

    "The ease of use and its extended search capabilities (e.g. search in word documents, pdf files and even images) make Google Drive ideal for use with classroom PCs and projectors. I usually log into my drive right at the beginning of the lesson and use it for many different purposes. "
Mr Casal

CCSS - Technology - 0 views

    "Technology Connections of the ELA Common Core Standards As we delve into the ELA common core standards, we notice the technology embedded into them. This document highlights the explicitly stated technology within specific grade leveled standards. It should be noted that technology, as a tool, can be used in the other standards as well."
Mr Casal - 0 views

    This document, the Student Social Media Guidelines along with the Social Media InfoGraphics (which will be released in 2014), provides information about how to use social media responsibly, both within and outside the school community by: - Outlining recommendations for healthy social media communications; - Providing ideas about how to create a smart digital footprint; and - Informing you about what to do if you become aware of dangerous postings or other hurtful information.
Mr Casal

100 Important Google Drive Tips for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and ... - 0 views

    "Google Drive  provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs."
Mr Casal

20 Excellent Free Tools for Interactive Collaboration Experiences in the Classroom - 1 views

    "These tools deliver a wide array of functionality, from communication to collaborative document editing, whiteboards, and gaming, to full Learning Management System capabilities. There's something here for everyone! Dig in and enjoy!"
Mr Casal

Gone Google Story Builder - 0 views

    Create a mini video as if you were recording a collaborative Google Document during a shared typing session
Mr Casal

Index to Educational Twitter Hashtags - 0 views

    Twitter is a powerful communication tool. It is also a great way for educators to connect & share resources and best practices. It's Google Doc is a great overview of Twitter's value for educators...
Mr Casal

The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs - Google Docs - 0 views

    "Google Docs provides many ways to go paperless through sharing and collaboration options. There is not just one single right way to use Google Docs for a paperless classroom. Rather there are many tools and features that can be used on their own or in combination to meet your varying needs. This guide will cover many of the most common ways that Google Docs can help teachers and students move away from paper and into a digital-only environment."
Mr Casal

How to Edit PDF Files - Free Tools for Manipulating PDF Documents - 0 views

    The iPad app GoodReader allows you to annotate on top of PDF files, this page will give some tips and tricks for editing the content of PDFs on desktop systems.
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