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thinkahol *

Army Deploys Psy-Ops on US Senators - 0 views

    The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in "psychological operations" to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned - and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators.
thinkahol *

The use and abuse of bar graphs - Brendan Nyhan - 0 views

    Ken Schultz, a political scientist at Stanford, was inspired by the misleading Wall Street Journal graphic and disappeared Tax Foundation blog post to illustrate just how easy it is to manipulate bar graphs by changing the boundaries of the bins:
thinkahol *

Debt deal: anger and deceit has led the US into a billionaires' coup | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian - 0 views

    The debt deal will hurt the poorest Americans, convinced by Fox and the Tea Party to act against their own welfare
thinkahol *

CAFR: US agencies have billions, trillions in investments while crying budget deficits - Los Angeles LA County Nonpartisan | - 0 views

    Gerald Klatt and Walter Burien are unrecognized heroes. These individuals are national leaders who have communicated how government agencies conceal American taxpayers' money in surplus accounts that collectively total trillions of our dollars. The data is found in government agencies' Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs).
thinkahol *

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality - - 0 views

    What amazes me most whenever I write about this topic is recalling how terribly upset so many Democrats pretended to be when Bush claimed the power merely to detain or even just eavesdrop on American citizens without due process.  Remember all that?  Yet now, here's Obama claiming the power not to detain or eavesdrop on citizens without due process, but to kill them; marvel at how the hardest-core White House loyalists now celebrate this and uncritically accept the same justifying rationale used by Bush/Cheney (this is war! the President says he was a Terrorist!) without even a moment of acknowledgment of the profound inconsistency or the deeply troubling implications of having a President - even Barack Obama - vested with the power to target U.S. citizens for murder with no due process. Also, during the Bush years, civil libertarians who tried to convince conservatives to oppose that administration's radical excesses would often ask things like this: would you be comfortable having Hillary Clinton wield the power to spy on your calls or imprison you with no judicial reivew or oversight?  So for you good progressives out there justifying this, I would ask this:  how would the power to assassinate U.S. citizens without due process look to you in the hands of, say, Rick Perry or Michele Bachmann?
thinkahol *

Living in denial: How corporations manufacture doubt - opinion - 20 May 2010 - New Scientist - 0 views

    YOU can't beat doubt as a corporate strategy - especially if your product is life-threatening when used as directed. These days we don't have to speculate as to whether industries have manufactured doubt. They have admitted it too many times.
thinkahol *

Petraeus and the Myth of the Surge | Mother Jones - 0 views

    As soon as the news was reported that Gen. David Petraeus is succeeding soon-to-be-retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal as commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, the media narrative was set in stone: the super-general who won the war in Iraq with the so-called surge can now work his magic in another theater. It's hard to stop a locomotive meme-which is what the surge story has become. But the success of the surge in Iraq remains debatable to this day. Still, try injecting that point into media discussions of Iraq or Afghanistan. Yet with Petraeus taking over the Afghanistan war, it's worth noting the other side of the surge tale. So as a public service, here are a few analyses that question the surge hype.
thinkahol *

Open proposal to US higher education: expose government, media propaganda with education. 4 of 4 - 0 views

    Why corporate media propagandizes and won't expose the "emperor has no clothes" obvious: They're in collusion with government "leadership" is the prima facie explanation. Let's examine this important question more closely.
thinkahol *

Bill Keller's self-defense on "torture" - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    In response to the Harvard study documenting how newspapers labeled waterboarding as "torture" for almost 100 years until the Bush administration told them not to, The New York Times issued a statement justifying this behavior on the ground that it did not want to take sides in the debate. Andrew Sullivan, Greg Sargent and Adam Serwer all pointed out that "taking a side" is precisely what the NYT did: by dutifully complying with the Bush script and ceasing to use the term (replacing it with cleansing euphemisms), it endorsed the demonstrably false proposition that waterboarding was something other than torture. Yesterday, the NYT's own Brian Stelter examined this controversy and included a justifying quote from the paper's Executive Editor, Bill Keller, that is one of the more demented and reprehensible statements I've seen from a high-level media executive in some time (h/t Jay Rosen):
thinkahol *

Lakoff: Why Conservative Lies Spread and What Progressives Can Do to Fight Them | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet - 0 views

    When Democrats use conservative language to promote their agenda, it ultimately creates more support for Republicans.
thinkahol *

The Death of News | The Nation - 0 views

    Ten years ago, when we first focused national attention on the dangers of the US media cartel, the situation was already grim, although in retrospect it may seem better than it really was. In the spring of 1996 Fox News was only a conspiracy (which broke a few months later). CNN belonged to Turner Broadcasting, which hadn't yet been gobbled by Time Warner (although it would be just a few months later); Viacom had not yet bought CBS News (although it would in 1999, before they later parted ways); and, as the Telecommunications Act had been passed only months earlier, local radio had not yet largely disappeared from the United States (although it was obviously vanishing). One could still somewhat plausibly assert, as many did, that warnings of a major civic crisis were unfounded, overblown or premature, as there was little evidence of widespread corporate censorship, and so we were a long way from the sort of journalistic meltdown that The Nation had predicted.
thinkahol *

