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Dennis OConnor

It's time for individuals to own their health data - STAT - 0 views

    Recommended by Tyler Orion - "For data from wearable technology to apps to text messaging, ownership is determined by the terms and conditions you agree to. The Apple Watch and Google Fitbit, for example, are both designed to give you access to key indicators of your health but their terms and conditions don't give you ownership of your data - and users don't know how their data are being used. This landscape is further complicated by the status of data under property law, which isn't viewed as wholly "ownable." And since current laws don't view people as the owners of their personal data, health care and service providers treat data as under their ownership. And those data are lucrative."
Dennis OConnor

Own Your Health Data - 1 views

    Recommended by Tyler Orion- "As the future of our healthcare system moves towards electronic healthcare records, we need patient data ownership rights to protect patient care. 4 Principles 1. Patients co-own or fully own every health data point about themselves. 2. Health data generated about the patient by a provider is co-owned by both parties. 3. Health data generated by the patient is fully owned by the patient with a right to possess, share, sell, or destroy. 4. All uses of a patients' health data shall be consented in advance by the patient, other than uses required by law."
Dennis OConnor

HOLO - Build a better web - Video - 0 views

    "Holo is to cloud hosting what Airbnb was to hotels-anyone can become a host by turning their computer into a source of revenue, getting paid in HoloFuel for hosting peer-to-peer applications. By hosting P2P apps, you support a web that empowers your peers and communities. "
    In 2017 Kabir introduced Holo and Holochain to Mike and Me. We all have Holoports. The Holochain should launch in BETA this year. The promise has always been data ownership, secured with blockchain level description. This technology could help us change the world. Help spread the word!
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