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Skeptical Debunker

BBC News - Irish arrests over 'plot to kill Swedish cartoonist' - 0 views

  • The Vilks controversy arose in 2007, when his entry in an arts project was published by the newspaper. It pictured a dog with the head of a bearded man in a turban. Several Muslim countries protested against the picture. At the time, Swedish officials expressed regret at any hurt caused to Muslims' feelings, but said the government could not prevent the publication of such drawings because of media freedom rules. The case came about a year and a half after a series of depictions of Muhammad in Denmark's Jyllands-Posten paper caused an uproar in early 2006. Those cartoons sparked protests from Muslims around the world. Dozens of people were killed in riots. Muslims regard any image of the Prophet Muhammad as blasphemy. In January, one of the cartoonists whose drawing appeared in Jyllands-Posten, the Dane Kurt Westergaard, was targeted in his own home, allegedly by a Somali radical Muslim with an axe. Mr Westergaard, who escaped unharmed, had depicted the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. Mr Vilks told The Associated Press news agency that the telephone threats in January had come from "a Swedish-speaking Somali. He reminded me about what had happened to Westergaard and threatened with a follow-up and that 'now it's your turn'."
    Seven people have been arrested in the Irish Republic over an alleged plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist for depicting the Prophet Muhammad, police say. The four men and three women are all Muslim immigrants, according to media reports, though a police statement did not confirm this. Cartoonist Lars Vilks had depicted the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog in the Nerikes Allehanda newspaper. Islamic militants put a $100,000 (£67,000) bounty on his head. Mr Vilks was quoted as saying he was unfazed by the arrests, which he said he thought could be linked to two death threats he had received by telephone in January.
Muslim Academy

Anti U.S. protests in Pakistan - 0 views

    Series of protests took place all over the world and didn't spare Pakistan - Muslim country. Muslims around the country came up with huge anger and disappointment against the making of anti-Islam film. In many other parts of the world, protests captured huge attention of the international media as U.S. embassies were burnt and stormed. For instance, Egypt, Syria, Yemen etc. Muslims gathered in a great number and raised their voice against the making of the film. In some parts of the world, U.S. flag had been burnt and replaced with a black flag having words written on it as "There is no God but God, and Mohammad is his messenger" A small budget movie named "innocence of the Muslims" was made by an individual of California and put over the internet. This movie didn't get any attention until the subtitles were poste din Arabic and sent to the Egyptian journalists. Movie made humiliates the sentiments of the Muslims as it tried to shun the image of beloved Prophet (peace and blessings upon him). Movie made touches the themes of paedophilia and homosexuality. In Pakistan, security measured were tightened by the local police and made sure no violence hit and destroy U.S. embassy. Recently, violence hit the security of the U.S. embassies in many Muslim countries. Many U.S. embassies such as in Egypt, Libya, Yemen were stormed by the protestors greatly. The brazen attack on the U.S embassy also killed an American; the angry souls were tickled by "video linked to Florida pastor Terry Jones, whose public burning of the Koran in 2010 led to deadly protests in Afghanistan. The film reportedly mocks the prophet Muhammad." as per the sources.
Muslim Academy

Knowledge of Islam: A complete code of life - 0 views

    Islam is a religion of truth. It is the complete code of life that teaches us everything about the life in this world and how to live it so that we can earn a place in heavens in the life after death. History shows that Muslims have been the most civilized people in the whole world, because of the teachings and rules of the religion Islam. Even when it was revealed on the Prophet and he started inviting everyone to accept Islam, no one was forced in fact they were given a congregational lecture about the truth and lie giving them enough knowledge to make a wise choice. This tolerance was the first reason why the number of people that accepted to Learn Islam rapidly grew in the early Islamic history. It is not at all a difficult religion as most people from other religions and beliefs around the world think it is. It merely teaches the simplest way of leading our lives in the best way. The best thing about Islam is that it not only is specific to the religion based matters but also provides complete guidance in the various other aspects of life that makes it easier to lead a successful life.
Muslim Academy

