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Leeds Army Barracks On Lockdown As Bomb Squad Rush Into Base - News Watch Reviews - 0 views

  • Leeds Army Barracks On Lockdown As Bomb Squad Rush In The home to the Parachute Regiment at Leeds army barracks is on lockdown as police probe a bomb ...Read More The post Leeds Army Barracks On Lockdown As Bomb Squad Rush I… Leeds Army Barracks On Lockdown As Bomb Squad Rush In The home to the Parachute Regiment at Leeds army barracks is on lockdown as police probe a bomb ...Read More The post Leeds Army Barracks On Lockdown As Bomb Squad Rush Into…
thinkahol *

General who probed Abu Ghraib says Bush officials committed war crimes | McClatchy - 0 views

    WASHINGTON - The Army general who led the investigation into prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison accused the Bush administration Wednesday of committing "war crimes" and called for those responsible to be held to account.
thinkahol *

Elizabeth Warren: A Real Probe Needed on Foreclosure Abuses - 0 views

    top Obama administration official on Thursday questioned the scope of the state and federal investigations into alleged mortgage abuses and "illegal" foreclosures perpetrated by the nation's largest mortgage companies, marking the first time a senior White House official publicly broke ranks with the administration over the issue and raising fresh questions about the wisdom of the government's rush to settle with the firms.
Jason Parker

Rachel Maddow probes John Birch Society, denies reach around - 0 views

    John Birch says Rachel was wrong when she said the John Birch Society's call to impeach Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren was based on the Brown v. Board. She proves she was right.
rich hilts

New Chair Probes Racial Motivations In Justice Dept - 0 views

shared by rich hilts on 09 Jan 11 - No Cached
    Lamar Smith is launching an investigation as the New Judiciary Committee Chair into the Department of Justice's handling of the New Black Panther Party election day intimidation. He should, and here is why!
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Sources: U.S. widens probe of Chicago police torture - Chicago Breaking News - 0 views

    The investigation reported is one of those connected to Burges. Do you notice ... 1. That the authorites are just looking into the members of Burge's crowd, as if they were the only problem on the CPD. Please. Dealing with these thugs is a nice start, but it's only a start. One is left wondering, though, if this is where it will end. 2. That this wasn't exactly late breaking news or unknown in Chicago - the Reader did a series of articles on these fun, fun people back in the 90s, and word had hit the street long before then. Why wasn't anybody looking into this, then? That last question being rhetorical, of course, for reasons I'll get to, in a second. 3. That the human rights abuses mentioned took place during the 1980s, meaning that prosecution has been stalled for so long that, even if caught, most of the offenders will escape justice. 4. When, some years back, I and a few other demonstrators were on the street in Chicago, trying to raise a little consciousness about the issues surrounding the death penalty in Illinois, mentioning this very case, there's a reaction to which we became accustomed. The man on the street seeing absolutely nothing wrong with torturing confessions out of those accused of crimes. This is why, below, you see me suggesting that I was not surprised to see popular acceptance of the Bush administration's lavish use of torture. As a society, we had been there before, and hadn't seemed to be in any great hurry to get anywhere better.
Omnipotent Poobah

Charlie Rangel: Stupidity and Greed Part Deux - 0 views

    In a recent post about Rep. Charlie Rangel's possible ethics problems I wrote, "Stupidity and greed favor no political party. There are grafthounds and charlatans in all of them." It seems both the Democrats and Republicans are hell-bent to prove it.
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