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Navneet Kumar

SitePoint CSS HTML DOM Reference - 1 views

    SitePoint Reference
Navneet Kumar

The Spring Framework - Reference Documentation - 0 views

    The Spring Framework - Reference Documentation
Navneet Kumar

MySQL AB :: MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual :: A.2 Server Error Codes and Messages - 1 views

    appendix of mysql error codes and their  messages
Navneet Kumar

Ken Arnold's Blog: Generics Considered Harmful - 0 views

  • this: Enum is actually a generic class defined as Enum<T extends 
  • When used in public interfaces, generics are also invaluable to enforce correctness, prevent bugs and reduce testi
  • generics is reifying type relationships that are otherwise implic
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The problem is that generics don't get on with arrays. The solution is obvious: ditch arrays. From a practical point of view, there's not a great deal of point in returning arrays from methods instead of collections of s
  • Note the circular reference in "Unique<T extends Unique>" It means that the implementing class needs to provide another unique class as the namespace for it's Id's. The really freaky thing is that it can provide itself. :) These two interfaces enable a way to describe uniquely identified objects with heirarchical namespaces in a typesafe manner. How much complex code did that save?
  • ype". You only need generics in strictly typed function dispatch languages like C++ and Java. You don't need them in message passing dynamically typed languages like Smalltalk and Objective C. To work around the first rule - "strict static typing doesn't really work all the time", we get hacks like templates and generics
  • call the Elvis/Einstein b
    discussion on java generics, too complex, dangerous or useful, type safety, when n how to use
Navneet Kumar

A Gentle Introduction to SQL - 0 views

    A collection of tutorial and rerference on SQL and erro code in different databases, oracle , mysql, sql server, db2 etc
Navneet Kumar - Regex Tutorial, Examples and Reference - Regexp Patterns - 0 views

    good site contailing info about regular expressions
Navneet Kumar

MySQL AB :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 13 Storage Engines - 0 views

    mysql storage engines myisam and innodb
Navneet Kumar

MySQL Reference Manual for version 5.0.3-alpha - 23 Error Handling in MySQL - 0 views

    mysql error codes
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