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Ata Hurriyet

What were the Christian crusades? - 0 views

    What were the Christian crusades? Why did Christian invade the Middle East during the Middle Ages? Were the crusaders even really Christians?
Ata Hurriyet

Crusading Against Christians | Perspectives and Religion in the Crusades - 0 views

    Although members of other religions obviously suffered at the hands of good Christians throughout the Middle Ages, it should not be forgotten that other Christians suffered just as much. Augustine's exhortion to compel entry into the church was used with great zeal when church leaders dealt with Christians who dared to follow a different sort of religious path. ">Wednesday, 02-Apr-2008 03:59:57 GMT
Ata Hurriyet

Jesus Carrying the Cross Coloring Page - Printable Religious Christian Easter color pag... - 0 views

    Fun interactive printable Religious Christian Easter coloring pages for kids to color online. Religious Christian Easter coloring page reader. Great mouse practice for toddlers, preschool kids, and elementary students. Jesus Carrying the Cross - part of the learn-to-read, read-to-me series of reading games.
Reece Miester

54 Contemporary Jesus Images and Templates. Find Christian clipart, religious photo bac... - 0 views

    54 Contemporary Jesus Images and Templates. Find Christian clipart, religious photo backgrounds & Christian wallpaper
Ata Hurriyet

The Christian Crusades: 1095-1291 - 0 views

    There were seven Crusades, with the first beginning in 1095 and the last ending in 1291
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    There were seven Crusades, with the first beginning in 1095 and the last ending in 1291. The First Crusade was the most successful from a military point of view."> This is a cached version of has no relation to the site.x
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Jason Layug

Mystics And Mysticism In Christianity - 0 views

    A very long and extensive page of information on none other than Mystics and Mysticism in Christianity provided by Theosociety.
John Lahoud

Constantine the Great: Who Was Constantine the Great? What is his Connection to Christi... - 0 views

    Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantine (c. 272 - 337), aka Constantine the Great, was the most important person in the development of the early Christian Church (after Jesus and Paul, naturally). He gave Christianity political and social legitimacy in the Roman Empire, allowing the young religion to establish itself, obtain powerful patrons, and dominate the Western world.">Friday, 18-Jul-2008 20:42:19 GMT
Jason Layug

Indian Pilgrimages - 0 views

    This site will provide complete information on the Indian Pilgrimages of Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Sikh and Jain religions. A great resource for students as it provides an in-depth scoop of Indian Pilgrimages and alot of it's aspects. Very useful for students looking for information on Pilgrimages other than Christian/Catholic.
Peter Mudge

Christianity - MSN Encarta - 0 views

    LA2 Early Christianity and Persecution. This is an Encarta site that covers and goes beyond the set period of the Middle Ages, including Eastern Christianity and the Reformation.
cai misscai

Christian Louboutin Outlet Store - 0 views

    Save to 75% on Christian Louboutin Deals on Louboutin Shoes & Heels, Check out Christian Louboutin outlet store!
bruce carr

Early Christian - Early Christian Art - 0 views

    Christian Art
Ata Hurriyet

Later Crusades in the Electronic Passport - 0 views

    The Crusades were a series of wars fought by European Christians and the Muslim people of the Middle East. This page describes the Crusades that followed the first Christian call to arms in 1095. It is part if the Electronic Passport at, the world's first online geography book.
Vaish M.

Christian Church - 0 views

    Some good information on the Christian Church and what happens in them. Detailed explanations.
    A good source of information with lots of examples
Emmanuel Shamoun

christian mysticsm - 0 views

    this wesight provides you with imformation of christian mysticsm and the meaning of it
Darren Soo

Media Violence and Christian Ethics - Cambridge University Press - 0 views

    Media Violence and Christian Ethics - Cambridge University Press
Vaish M.

Christian Mysticism - 0 views

    Practical lessons on the nature of mysticism and becoming open to the presence of the Holy Spirit.Spirit,contemplative prayer,christian mysticism,mysticism,mystics,prayer
Ramesh Lakshman

Early christian art - 0 views

    byzantine art
    early christian art

Christian Mysticism - 9 views

    a brief introduction to mysticism with an emphasis on Christian mysticism, it also has the history of Mystics
Emmanuel Shamoun

Christian Mysticism - 0 views

    this area deals with catholic mysticism, especially john of the cross and modern attempts to renew the christian contemplative tradition
Alvin Villaflor

Christian Art | Ancient - 0 views

    Images of jesus
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