Muslim contributions to the world - 0 views

    The first word in the holy book of Islam is "Read". So Muslims pay an attention in the study according to Allah's decision. Contributions from the Muslims in world history has been quite remarkable. Particularly, in the field of architecture, Muslims made a great difference. Muslim architecture began with calligraphy during prophet Muhammad. They mainly started it to beautify texts. Later calligraphy decorated different objects such as mosques, houses and much more places. Decoration in Islamic architecture is a major unifying factor. Though Islamic architecture is based on two dimensions, with the use of variations in color and texture, it creates the illusion of different planes. The sense of Geometry helped Muslim architects to use the concept of symmetry and changing scale mirror to create light effects. The use of marble and mosaic is common in Islamic architectures. As Islam spread in the middle east in the early age, the geographical effect of hot climate is quite clear. Fountains and courtyard pools are one of the unique characteristics of Muslim architecture. The presence of water not only beautifies the architectures by creating a reflective effect, but it cools the atmosphere.
Muslim Academy

Recitation of the Quran - 0 views

    Islam is an Abrahamic religion, monotheistic, founded in the seventh century in the Arab peninsula, the territory of modern Saudi Arabia, by the prophet Muhammad and based on religious text known as the Qur'an. Over time a large spread on a territory that stretches across Europe, Asia and North Africa. Religious center is in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Most people do not know the exact rules imposed by Islam, but have formed an opinion based on rumors heard. Unfortunately, most of them are wrong, so this is why you have to learn tajweed.
Muslim Academy

Response - A Response to Islamophobia World - 0 views

    Islam is a balanced religion. It believes in respecting all sects, all cultures and all civilizations. All laws relate to Islam are meant for Muslim benefits . It is true that in the recent years, Islam has become a victim of extremism. The purpose of Islam has never been to spread Islamophobia. Islamic ideas have been exploited to give them the shape of Islamophobia. Islam does not define a mosque and state as distinctive. A mosque is there, to provide a forum to the Muslim to unite and pray. The gesture is to promote congregational prayers, which is also an aspect of Christianity. Islam does not believe in forcing its concepts upon Non-Muslims. Unethical Jehad has never been an Islamic thought. It is just that some extremist groups are trying to manipulate Islam and use the Ideals to their benefit. Islam believes in respecting all religions. That is what the Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught the Muslims. Islam does not preach unkindness to any. May it be your enemy or slave. These are not the aspects of Jihad. A woman can legally have a physical relationship with her husband only. It is definitely no concept of Jihad. Islam believes in respecting a woman, not exploiting her dignity and respect. Islam does not allow illegal confiscation of property during Jihad. Islam does not promote destruction. Taxes does not mean degrading. Taxes are defined to establish a system and maintain a proper division of wealth. If Christian and jews had to pay Jiziah, Muslims had to pay Zakat .Brutality is not a custom of Islam. A Muslim derives so much contentment from Islamic values, that they do not need to run away from the religion. Anything , which drives a person from sanity is not liked in Islam. The reason being that all wrongs can be committed, when a person is drunk and is not in a normal state of mind. This is human nature, that we cannot drive contentment until we avenge someone for the bad they have done to us. However Islam prefers forgiveness. Sometimes a harsh punishment
thinkahol *

t r u t h o u t | Socialism? The Rich Are Winning the US Class War: Facts Show Rich Get... - 0 views

    The rich and their paid false prophets are doing a bang-up job deceiving the poor and middle class. They have convinced many that an evil socialism is alive in the land and it is taking their fair share. But the deception cannot last - facts say otherwise.
Jack Frost

Atheism and politics: Oh, the blessings of Islam! - 0 views

    A 64 year old man gets attacked by Islamic Extremists over some more depictions of their pedophile prophet. The video of the attack is *slightly* violent, certainly no Van Gogh incident, but this speaks volumes about the intolerance and warped conception of freedom among the Islamic faith.
thinkahol *

Chris Hedges: Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West - Chris Hedges' Col... - 0 views

    The liberal class, which attempted last week to discredit the words my friend Cornel West spoke about Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, prefers comfort and privilege to justice, truth and confrontation. Its guiding ideological stance is determined by what is most expedient to the careers of its members. It refuses to challenge, in a meaningful way, the decaying structures of democracy or the ascendancy of the corporate state. It glosses over the relentless assault on working men and women and the imperial wars that are bankrupting the nation. It proclaims its adherence to traditional liberal values while defending and promoting systems of power that mock these values.The pillars of the liberal establishment-the press, the church, culture, the university, labor and the Democratic Party-all honor an unwritten quid pro quo with corporations and the power elite, as well as our masters of war, on whom they depend for money, access and positions of influence. Those who expose this moral cowardice and collaboration with corporate power are always ruthlessly thrust aside.
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