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Maryann Angeroth

How to Turn Your Classroom into an Idea Factory | MindShift - 1 views

    "Here are eight tips to borrow from classrooms where teachers are reinventing yesterday's schools as tomorrow's idea factories."

Reinventing the Big Test: The Challenge of Authentic Assessment | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Equally worrisome is that today's assessments emphasize narrow skill sets such as geometry and grammar, and omit huge chunks of what educators and business leaders say is essential for modern students to learn: creative thinking, problem solving, cooperative teamwork, technological literacy, and self-direction. Yet because NCLB has made accountability tests the tail that wags the dog of the whole education system -- threatening remediation and state takeover for schools that fall short -- what's not tested often isn't taught.
    • jkrauss
      The disconnect between high-stakes tests and the future we are preparing our kids for
  • many experts tout the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) exam for its challenging, open-ended questions on practical topics, such as climate change or the pros and cons of graffiti. Even more advanced models, some using computer simulations, will become available in a few years -- and none too soon.
  • static problem, for instance, would ask test takers to say from memory how to save a certain endangered bird species. A dynamic assessment (in a real example from Bransford's lab) asks students to use available resources to learn what it would take to prevent the white-eyed vireo from becoming endangered. This is a novel question that demands students independently dig for information and know enough to ask the right questions to reach a solution.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The British government has created a computer-literacy test that challenges teens to solve realistic problems (how to control crowds at a soccer match, for instance) using online resources. The more sophisticated these tools become, and the more adeptly test makers use them, the better assessment will be.
Brian Nichols

Reinventing Project-based Learning - Usefulwiki - 1 views

    Re-inventing Project-Based Learnin

Book ning network on Reinventing PBL in the Digital World - 95 views

As a student, I used to rely heavily on cramming education, thinking it was the only way to succeed. However, after reading the article from American SPC, I realized that cramming provides only tem...



Reinventing Project-Based Learning: The Project Brief - On not hard-wiring a PBL too soon - 27 views

    This is one in a series on shaping good ideas into PBL units of study.
Julie Altmark

Reinventing Project-Based Learning - 17 views

    discussed during Classroom 2.0 Live Meetup on April 30, 2008
    The story of pbl with digital tools continues what the book of the same title starts - inspiring stories and methods of great pbl!

Flickr: Reinventing Project-Based Learning - 1 views

    Please join the group!
    Here's the flickr group - 70 members and growing. Please join!
Sarah McPherson

SigTE 2008 Book Discussion - 0 views

shared by Sarah McPherson on 20 Apr 08 - Cached
Suzie Boss liked it
    This is a ning network of researchers and collaborator who studing the recent book by Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss called Reinventing Project Based Learning in the Digital Classroom. The discussion was rich as were examples, barriers, lessons learned and support for transforming istruction to pbl.
Suzie Boss

Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Stanley-Squashed Again! - 0 views

    Brewing legal battle over a popular, collaborative online project
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