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Joe La Fleur

Erskine Bowles: Ryan budget is - 0 views

Umer Iqbal

iNews 24/7: Rex Ryan's Bad History - 0 views

    Despite the laughter, the smiles and all the jokes about Peyton Manning's playing time tomorrow, Rex Ryan still can't lock up his doubt for the Jets put their playoff hopes on the craft against an undefeated team also the approaching Hall of distinction quarterback.
thinkahol *

The Need for Greed - 0 views

    The bet was audacious from the beginning, and given the miserable, low-down tenor of contemporary politics, not unfathomable: Could you divide the country between greedy geezers and everyone else as a way to radically alter the social contract? But in order for the Republican plan to turn Medicare, one of most popular government programs in history, into a much-diminished voucher system, the greed card had to work. The plan's architect, Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, drew a line in the actuarial sand: Anyone born before 1957 would not be affected. They could enjoy the single-payer, socialized medical care program that has allowed millions of people to live extended lives of dignity and decent health care. And their kids and grandkids? Sorry, they would have to take their little voucher and pay some private insurer nearly twice as much as a senior pays for basic government coverage today. In essence, Republicans would break up the population between an I've Got Mine segment and The Left Behinds. Again, not a bad political calculation. Altruism is a squishy notion, hard to sustain in an election. Ryan himself has made a naked play for greed in defending the plan. "Seniors, as soon as they realize this doesn't affect them, they are not so opposed," he has said. Well, the early verdict is in, and it looks as though the better angels have prevailed: seniors are opposed. Republicans: Meet the Fockers. Already, there is considerable anxiety - and some guilt - among older folks about leaving their children worse off financially than they are. To burden them with a much costlier, privatized elderly health insurance program is a lead weight for the golden years.
Joe La Fleur

BUSTED: CNN's Soledad O'Brien Caught Using Liberal Blog To Attack Ryan Plan | MRCTV - 0 views

thinkahol *

Ryan Clayton: The SuperCongress Dilemma: Warren Buffett v. Grover Norquist - 0 views

    If you had to choose between the advice of successful investor Warren Buffett or political hack Grover Norquist on how to fix our nation's fiscal ills, who would you trust? For most Americans, that's an easy question, because taxing the rich rather than bankrupting America sounds like a good idea to most of us.
thinkahol *

Tax Cuts for the Rich on the Backs of the Middle Class; or, Paul Ryan Has Balls | Rolli... - 0 views

    No matter what, Ryan's gambit, ultimately, is all about trying to get middle-class voters to swallow paying for tax cuts for rich people. It takes chutzpah to try such a thing, but having a lot of balls is not the same as having courage.
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