Kill Your Television-Jerry Mander - 0 views

    Television is advertising. It is a medium whose purpose is to sell, to promote capitalism. In 1977, Jerry Mander, a former advertising executive in San Francisco, published Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television. In the book, Mander reveals how the television networks and advertisers use this pervasive video medium for sales. Four Arguments talks about a lot more than just advertising. Mander attacks not only the contents of the television images, but the effects television has on the human mind and body. His discussion includes: The induction of alpha waves, a hypnotizing effect that a motionless mind enters. How viewers often regard what they see on television as real even though the programs are filled with quick camera switches, rapid image movement, computer generated objects, computer generated morphing and other technical events. The placement of artificial images into our mind's eye. And the effects that large amounts of television viewing have on children and the onset of attention deficit disorder. However, at the heart of Mander's arguments, lies advertising. In the words of writer Charles Bukowski: "[America is] not a free country -- everything is bought and sold and owned."
thinkahol *

Chris Hedges: Retribution for a World Lost in Screens - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig - 0 views

    Like the Ancients, we arrogant humans who turn ourselves into objects of worship and build ruthless systems of power to control the world around us will get what we are due.  - 2010/09/27
thinkahol *

Julian Assange answers your questions | World news | - 0 views

    The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, answers readers' questions about the release of more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables
thinkahol *

Reporters Sans Frontières - Wikileaks hounded? - 0 views

    Reporters Without Borders condemns the blocking, cyber-attacks and political pressure being directed at, the website dedicated to the US diplomatic cables. The organization is also concerned by some of the extreme comments made by American authorities concerning WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.

TP: Somalia: Vom Terroristen zum Retter der Nation - 0 views

  • Somalia: Vom Terroristen zum Retter der Nation Alfred Hackensberger 09.02.2009 Mit Scheich Ahmed wurde der Führer der von den USA bekämpften Union der Islamischen Gerichte zum neuen Präsidenten Somalias – die neue US-Regierung gratuliert Somalia hat einen neuen Präsidenten: Scheich Sharif Scheich Ahmed, den man vor zwei Jahren als Führer der "Union der Islamischen Gerichte" (ICU) noch vertrieben hatte.
  • Erst als die "Union der Islamischen Gerichte" (ICU) im Juni 2006 die Kontrolle über die Hauptstadt Mogadischu übernahm, endete Chaos und mörderische Willkür. In Somalia schienen sich nun stabile Verhältnisse zu entwickeln.
  • Sheich Sharif Ahmed war der Führer der ICU, die nach der Scharia, dem islamischen Rechtscodex, Entscheidungen traf. Nach Jahren der Gesetzlosigkeit war die Bevölkerung dankbar für ein Stück Rechtssicherheit und vor allen Dingen Frieden.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Nur die USA unter dem alten Präsidenten George W. Bush war ein islamisches Somalia ein Dorn im Auge. Man befürchtete ein zweites Taliban-Regime wie in Afghanistan. Im Kampf gegen die Islamisten hatte man sogar "Warlords" unterstützt, die Jahre zuvor noch Feinde. Man bat Äthiopien um Hilfe, einen seit langen Jahren Verbündeten, der seit 2002 200 Millionen Dollar an Militärhilfe erhalten hatte. Im Dezember 2006 beginnt die äthiopische Invasion und nur zwei Monate später ist Somalia unter Kontrolle, der ICU vertrieben, ihr Führer Scheich Sharif Ahmed im Exil in Kenia. "Wir haben eine enges Arbeitsverhältnis", sagte der Sprecher des Pentagons Leutnant Joe Carpenter. Dazu gehörte der Austausch von Geheiminformationen, Waffenhilfe und militärische Ausbildung. Rund 200 CIA- und FBI- Beamte hatten ihr Camp im Hotel Sheraton von Addis Abeba, der Hauptstadt Äthiopiens, aufgeschlagen.
  • 2007 begannen radikale Splittergruppen der ICU, darunter al-Shabab (Jugend), einen Guerilla-Krieg gegen die äthiopischen Invasoren und bekamen mehr und mehr Zulauf
  • Die Lage schien außer Kontrolle zu geraten und die USA entschieden sich für einen Friedensprozess unter der Leitung der UNO. Im August 2008 wurde ein Friedensvertrag von dem damaligen Präsidenten Abdullahi Yusuf und dem ICU-Chef Scheich Sharif Ahmed unterzeichnet.
  • Im Rahmen des Abkommens erfolgte Ende Januar 2009 der Abzug Äthiopiens, die von Friedenstruppen der Afrikanischen Union (AU) ersetzt werden. Gleichzeitig stockte man das somalische Parlament um 200 Sitze auf, die Vertreter der ARS erhielten, was die Wahl Scheich Sharif Ahmed zum Präsidenten erst möglich machte. Ausgerechnet den Mann, den man als Führer der ICU im Dezember 2006 auf Veranlassung der USA vertrieben hatte. Etwas überraschend lobte dieser plötzlich den einstmalig so verhassten Gegner
  • Offensichtlich hat es mit der neuen US-Regierung von Präsident Barak Obama Absprachen gegeben
  • Sollte das alles nicht ganz im Interesse der USA laufen, könnte es leicht passieren, dass das Weiße Haus wieder einmal über einen Regierungswechsel in Somalia nachdenkt.

