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Print on demand books- Get worldwide distribution for your self published book. - 0 views

    "If You Want to Pay Less, But Get Worldwide Exposure for Your Book. This Information on Print on Demand Could be the Most Important Message You'll Ever Read"
Roger Morris

The Easiest Way To Earn From Your Books - 1 views

Being a book author, I already know that I could not easily get rich with this career because it takes time to have my books sold. Good thing that I have learned about Kindle Book Publishing and I ...

started by Roger Morris on 15 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Don Doehla

Is There a Best Way to Develop the 4Cs in All Students? - The Partnership for 21st Cent... - 0 views

    In this first three-part post, John Larmer describes how he and co-author Susie Boss answered the question in their newly published book, 'PBL for 21st Century Success: Teaching Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, and Creativity'. In the next post, Deborah Esparza will review the book from "the field". For the final post, co-author Susie Boss has been invited to explain why she and John choose this topic.
    1st of 3 articles introducing Larmer & Boss' new book published by BIE
IDa Sol

Pay Per Click Services - 0 views

    Pay Per Click Service Agency PPC (Pay per Click) marketing point out to online paid ads that initiate clicks to a website. Each time an ad is clicked, the promoter pays the publisher an amount committed by a transaction. If you're looking to get more clicks on your affiliate links or drive traffic to your website, a PPC campaign is an authentic method to execute it. We will implement how to set up your paid ad strategy the right way and talk about using the best implementation to certify victory. PPC advertising PPC promotion is an outstanding way of uplifting traffic to websites that may not have worked their SEO enhancement yet for the same keywords and phrases. In insertion, it can be helpful to draw attentiveness to assistant or sales if you are managing an e-commerce website. Commonality, PPC ads show up when people type applicable keywords and phrases in a search toolbar, be it a search engine or social media platform. Clicks are routine to trail, and you only pay for traffic quickest to your site. With the most famous PPC cost type, cost per click (CPC), you pay only when someone clicks your add customers often talk about 'buying clicks' because that's what PPC is all about. You're paying an administrator, be it Face book, Google, or Bing, each time someone clicks a link setting to your click stream. Traders often establish PPC ads to develop at the top of search engine results pages and target people on social platforms. On Google's search results page, PPC ads appear at the top of the search results, above the organic links. They are the 'sponsored' posts on your Face book ruminate, and the results decided 'Ad' on Bing and Google. The idea is that people exploring for keywords associated with your product or service will find your ad, click through to your website/click stream, and achieve the action the page is promoting. Clicks on social media platforms are motivated by visually appealing ads targeted to the considered company. In search engines, PPC ads
dean groom

Tikatok - Imagine a Story. Create a Book. - 0 views

    Tikatok™ is where kids channel their imagination into stories - and publish those stories into books for you to share and treasure with friends and family.
Roger Morris

Successfully Launched My writer Career… Thanks John - 1 views

I want to express my gratitude to John who helped me become the writer I want to be. Before meeting him, I thought that I was born to be a novel writer and I almost believed it after receiving 400 ...

started by Roger Morris on 10 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Heather Hurley - 0 views

    Best Children's Picture Books Online - Create, Publish and Embed
Don Doehla

A Six-Point Checklist for Education Innovators | Edutopia - 0 views

    This blog is an excerpt from the book Bringing Innovation to School: Empowering Students to Thrive in a Changing World, published June 2012 by Solution Tree.
Mr Clifton

Write and publish at least one - 1 views

Write and publish at least one blog post each week. Choose from the four types of posts below. Read and respond to two other blog posts each week by adding comments. \n\nReflect and ConnectWon...

started by Mr Clifton on 17 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Michelle Krill

Mixbook | Education Program - Free Digital Storytelling Software for Educators - 2 views

    Looking for a way to get your students more engaged? Mixbook is proud to present Mixbook for Educators, a program that allows educators even easier access to the most powerful suite of digital storytelling tools on the web. Check out the stories below to hear how Mixbook can help YOU.
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