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Dragon caught on Camera in China - Locality News - 0 views

    Dragon was spotted in the camera in China and this video is going viral in Social media.

Foto ngentot PSK artis prostitusi online lagi ngewe pelanggan di hotel | - 0 views

    Foto ngentot PSK artis prostitusi online lagi ngewe pelanggan di hotel - Artis yang sudah tidak malu-malu lagi menjual dirina di media online yang dengan harga

What Are The Features In Redesigned Amazon Kindle? – technicalbulls - 0 views

    Amazon, one of the best online retailers for digital media as well as electronic devices has developed a new kindle which is thinner and lighter than its previous model. This new model comes in whi…
luthfi waloetz Indonesia | Mp3, Film, Lagu 2012 - 0 views

  • Indonesia - sebagai salah satu tempat media penyimpanan terbesar di dunia. Tempat upload dan download berbagai jenis file, baik itu film, lagu, atau pun yang lainnya. yang di dirikan pada tahun 2005 oleh seseorang dari dari ukraina yang bernama Alex Lunkov dan Sergey Chudnovsky. sampai sekarang sudah mempunyai pengguna kira-kira 5.300.234 dan total kunjungan perhari mencapai 11.000.222.
Don Doehla

Home | Digitales - 0 views

    Sawubona . . . Visit the storymaking steps, transmedia digital tools, and the featured StoryKeeper's Gallery designed to inspire and jump start beginners. Consider hosting customize Workshops, Artist-in-Residence Programs or DigiTales Storytelling Camps. These one-of-a-kind artistic learning adventures are meant to lift the spirits, spark creativity and imaginations while deepening content and technical skills as digital authors experience the process of merging the ancient art of oral storytelling with a palette of transmedia tools. Bernajean's learning environments are joyfully designed and paced to enable participants to master skills, processes and the craftsmanship now needed in creating ALL kinds of exemplar multi-media products beyond storytelling.
Pooja Runija

Apple Watch Is Ready For Your Wrist Now - 0 views

    Well, after the biggest success of the iMac, iPod, MacBook, iPad and iPhone, the date has finally arrived when Apple Watch (say iWatch) confirmed by filling in some of the blanks at its March 9 media event in San Francisco.

Twenty Tips for Managing Project-Based Learning - 73 views

    Ideas related to project managers and other group title should prove to be respectful and success management tool.
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    In honor of Edutopia's 20th anniversary, we're producing a series of Top 20 lists, from the practical to the sublime. 1. Use Social Media One of the best ways to document collaboration and engage students with technology is use social media platforms like Edmodo.
Scott Ashwell

The Global Education Collaborative - Helping Teachers and Students Reach the World - 1 views

    This is a community for teachers and students interested in global education. Contribute by adding media, conversation, and collaborative project ideas.
dean groom

willrichardson - resource wiki - 2 views

    The kind of questioning, collaborative, active, lateral rather than hierarchical pedagogy that participatory media both forces and enables is not the kind of change that takes place quickly or at all in public schools.
dean groom

Sydney launch of The Blogging Revolution | Antony Loewenstein - 0 views

    The Blogging Revolution launched in Sydney in late September at leading independent bookshop Gleebooks. It was recorded and screened on ABC2 and is now available online below. I was in conversation with leading media commentator Kate Crawford:
dean groom

Living your life as a voiceover - 0 views

    Ewan found this...interesting video in which you can show students how 'media' conversations have changed over recent times. Funny and citch.
dean groom

PERSONALIZE MEDIA» Last Post Social Media Virtual Worlds » 2008 Metaverse Tou... - 0 views

    great info and stats on virtual worlds
dean groom

The Second Classroom Project : - 1 views

    Information about the SL/Ning group set up for teachers and student to collaborate and explore immersive media. My pet project just got space on Jokaydia for in-world meetings.
Judy O'Connell

What is Transliteracy and How Does it Fit at Empire State College? - 9 views

    Critical Literacy. Information Literacy. Digital Literacy. 21st Century Skills. Technology Literacy. Media Literacy. Computer Literacy.This is just a small sampling of different, but often overlapping, "literacies" that have shown up in the educational literature in the last few decades. Massive and relatively sudden changes in the way people communicate with each other and share information have been one of the main drivers of this parallel explosion in "literacies."
Ginger Lewman

Games for Change | Games for Change is the leading global advocate for supporting and m... - 14 views

    Vision: Digital games are widely used and played to address pressing issues, producing sustainable and positive impact on our society. Mission: Founded in 2004, Games for Change is the leading global advocate for supporting and making games for social impact.  We bring together organizations and individuals from the social impact sector, government, media, academia, the gaming industry and the arts to grow the field, incubate new projects and provide an open platform for the exchange of ideas and resources.
Don Doehla

The Power of Digital Story | Edutopia - 0 views

    Telling our story is an essential part of our humanness. It allows us to feel part of the community that knows our story, and it fosters empathy for those that surround us. Story is a powerful force in shaping mental models, motivating and persuading others, and teaching the lessons of life. Telling story extends back to a time when oral history dominated the tools of communication. And now the flood of technology tools that allow for instant communication has spun us back into a golden age where story again dominates the media landscape.
Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd

Request for Quote - Event Management System Development - 0 views

    Get a quote within 24 hours of contacting Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd for your website designing and development, mobile apps development, travel portal development, transport & logistics Software, enterprise mobility solutions, event management systems, web application, social media app, CRM software eCommerce & m commerce application development. Having any queries regarding our products or services? Just fill out our simple form to request a quote, information or advice and we will get back to you.
Jaxon Smith

Project Proposal Assignment: Business Plan To Create NGO In Lagos - 0 views

    The business plan prepared herein project proposal assignment has the purpose to create an NGO in Lagos through website and social media.

News Channel advertising agency Delhi | News Channel Ads Company - 0 views

    Unleash the Power of News Channel Advertising with Our Expertise Nestled in the vibrant heart of Delhi, emerges a trailblazing name in the realm of media advertising - News Channel Advertising Agency Delhi. With an unwavering dedication to innovation, strategy, and excellence, this agency stands as your trusted partner in crafting news channel campaigns that resonate and captivate. Our Approach At News Channel Advertising Agency Delhi, they understand that news channels are more than just a medium - they are conduits of information and connections. Their approach centers on harnessing the dynamic power of news channels to amplify your brand's voice. From prime-time slots to exclusive segments, every campaign is meticulously designed to make your message heard in the most impactful way.
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