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Home/ Plone distributed documentation/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Graham Perrin

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Graham Perrin

Graham Perrin

PloneEdu - 0 views

  • PloneEdu
  • Promoting open source web publishing for all levels and types of education
  • collaboration, knowledge sharing, and support of Plone
Graham Perrin - The Tranalyzer - 0 views

Graham Perrin

On Plone documentation - Martin Aspeli - 1 views

  • I think it's a mistake to try and solve all the problems with "Plone documentation" in the same way
    • Graham Perrin
  • rely more on technology
  • What is current good practice?
    • Graham Perrin
      My initial reaction to this: get started | essential actions | refinements and current best practice …
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • a corpus small enough that it can be effectively reviewed
  • highlighted and easy to find
  • this is where they should be stumbling
    • Graham Perrin
      Can we elaborate on this point?
  • Barriers to entry should be low
  • version the document pertains to
    • Graham Perrin
    • Graham Perrin
      Re some simple triggers might draw attention to documentation that becomes outdated (or at least deserves review) at product update time.
  • concerned about how easy it is to add an article
  • highlight the "good" bits of documentation
  • reviewed at least each time we make a new Plone release
  • What's the right way to configure caching?
    • Graham Perrin
      Advice may be diverse.
  • If someone wants to contribute documentation, by all means let them!
  • allow comments
  • ratings of the type "was this helpful to you"
    • Graham Perrin
      I do often rate things (positively more often than negatively). However: I rarely observe other people's ratings.
  • Open the flood-gates
  • group documentation by audience, rather than by type
    • Graham Perrin
      I'm never wholly convinced about audience-based documentation.
    • Graham Perrin
      Can we group documentation by layer - through the Plone (TTP), Zope management interface (ZMI), file system et cetera?
  • Accept that how-to documentation won't be perfect
  • Add ratings
  • improve commenting
  • this is out of date
    • Graham Perrin
      Maybe "This is valid for version n.n of product x" plus "For more recent advice please visit …".
  • We should allow people to make requests for new documentation, and expose the wish list in a way that lets people vote for their favourite requests
    • Graham Perrin
      First improvements to a document might be: (1) a link to Trac, so that any documentation-related issue can be tracked; and (2) an in-document summary of relative tickets.
  • We have a Trac
Graham Perrin

Python Package Index : p4a.subtyper - 0 views

  • Home Page:
Graham Perrin

The Zope Book (2.6 Edition): Acquisition - 0 views

  • Acquisition
  • allows dynamic behavior to be shared between Zope objects
  • containment
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • understanding of acquisition is important
  • Acquisition vs. Inheritance
  • Objects are situated inside other objects. These objects act as their "containers".
  • may acquire behavior from their containers
Graham Perrin

Plone 3 - where is what - WebLion - 0 views

Graham Perrin

Overriding the Title tag in Plone 3 - : CORE SOFTWARE GROUP :: Colorado based solution ... - 0 views

  • Overriding the Title tag in Plone 3
  • Mike Cullerton
  • Jan 26, 2010
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The default title for a Plone 3 site has the page title on the left and portal title on the right, separated by an em dash
  • create a class to render your title
  • override the plone.htmlhead.title viewlet
  • Override the viewlet in your own [theme]/browser/configure.zcml
  • add the location of your new class
Graham Perrin

Jon Stahl's Journal » Blog Archive » Plone 4: three times faster than Drupal,... - 0 views

  • Plone 4 is faster out of the box than some of the most common PHP platforms
  • three times faster than Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress
  • Plone 4
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • Jan 19th, 2010
  • Jon Stahl
  • Plone 4 is about to
  • enter beta testing prior to a final release
  • performance
  • out of the box
  • over three times faster
  • what does all this mean?  Well, honestly, not much
  • realistic sample content
  • very, very proud of Plone’s raw speed
  • suspect MAMP not to be very efficient
  • For read-only operations, once the objects have made it into ZODB’s object cache no database queries need be made
  • the difference is down to Plone’s use of the ZODB
  • Contrast this to the PHP/MySQL systems which must perform several selects in order to render the page
  • to fetch new objects it’s slower
  • ZODB fetches are serial
  • Archetypes persistent object design is far from optimal (page data is split over several persistent objects, slowing down load time)
  • addressed as part of Dexterity
  • fundamental architectural difference
  • CMSes that use the RDBMS and some kind of ORM or manual SQL (like Drupal, Joomla)
  • those that use an OODBMS such as Plone
  • ‘out of the box’ speed, since that is something a lot of people historically have not liked about Plone
  • less tuning needed to start with
  • even when caching is not applicable we still get the performance boost
  • our installer sets up ZEO with clients for you, so this is “out-of-the-box”
  • counter the (incorrect) perception out there that “Plone is slow”
Graham Perrin

How to unit test security declarations in Plone and Zope | Twinapex Blog - 0 views

  • How to unit test security declarations in Plone and Zope
  • October 3, 2008
  • a fool proof example
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • great mystery
  • how to properly unit test your content type and workflow security declarations
  • something better
  • no one seem to know
  • RestrictedPython package Read me got revamped
  • a clue how to one could hit Unauthorized exceptions in unit testing
    How to unit test security declarations in Plone and Zope
Graham Perrin

