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thinkahol *

Building a Subversive Grassroots Network - IEEE Spectrum - 0 views

    How Commotion Wireless plans to enable digital communication in the face of an Internet shutdown
thinkahol *

Setting Their Hair on Fire - - 0 views

    President Obama, with a significantly bolder and better plan than expected, tries to get action on unemployment.
thinkahol *

Attorneys General Settlement: The Next Big Bank Bailout? | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone - 0 views

    The point of all of this is, if you add up all of the MBS-related liability out there, the banks as it stands are facing an Armageddon of claims from all sides. It can't possibly be less than a trillion dollars, and it's probably much, much more. But the Obama administration's current plan is to let them all walk after paying a few shekels apiece into a $20 billion kitty.
David Corking

Op-Ed Contributor - Obama's Ersatz Capitalism - Joseph Stigltz - - April 1,... - 0 views

  • Paying fair market values for the assets will not work. Only by overpaying for the assets will the banks be adequately recapitalized. But overpaying for the assets simply shifts the losses to the government. In other words, the Geithner plan works only if and when the taxpayer loses big time. Some Americans are afraid that the government might temporarily “nationalize” the banks, but that option would be preferable to the Geithner plan. After all, the F.D.I.C. has taken control of failing banks before, and done it well.
    • David Corking
      This seems to be the brunt of the complaint
    A Nobel Prize winner says that Geithner and the Obama administration are giving a vast amount of taxpayer funds to private investors, without Congressional approval.
Mike Ch

Health Care Reform Part 13--Baucus Plan = Health Insurance & Big Pharma Profit Enhancem... - 0 views

    The Baucus Bill has now been kicked to the curb by almost everyone who's heard anything about it. And rightly so. I'm going to kick it a little more myself, and give some specifics for doing so. In general, the Baucus bill has nothing to offer anyone, other than the health insurance industry.
William Green

78% Say All Americans Should Be Able To Buy The Health Insurance That Congres... - 0 views

    Seventy-eight percent (78%) of U.S. voters say every American should be allowed to purchase the same health insurance plan that members of Congress use.
Asif Sheeraz

Watch Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath - 23rd July 2009 - 0 views

    Kamran Khan presents another fresh episode of Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath in Geo TV discussing plan to end electricity crisis by December with raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Ban on kids and elderly people for this year Hajj with Javed Ghamdi, claim of US media for killing Osama's son, Pakistan's allegations on India for attack on Sri Lanka's team.
peoples movement

YouTube - Prelude to Report Released by Picture The Homeless - 0 views

    Picture The Homeless announce findings of new report "Time's Up: NYC Homeless People Demand Alternatives to Bloomberg's Failed Five-Year Plan"On Tu...
Frank Schreiber

Health care legislation back behind closed doors - Yahoo! News - 1 views

  • Both bills were written by Democrats, but that's not going to make it easier for Reid. They share a common goal, which is to provide all Americans with access to affordable health insurance, but they differ on how to accomplish it. The Finance Committee bill that was approved Tuesday has no government-sponsored insurance plan and no requirement on employers that they must offer coverage. It relies instead on a requirement that all Americans obtain insurance. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee bill, passed earlier by a panel in which liberals predominate, calls for both a government plan to compete with private insurers and a mandate that employers help cover their workers. Those are only two of dozens of differences.
    • Frank Schreiber
      I like the "Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions" Committee bill better! I don't see how we can do without competition 
Michael Haltman

The Political Commentator: SNL: Mainstream Media Has Obama's Number - 1 views

    The Bastion Of Bush/Palin Bashing Has Seen The Obama Light For those of you who go to sleep early on Saturday nights, or who are out late having a good time, Saturday Night Live had a great opening skit of a press conference between the leader of China and President Obama. In it, the questions are raised as to how China is going to be paid back the hundreds of billions that they have lent to us, given the huge level of deficit spending already done, and that which is in the pipeline such as the new healthcare plan...
thinkahol *

The Koch Brothers Are Getting Nervous - Technorati Politics - 0 views

    Charles and David Koch seem less confident these days. The brothers - who inherited money from their dad and grew it into America's largest collection of dirty industries - have decided they need to fight back. That's not surprising. Since Koch-sponsored secret meetings were revealed, secret planning with Supreme Court Justices was exposed, and secret funding of right wing groups became apparent, Americans have begun to wonder just how much influence these guys have purchased. Read more:
thinkahol *

