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gaby elsusu

The Medieval Church:: - 0 views

    The site shows the medieval church and another major thing that it has is pictures of chuches in the medieval time. The quality of these pictures are very good and they are also clear and easy to see/understand.
josh M

Medieval People - History for Kids! - 0 views

    Medieval People for Kids
josh M

Medieval History - History for Kids! - 0 views

    Medieval History for Kids - all about the Middle Ages
Hamish Langdon

Medieval Society - 0 views

    An essay about medieval monastic life from the Boise State University
Hamish Langdon

Medieval monasteries in England - 0 views

    Breaks down medieval society into easy to understand parts
josh M

Kidipede - History for Kids - Homework Help for Tweens and Teens - 0 views

    Medieval Government for Kids - Feudalism, Republics, and other types of government in Europe during the Middle Ages
daniel unknown

Roles of Women in The Middle Ages - 0 views

    Explore The Roles of Women in the Middle Ages, and discover how they influenced the spiritual and social Medieval life. This website shows quiet a lot of information about the roles the women had in the church.
Peter Mudge

Medieval Society - 0 views

    LA6 Describes and analyses the various levels of medieval society, including peasants, clergy, serfs, knights and nobility; as well as social structures, buildings, towns, trades and other areas.
Raahulan Subenthiran

Gallery - Themes in Art - 0 views

    Art at Humanities Web: romantic, baroque, medieval, renaissance and modern classical eras.
Nick Hackenberg

Medieval Sourcebook: The Crusades - 0 views

    A very good source of information on the Crusades and on almost anything got to do with the middle ages.
Nick Hackenberg

Medieval Crusades Splash/Home Page - 0 views

    Why the crusades Initiated and how
    An interesting site with in depth details of the battles during the Crusades and has a lot of infrormation on old coins.
sharad patel

Depiction of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    its only wikipedia, but seems to be very helpful and relevent to this project
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    Something interesting. I don't know if someone already previously bookmarked this page.
    For those who want to look for Jesus's Pictures/Artworks XD
    Images flourished in Medieval art. Most surviving images of Jesus have in common a number of appearance traits which are now almost universally associated ...
daniel unknown

Women Mystics in the Late Middle Ages: An Introduction - 0 views

    This is a brief introduction to the women mystics of late medieval Europe, particularly the circumstances of their lives. It's part one of several. It is in an article format, but it gives a great outline and is a really good guide.
daniel unknown

Women in the Medieval Church: From the Editor - In the Middle (Ages) of a Debate | Chri... - 0 views

    This website, has a brief but really good explanation about what they women of the churches roles were. They show what the roles are, why and how did this shape the christian religion.
josh M

Medieval Science - 0 views

    During the Middle Ages, the best scientists and doctors were not in Europe, but in the Islamic Empire to the south and east.
gaby elsusu

Medieval Religion - History for Kids! - 0 views

    This is a good site as it easy language which is easy to understand for students. It is also very descriptive and contains alot of information. The quality of the information is very high.
Ata Hurriyet

The Christian Crusades: 1095-1291 - 0 views

    There were seven Crusades, with the first beginning in 1095 and the last ending in 1291
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    There were seven Crusades, with the first beginning in 1095 and the last ending in 1291. The First Crusade was the most successful from a military point of view."> This is a cached version of has no relation to the site.x
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bruce carr

Early Christian - Early Christian Art - 0 views

    Christian Art
Nathanael B.

Medieval Architecture: Gothic Architecture - 0 views

    Early Gothic Architecture
Nick Hackenberg

ORB: The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies - 0 views

    THis is the site i used to find the answer tom my question on' How did the Crusades impact the church?'
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