Zivile Opfer: Mindestens 16 Tote bei Angriff von US-Drohne in Pakistan - 0 views

  • Beim Beschuss durch eine amerikanische Drohne sind im pakistanischen Stammesgebiet an der Grenze zu Afghanistan nach Angaben aus Sicherheitskreisen mindestens 16 Menschen, darunter zwei Frauen und ein Kind, getötet worden.
  • Ziel sei das Haus eines afghanischen Flüchtlings gewesen, der immer wieder radikalislamische Kämpfer beherbergt haben solle, hieß es.
  • Durch die steigende Zahl ziviler Opfer bei US-Angriffen im afghanisch-pakistanischen Grenzgebiet, das radikalislamischen Taliban- und El-Kaida-Kämpfern als Rückzugsgebiet dient, hat zu wachsendem Widerstand der Bevölkerung gegen die Aktionen der ausländischen Truppen geführt.

Radical Islam stirs in China's remote west - 0 views

  • In a backstreet of the old Silk Road city of Kashgar, Chinese authorities have been spray-painting signs on dusty mud brick walls to warn against what it says is a new enemy -- the Islamic Liberation Party.
  • China says Hizb ut-Tahrir are terrorists operating in the far western region of Xinjiang, home to some 8 million Muslim, Turkic-speaking Uighurs, many of whom chafe under Chinese rule.
  • As in another strife-hit Chinese region, Tibet, many Uighurs resent the growing economic and cultural impact of Han Chinese who have in some cases been encouraged by the government to move to far-flung and under-populated parts of the country. Beijing accuses militant Uighurs of working with al Qaeda to use terror to bring about an independent state called East Turkestan.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • But it seems unlikely they represent the threat to Xinjiang that China likes to portray, said Dru Gladney, a Uighur expert and president of the Pacific Basin Institute at Pomona College, California. "For most Uighurs who are activists, though some of them are very religious in their Islam, their main goal is sovereignty for Xinjiang. Hizb ut-Tahrir doesn't support that. They support a worldwide Caliphate, not any one independent region," he said.
  • In Kashgar, a city close to the Pakistan and Afghan borders, some women not only cover their heads, but also veil their faces. In some cases, dark brown cloths envelope the whole head. Clocks in many mosques, restaurants, cafes and shops are set to Xinjiang time. This is two hours behind Beijing time, the official standard for the entire country, which means China's sun does not set until after 10 p.m. in Kashgar in the summer.
  • Many are not convinced Hizb ut-Tahrir is the threat the Chinese government says it is in Xinjiang. "This does not exist. They have come up with this group's name themselves," said Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exiled World Uyghur Congress. "They are trying to mislead the world and deflect from concern for the Uighur people."
  • China maintains the threat is real. Hizb ut-Tahrir is likewise banned in countries such as Uzbekistan, where it has also been blamed for violence.
  • In November, China's Xinhua news agency announced sentences ranging from death to life in jail for six Uighurs accused of "splittism and organising and leading terrorist groups", and implicated Hizb ut-Tahrir.
  • "What we want is simple -- freedom," said a Uighur resident of Xinjiang's regional capital, Urumqi, who asked not be identified, fearing repercussions with the authorities. "But there are too many Han and too few of us."
david derouen

Ultimate Civics » Blog Archive » Corporations Are Not Persons - 0 views

    By Ralph Nader & Carl J. Mayer New York Times, April 9, 1988 Our constitutional rights were intended for real persons, not artificial creations. The Framers knew about corporations but chose not to mention these contrived entities in the Constitution. For them, the document shielded living beings from arbitrary government and endowed them with the right to speak, assemble, and petition. Today, however, corporations enjoy virtually the same umbrella of constitutional protections as individuals do. They have become in effect artificial persons with infinitely greater power than humans. This constitutional equivalence must end. Consider a few noxious developments during the last 10 years. A group of large Boston companies invoked the First Amendment in order to spend lavishly and thus successfully defeat a referendum that would have permitted the legislature to enact a progressive income tax that had no direct effect on the property and business of these companies. An Idaho electrical and plumbing corporation cited the Fourth Amendment and deterred a health and safety investigation. A textile supply company used Fifth Amendment protections and barred retrial in a criminal anti-trust case in Texas. The idea that the Constitution should apply to corporations as it applies to humans had its dubious origins in 1886. The Supreme Court said it did "not wish to hear argument" on whether corporations were "persons" protected by the 14th Amendment, a civil rights amendment designed to safeguard newly emancipated blacks from unfair government treatment. It simply decreed that corporations were persons. Now that is judicial activism. A string of later dissents, by Justices Hugo Black and William O. Douglas, demonstrated that neither the history nor the language of the 14th Amendment was meant to protect corporations. But it was too late. The genie was out of the bottle and the corporate evolution into personhood was under way. It was not until the 1970's that corporations
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