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Aleena Smith

Wear Red Day 2011: - 0 views

    Follow Betty Example Of White and Go Red for lady at the moment is nationwide be dressed in Red Day 2011. unite in exhausting red to hold up the grounds of hostility heart illness in women.
anonymous Las Vegas Shooting - A Man In A Pig Mask Opens Fire At Bellagio H... - 0 views

    Las Vegas Shooting - A Man In A Pig Mask Opens Fire At Bellagio Hotel Shooter wearing a pig mask open fire and sends people running for their lives at Las Vegas in a popular US tourist hotspot.
Martin Cruz

In Other News: FOI Bill Gets Junked, the World Keeps Turning - 0 views

    One of the biggest pieces of news that the Internet missed by a mile last week was the junking of the Freedom of Information bill. I narrowly missed finding out about it by chance, that chance being that I decided to listen to AM radio while on my morning constitutional. Erwin Tulfo and Martin Andanar, dropped that bomb whilst I was on my second lap around the Pandacan Linear Park, and I think I sorta screamed at the radio then and there. I scared away several kids, in the process. I was wearing earphones at the time.
    I don't know how other countries can implement the FOI bill so readily. My country's rather backwater that way. :\
thinkahol *

Too Many Hamburgers? By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN - 0 views

    To visit China today as an American is to compare and to be compared. And from the very opening session of this year's World Economic Forum here in Tianjin, our Chinese hosts did not hesitate to do some comparing. China's CCTV aired a skit showing four children - one wearing the Chinese flag, another the American, another the Indian, and another the Brazilian - getting ready to run a race. Before they take off, the American child, "Anthony," boasts that he will win "because I always win," and he jumps out to a big lead. But soon Anthony doubles over with cramps. "Now is our chance to overtake him for the first time!" shouts the Chinese child. "What's wrong with Anthony?" asks another. "He is overweight and flabby," says another child. "He ate too many hamburgers." That is how they see us.
thinkahol *

Why We Can't Wait | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters - 0 views

    A methodology and philosophy of revolution is neither born nor accepted overnight. From the moment it emerges, it is subjected to rigorous tests, opposition, scorn and prejudice. The old guard in any society resents new methods, for old guards wear the decorations and medals won by waging battle in the accepted manner. Often opposition comes not only from the conservatives, who cling to tradition, but also from the extremist militants, who favor neither the old nor the new.
David Corking

CentreRight: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? | Apr 15 2009 - 0 views

  • Not wearing a bulky jacket, didn't vault the ticket barrier, didn't resist arrest, wasn't alerted by the shout of 'Armed police' which wasn't ever issued, in fact.
  • Lance Corporal Mark Aspinall. Held down and beaten in a street in Wigan, he was then charged and convicted of assaulting the police, a conviction only over-turned on production of the video evidence
  • The police, particularly in London, appear to have forgotten that they police only with our consent. They are not the armed wing of the state.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • It's not only the stereotypical Guardian-reading liberal left who think there's a problem here, and I think it's time that Conservatives made this clear.
  • I ask readers to get a little perspective and try to see the tragic incidents outlined above for what they are, isolated and very rare examples of errors and abuses in policing
  • We all have a vested interest in a police force that is fair, accountable and has the trust of the people it is there to protect.
  • Peel and Mayne were remarkable men to have set down principles that remain as valid one hundred and eighty years on as they were on the day they were penned.
    Conservative blogger asks if there is a culture of violence in the Met.
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