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Joe La Fleur

Florida Showing Massive Voter Fraud - As High as 158% Turnout - 0 views

clariene Austria

Find Notary Public in Lakeland, FL, Florida - 1 views

Notary Public in Florida, mobile notary or notary services in Lakeland, FL, Florida. Lakeland, FL and the greater Lakeland, FL area have 100s of notaries nearby to choose from brought to you by Fi...

started by clariene Austria on 25 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Joe La Fleur

Florida Muslim pleads guilty to terror plot to kill high ranking US military brass - At... - 0 views

Ben Donahower

Campaign Yard Sign Laws in Florida - 0 views

    Campaigns that understand state yard sign regulations will avoid having their signs removed and political attacks from their opponents.
Joe La Fleur

Allen West Targets Liberals & Rallies Conservatives In Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Video... - 0 views

Muslim Academy

Anti U.S. protests in Pakistan - 0 views

    Series of protests took place all over the world and didn't spare Pakistan - Muslim country. Muslims around the country came up with huge anger and disappointment against the making of anti-Islam film. In many other parts of the world, protests captured huge attention of the international media as U.S. embassies were burnt and stormed. For instance, Egypt, Syria, Yemen etc. Muslims gathered in a great number and raised their voice against the making of the film. In some parts of the world, U.S. flag had been burnt and replaced with a black flag having words written on it as "There is no God but God, and Mohammad is his messenger" A small budget movie named "innocence of the Muslims" was made by an individual of California and put over the internet. This movie didn't get any attention until the subtitles were poste din Arabic and sent to the Egyptian journalists. Movie made humiliates the sentiments of the Muslims as it tried to shun the image of beloved Prophet (peace and blessings upon him). Movie made touches the themes of paedophilia and homosexuality. In Pakistan, security measured were tightened by the local police and made sure no violence hit and destroy U.S. embassy. Recently, violence hit the security of the U.S. embassies in many Muslim countries. Many U.S. embassies such as in Egypt, Libya, Yemen were stormed by the protestors greatly. The brazen attack on the U.S embassy also killed an American; the angry souls were tickled by "video linked to Florida pastor Terry Jones, whose public burning of the Koran in 2010 led to deadly protests in Afghanistan. The film reportedly mocks the prophet Muhammad." as per the sources.
thinkahol *

Warnings against Quran burning plan - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

    "Florida church's plan to burn copies of Muslim holy book could endanger US troops' lives, commanders say."
Tova Galnur

Florida CD 19 Special Elections - 0 views

    Florida voters, familiarize yourselves with the candidates for this important special elections for CD 19.
Levy Rivers

Obama's Business Backers Look Ahead - - 0 views

  • In addition to Logan, they include Valerie Jarrett, CEO of real estate management firm The Habitat Co. and now co-head of Obama's transition team; Jim Reynolds, CEO of investment bank Loop Capital Markets; John Rogers, CEO of mutual fund icon Ariel Investments; Quintin Primo III, CEO of commercial real estate development company Capri Capital Partners; and Frank Clark, CEO of electrical utility Commonwealth Edison.
  • Later, during his second year in the U.S. Senate, Obama called Clark, among others, to discuss whether it made sense for him to mount a bid for the Presidency. Clark, 62, is one of Chicago's elder statesmen and chief of ComEd, a subsidiary of energy giant Exelon (EXC) and the largest electric utility in Illinois, serving nearly 4 million customers in Chicago and Northern Illinois. He didn't mince words: "Your window of opportunity is now," Clark recalls saying. "Go do it."
  • "Our generation has been limited in terms of how far we can dream," Logan said on Tuesday night just minutes before Obama took the stage. The son of two teachers who worked on Chicago's South Side, Logan majored in accounting and economics at Florida A&M University, a predominantly black college, and later earned an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago. "We've too often been under the impression that we can only serve our own. We've had constraints applied to what we can achieve."
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