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Navneet Kumar

Folksonomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    A folksonomy is the practice and method of collaborative categorization using freely-chosen keywords called tags
Navneet Kumar

When Not to Normalize your SQL Database - SWiK - 0 views

  • With the above design, it takes six SQL Join operations to access and display the information about a single user. This makes rendering the profile page a fairly database intensive operation which is compounded by the fact that profile pages are the most popular pages on social networking sites.
  • Database denormalization is the kind of performance optimization that should be carried out as a last resort after trying things like creating database indexes, using SQL views and implementing application specific in-memory caching. However if you hit massive scale and are dealing with millions of queries a day across hundreds of millions to billions of records or have decided to go with database partitioning/sharding then you will likely end up resorting to denormalization
    • Navneet Kumar
      De-Normalization is OK if you are'nt going to update
  • Denormalization means that you you are now likely to deal with data inconsistencies because you are storing redundant copies of data and may not be able to update all copies of a column value simultaneously  when it is changed for a variety of reasons. Having tools in your infrastructure to support fixing up data of this sort then become very important.
    De-normalizing database to improve speed.
Navneet Kumar

HTTP/1.1: Method Definitions - 0 views

  • GET and HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than retrieval.
    http method definitions. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, TRACE, CONNECT
Navneet Kumar

defmacro - Functional Programming For The Rest of Us - 0 views

  • In a lazy language you have no guarantee that the first line will be executed before the second! This means we can't do IO, can't use native functions in any meaningful way (because they need to be called in order since they depend on side effects), and can't interact with the outside world! If we were to introduce primitives that allow ordered code execution we'd lose the benefits of reasoning about our code mathematically
  • continuations, monads, and uniqueness typing.
  • Alonzo Church developed a formal system called lambda calculus. The system was essentially a programming language for one of these imaginary machines
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Functions that operate on other functions (accept them as arguments) are called higher order functions.
  • currying is used to reduce the number of arguments
  • only executes code when it's required
  • A lazy compiler thinks of functional code exactly as mathematicians think of an algebra expression - it can cancel things out and completely prevent execution, rearrange pieces of code for higher efficiency, even arrange code in a way that reduces errors, all guaranteeing optimizations won't break the code.
  • John McCarthy (also a Princeton graduate) developed interest in Alonzo Church's work. In 1958 he unveiled a List Processing language (Lisp)
  • Lisp machine - effectively a native hardware implementation of Alonzo's lambda calculus!
  • it was proved that lambda calculus is equivalent to a Turing machine.
  • It turns out that functional programs can keep state, except they don't use variables to do it. They use functions instead. The state is kept in function parameters, on the stack. If you want to keep state for a while and every now and then modify it, you write a recursive function
  • Erlang engineers have been upgrading live systems without stopping them for years.
  • Erlang systems are not scalable and reliable. Java systems are. Erlang systems are simply rock solid
  • Ericsson designed a functional language called Erlang for use in its highly tolerant and scalable telecommunication switches.
  • Continuation Passing Style or CPS
  • A "continuation" is a parameter we may choose to pass to our function that specifies where the function should return.
  • continuations are a generalization of functions.
  • CPS version needs no stack! No function ever "returns" in the traditional sense, it just calls another function with the result instead. We don't need to push function arguments on the stack with every call and then pop them back, we can simply store them in some block of memory and use a jump instruction instead. We'll never need the original arguments - they'll never be used again since no function ever returns!
  • What does the stack contain? Simply the arguments, and a pointer to memory where the function should return. Do you see a light bulb? The stack simply contains continuation information! The pointer to the return instruction in the stack is essentially the same thing as the function to call in CPS programs!
  • A continuation and a pointer to the return instruction in the stack are really the same thing, only a continuation is passed explicitly, so that it doesn't need to be the same place where the function was called from
  • When we get a current continuation and store it somewhere, we end up storing the current state of our program - freezing it in time. This is similar to an OS putting itself into hibernation. A continuation object contains the information necessary to restart the program from the point where the continuation object was acquired.
    deals from the history of functional languages
    what are functional languages, benefits

Navneet Kumar - 0 views

  • Spring has a layered architecture, meaning that you can choose to use just about any part of it in isolation, yet its architecture is internally consistent
  • it's easy to introduce Spring incrementally into existing projects
  • Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • POJO-based programming model
  • EJB interception
    Introduction to the J2EE spring framework with test driven development
Navneet Kumar

Joe Gregorio | BitWorking | ETech '07 Summary - Part 2 - MegaData - 0 views

  • the limits you need to put on yourself when storing a billion rows in a database, and they included: no joins, no transactions, no stored procedures, and no triggers.
  • Joshua has similar suggestions from his experience building no joins, no transactions, no autoincrement
  • BigTable, Google's column-based store with no transactions
    • Navneet Kumar
      "Column Based"
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • What's the point in designing tables for a webapp when an RDF-backed store will manage the data for you and RDF queries will come back as tabular data anyway?
  • designing and maintaining yet another relational schema for yet another webapp - doing so is starting to make as much sense as designing my own filesystem or TP monitor.
  • RDF + SPARQL + distributed data sources from around the web?
  • reason that rails and django are so productive; they're highly optimised for domain models. Raw RDF doesn't really do domains like that; you have to expend effort distilling triples into 'things';
    Database design for huge data. Distributed, joinless, transactionless, de-normalized database
Thiyagarajan Sadasivam

Essential Vim - 0 views

    Essential keyboard shortcuts and commands for VIM
Navneet Kumar

MySQL AB :: MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual :: A.2 Server Error Codes and Messages - 1 views

    appendix of mysql error codes and their  messages
Navneet Kumar

The Spring Framework - Reference Documentation - 0 views

    The Spring Framework - Reference Documentation
Navneet Kumar

MySQL Performance Blog » What to tune in MySQL Server after installation - 0 views

    tuning mysql server for perfornmance
Navneet Kumar

perlintro - - 0 views

    perl intro tutorial     
Navneet Kumar

Main Page - IEs4Linux - 0 views

    IE on linux
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