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thinkahol *

Return to Tahrir Square: Egypt erupts in protest - Africa, World - The Independent - 0 views

    Hundreds of thousands of protesters packed into Cairo's Tahrir Square yesterday for one of the biggest anti-government demonstrations since Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February. As suspicions over the conduct of the ruling military council continued to simmer, crowds of people surged into the iconic Downtown plaza in scenes not witnessed on a similar scale since the deposed leader was ousted nearly five months ago. The rally was boosted by the official support of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest political organisation, which until now has refused to take part in most of the protests that have happened since February. A large number of the country's other political groups and parties also backed the rally. There were similar protests across the country, including in the northern Mediterranean city of Alexandria. But it was in Tahrir Square where the greatest numbers gathered. Tens of thousands of men, women and children arrived throughout the day carrying Egyptian flags and banners, and by the afternoon central Cairo was awash in a sea of street vendors, tents and ebullient slogans.
thinkahol *

In Spain's Tahrir Square: A Revolution Struggles to Be Born - 0 views

    'Spain is justly proud of Paella, a distinctive dish that mixes diverse vegetables or seafood into a tasty fusion of delectability. They have now created a political version in the form of Tahrir Square type encampment in Madrid's Puerta del Sol where a diverse mix of activists - old, young, male, f
thinkahol *

From Tahrir Square to Times Square: Protests Erupt in Over 1,500 Cities Worldwide | Occ... - 0 views

    Tens of Thousands Flood the Streets of Global Financial Centers, Capitol Cities and Small Towns to "Occupy Together" Against Wall Street Mid-Town Manhattan Jammed as Marches Converge in Times Square
thinkahol *

Clashes Rage in Tahrir Square - 0 views

    At least one dead and hundreds injured as pro-Mubarak supporters attack protesters seeking his ouster in central Cairo.
thinkahol *

For Egypt, this is the miracle of Tahrir Square | Slavoj Žižek | Comment is f... - 0 views

    Slavoj Žižek: There is no room for compromise. Either the entire Mubarak edifice falls, or the uprising is betrayed
thinkahol *

Lesser-Evil Math Doesn't Compute: Freedom Plaza Has the Same Name as Tahrir Square | Tr... - 0 views

    In an electoral system corrupted by money, media, and parties, the US people are offered a choice every four years between two hideously awful candidates for an office that increasingly resembles an imperial throne. And increasingly the primary motivation of voters is to oppose the candidate they believe is the greater evil.
thinkahol *

"We Need a Non-Violent Tahrir Square" - 0 views

    President Obama signed legislation on Tuesday that raises the nation's debt ceiling and cuts trillions of dollars in spending. Keith speaks with former Vice President and Current TV Chairman Al Gore about what's next for the country. Al Gore says it's time for an "American Spring," a non-violent movement to take back the country from the right wing.
thinkahol *

Live From Egypt: The Rebellion Grows Stronger - 0 views

    Cairo, Egypt-In the second day of defiance of a military curfew, more than 150,000 protesters packed into Tahrir Square Sunday to call on President Hosni Mubarak to step down. The mood was celebratory and victorious. For most, it was not a question of if, but when, Mubarak would leave.
thinkahol *

Chomsky: Only a Massive Uprising Will Change Our Politics | Economy | AlterNet - 0 views

    Chomsky: "What has to be done is what's happening in Madison, or Tahrir Square. If there's mass popular opposition, any political leader is going to have to respond.
Michael Haltman

The Political Commentator: Middle East flash points dynamically updated (Interactive map) - 5 views

    With demonstrations and protests spreading around the Middle East, staying on top of the events can be difficult. This interactive map that dynamically updates will allow you to do it.
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