Noam Chomsky: My Reaction to Osama bin Laden's Death - 0 views

    t's increasingly clear that the operation was a planned assassination, multiply violating elementary norms of international law. There appears to have been no attempt to apprehend the unarmed victim, as presumably could have been done by 80 commandos facing virtually no opposition - except, they claim, from his wife, who lunged towards them. In societies that profess some respect for law, suspects are apprehended and brought to fair trial. I stress "suspects." In April 2002, the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, informed the press that after the most intensive investigation in history, the FBI could say no more than that it "believed" that the plot was hatched in Afghanistan, though implemented in the UAE and Germany. What they only believed in April 2002, they obviously didn't know 8 months earlier, when Washington dismissed tentative offers by the Taliban (how serious, we do not know, because they were instantly dismissed) to extradite bin Laden if they were presented with evidence - which, as we soon learned, Washington didn't have. Thus Obama was simply lying when he said, in his White House statement, that "we quickly learned that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by al Qaeda." Nothing serious has been provided since. There is much talk of bin Laden's "confession," but that is rather like my confession that I won the Boston Marathon. He boasted of what he regarded as a great achievement.
thinkahol *

Why is the Most Wasteful Government Agency Not Part of the Deficit Discussion? | Common... - 0 views

    In all the talk about the federal deficit, why is the single largest culprit left out of the conversation? Why is the one part of government that best epitomizes everything conservatives say they hate about government-- waste, incompetence, and corruption-all but exempt from conservative criticism? Of course, I'm talking about the Pentagon. Any serious battle plan to reduce the deficit must take on the Pentagon. In 2011 military spending accounted for more than 58 percent of all federal discretionary spending and even more if the interest on the federal debt that is related to military spending were added. In the last ten years we have spent more than $7.6 trillion on military and homeland security according to the National Priorities Project.
thinkahol *

America's creditor identifies its budget problem - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    Since America's political and media class steadfastly ignore this glaringly obvious point, it's nice (albeit self-interested) of the Chinese to point it out for us.  As we endlessly hear about a massive debt crisis, the current President has started one optional war that has already exceeded its estimated costs, plans to continue (if not escalate) two more, is drone-attacking a new country on a seemingly weekly basis, expands sprawling covert military actions in still other countries, builds new overseas detention facilities, all while offering only the most modest, symbolic and illusory "cuts" in military spending.  The alleged need to slash the financial security of American citizens -- and the notion that America faces a severe debt crisis -- would be more persuasive if the country didn't continue its posture of Endless War and feeding the insatiable, bloated National Security State (to say nothing of the equally insatible and wasteful Drug War and its evil spawn, the increasingly privatized American Prison State, which the Obama administration is expanding as aggressively as the War on Terror).
thinkahol *

ALEC Exposed: A Nationwide Blueprint for the Rightwing Takeover | Common Dreams - 0 views

    "Never has the time been so right," Louisiana State Representative Noble Ellington told conservative legislators gathered in Washington to plan the radical remaking of policies in the states. It was one month after the 2010 midterm elections. Republicans had grabbed 680 legislative seats and secured a power trifecta-control of both legislative chambers and the governorship-in twenty-one states. Ellington was speaking for hundreds of attendees at a "States and Nation Policy Summit," featuring GOP stars like Texas Governor Rick Perry, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Convened by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)-"the nation's largest, non-partisan, individual public-private membership association of state legislators," as the spin-savvy group describes itself-the meeting did not intend to draw up an agenda for the upcoming legislative session. That had already been done by ALEC's elite task forces of lawmakers and corporate representatives. The new legislators were there to grab their weapons: carefully crafted model bills seeking to impose a one-size-fits-all agenda on the states.
thinkahol *

Prison inmates replace unionized workers in Racine, Wisconsin | The Raw Story - 0 views

    Prison inmates have replaced union workers in Racine County, Wisconsin, thanks to the changes to the states collective bargaining laws that went into effect at the end of June. The Journal Times reported prison inmates will now be able to do tasks such as landscaping, painting, and shoveling sidewalks in the winter that were previously performed by unionized employees. Inmates are not required to do any work for the county, but can receive time off their sentence if they do. Racine County Executive Jim Ladwig said the use of prison labor would not result in any public works staff reductions. "We're gonna have them do landscaping at county buildings, have them pick up trash on the roads," he told local Fox News 6. "So we can use some of the county personnel to do difficult tasks, such as putting in a parking lot at the park." Republican Gov. Scott Walker signed a non-fiscal version of his budget plan into law in March that stripped nearly all collective bargaining rights from Wisconsin public workers, giving officials the power to make many changes affecting workers without formal negotiations. (H/T: Alex Seitz-Wald)
thinkahol *

Roger Ailes' Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News - 0 views

    Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a "fair and balanced" counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television viewers. The memo-called, simply enough, "A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV News"- is included in a 318-page cache of documents detailing Ailes' work for both the Nixon and George H.W.
Joe La Fleur

AGENDA 21 - 0 views

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