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Emery Ledger

Elder Abuse Attorney: Abuse in Nursing Homes - 0 views

    Americans are living longer than in years past as according to the latest census, about 13% of the United States population is age 65 or older unlike in the past 1900 which is 4%. Studies show us that they are extremely vulnerable to abuse and neglect.
thinkahol *

Cable Details Israeli Army's Planned Abuse of Civilian Protesters -- News from - 0 views

    Whenever Israeli troops rough up civilian protesters, it is shrugged off as an isolated incident. One of the WikiLeaks cables, however, shows that it was explicit military policy to abuse civilians engaged in non-violent protests. During a 2010 meeting, the cable notes, Israeli officials informed the US of their intention to be "more assertive" against peaceful demonstrations, with the US ambassador noting that the Israeli government believed any demonstration warranted military response. An Israeli commander, Avi Mizrachi, insisted there was no reason for the Palestinians to protest and that they were organized by "suspicious people." He added that since the protests "serve no purposes" anyone caught demonstrating would be arrested. The position takes on a whole new perspective, however, in the face of massive protests later this month aimed at independence. The Israeli military's abuse of human rights has also been a topic of discussion in the US Senate, though most in the Senate seem unwilling to oppose it.
thinkahol *

Elizabeth Warren: A Real Probe Needed on Foreclosure Abuses - 0 views

    top Obama administration official on Thursday questioned the scope of the state and federal investigations into alleged mortgage abuses and "illegal" foreclosures perpetrated by the nation's largest mortgage companies, marking the first time a senior White House official publicly broke ranks with the administration over the issue and raising fresh questions about the wisdom of the government's rush to settle with the firms.
thinkahol *

"You Need to Know What's Really Going On": WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on the Figh... - 0 views

    "Assange: "In order to make any just decision you need to know and understand what abuses or plans for abuses are occurring." "
thinkahol *

The Abuse of Private Manning - - 0 views

    Pfc. Bradley Manning, who has been imprisoned for nine months on charges of handing government files to WikiLeaks, has not even been tried let alone convicted. Yet the military has been treating him abusively, in a way that conjures creepy memories of how the Bush administration used to treat terror suspects. Inexplicably, it appears to have President Obama's support to do so.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Sources: U.S. widens probe of Chicago police torture - Chicago Breaking News - 0 views

    The investigation reported is one of those connected to Burges. Do you notice ... 1. That the authorites are just looking into the members of Burge's crowd, as if they were the only problem on the CPD. Please. Dealing with these thugs is a nice start, but it's only a start. One is left wondering, though, if this is where it will end. 2. That this wasn't exactly late breaking news or unknown in Chicago - the Reader did a series of articles on these fun, fun people back in the 90s, and word had hit the street long before then. Why wasn't anybody looking into this, then? That last question being rhetorical, of course, for reasons I'll get to, in a second. 3. That the human rights abuses mentioned took place during the 1980s, meaning that prosecution has been stalled for so long that, even if caught, most of the offenders will escape justice. 4. When, some years back, I and a few other demonstrators were on the street in Chicago, trying to raise a little consciousness about the issues surrounding the death penalty in Illinois, mentioning this very case, there's a reaction to which we became accustomed. The man on the street seeing absolutely nothing wrong with torturing confessions out of those accused of crimes. This is why, below, you see me suggesting that I was not surprised to see popular acceptance of the Bush administration's lavish use of torture. As a society, we had been there before, and hadn't seemed to be in any great hurry to get anywhere better.
Joe La Fleur

New Spooky Agenda 21 Commercial | EPA Abuse - 0 views

Joe La Fleur

Obama's re-election means more oil, gas regulation | EPA Abuse - 0 views

Joe La Fleur

John Coleman On Peter Gleick's Fakegate Scandal | EPA Abuse - 0 views

    forging documents seems to be the Democrat thing to do.
Joe La Fleur

Obama's War On Coal Outrages Pennsylvanians | EPA Abuse - 0 views

    Hurting Pennsylvanias economy and killing thousands of jobs.
Joe La Fleur

Greenpeace Goes After Apple Over 'Dirty Coal' | EPA Abuse - 0 views

    Their figures do not include the co2 that people and other anamals breath out..IE: They are lieing, a progressives favorite pass time. Don't these guys have jobs? Actually they are living off of government grants....ain't that a hoot?
Joe La Fleur

House Blocks EPA From Banning Lead In Ammunition | EPA Abuse - 0 views

    Thank God for a Republican Controlled House of Representatives.
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