Example-driven ZODB - 2 views

  • Example-driven ZODB
  • How to use an object database with a Python, a dynamic object-oriented language
  • periodic packing
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Advanced
  • Routine maintenance
  • A ZODB database instance is easy to maintain
  • auto-vacuuming
  • ZODB is cutting-edge stuff, and it is used in several important projects
  • ZODB does not currently offer such a facility
  • cron job to
  • daily packing is often perfectly appropriate
  • object databases can seem somewhat exotic
  • their hierarchical structure is a natural complement to the hierarchical nature of content management systems
  • 15 Apr 2008
  • If, instead of having a script open your "Data.fs" directly, you are using a ZEO server
  • packing will be simpler
  • will also not require that your clients disconnect
  • Routine maintenance
Graham Perrin

Bug #415270 in collective.buildout: "Less memory hungry settings for plone.recipe.zope2... - 0 views

  • Less memory hungry
  • plone.recipe.zope2instance
  • Less memory hungry settings for plone.recipe.zope2instance
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • zodb cache site of 5000 objects
  • too much for servers of 512 MB - 768 MB memory (Plone 3.x)
  • suggest smaller cache
  • cache megabyte limiter
  • release notes
    Interesting. I'll experiment with my Plone 3.3.4 ZEO cluster on a G4 PowerPC Xserve, where physical RAM is limited to 2 GB …
Graham Perrin

..: hannosch :..: Plone LOC statistics - 0 views

Graham Perrin

..: hannosch :..: News from Plone trunk - 0 views

  • News from Plone trunk
  • November 2008
  • moved our entire stack towards eggs
Graham Perrin

18 Things I Wish Were True About Plone - 0 views

Graham Perrin

Welcome to Plone Developer Manual - Plone Developer Manual v0.1 documentation - 0 views

    "sourced out of the collective and generated by sphinx"
Graham Perrin

Python debugger (pdb) - Plone Developer Manual v0.1 documentation - 0 views

  • Python debugger
  • (pdb)
  • interactive command-line debugger
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Useful pdb commands
  • s = step into, go into the function in the cursor n = step over, execute the function under the cursor without stepping into it c = continue, resume program bt = print stack trace up = go to the scope of the caller function
  • Useful pdb snippets
Graham Perrin

Relating content automatically in Plone - Vox - 0 views

  • list of related content automatically
  • Relating content automatically in Plone
  • automatically
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • 02-ene-08
  • Term Extraction
  • Benjamin Saller
  • haystack_tool included a couple of methods
  • summarize text
  • list of "topics" extracted from the content
  • portlets to demonstrate its functionality
  • low quality of the "topics"
  • didn't understood the meaning of words
  • linguistic mapping and automated conceptual mapping, providing high-quality relationships with little or no human effort
  • a proof-of-concept product called Haystack
  • python implementation
  • Implementing this in Plone
  • or use Content Rules
  • trigger a script in a workflow transition
  • fill the Subject field
  • additional field to store
  • better  quality
  • list of pending stuff to test (with a little help of Matt Bowen, of course)
  • Great idea
  • python text summariser which doesn't require Yahoo's web service
  • several ways to relate content, both based on keywords and based on explicit relationships, in stock Plone
  • This article is about automatic text summaries based on linguistic analysis
Graham Perrin

Saving the day: recovering lost objects - Jarn · Plone Solutions - 1 views

  • recovering lost objects
  • entire section of his site was missing
  • someone had deleted the object
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • 9 days earlier
  • Undo was no longer an option
  • Truncating the Data.fs (removing all transactions since, including the offending one)
  • undesirable
  • through RelStorage
  • time traveling: zc.beforestorage
  • small additional buildout configuration file
  • beforestorage.cfg
  • [buildout]extends = buildout.cfgeggs += zc.beforestorage ZODB3 zope.proxy[versions]ZODB3 = 3.8.1zope.proxy = 3.4.2[relstorage-patch]recipe = plone.recipe.commandcommand = cd ${buildout:eggs-directory}/ZODB3-3.8.1-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/ZODB curl -s | patch -N -p0 cd ${buildout:directory}update-command = ${relstorage-patch:command}[instance]zope-conf-additional += enable-product-installation False
  • enable-product-installation
  • tells Zope not to try and write product information to the ZODB
  • because zc.beforestorage puts your ZODB in read-only mode
  • edit the zope.conf
  • <zodb_db main>    # Main database    cache-size 650000%import zc.beforestorage%import relstorage <before> before 2008-12-08T10:29:03    <relstorage>        <oracle>            dsn RELSTORAGE_DSN            password xxxxxxxxx            user xxxxxxxx        </oracle>    </relstorage> </before>    mount-point /</zodb_db>
  • impossible as the site stores
  • <before> before 2008-12-08T10:29:03    <relstorage>        <oracle>            dsn RELSTORAGE_DSN            password xxxxxxxxx            user xxxxxxxx        </oracle>    </relstorage> </before>
  • when you start the instance, you are in the past
  • found the lost object
  • Export/Import
  • save the export on the server
  • buildout with your regular buildout file
  • restart
  • import the .zexp
  • reindex the imported content
  • related data that lives outside of the object itself is gone
  • Martijn Pieters
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