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Cris Crissman

connectJim: An Interview - sort of - 0 views

    Jim Stauffer's Extranormal response to PLENK 2010. Brilliant in any language!
Chris Jobling

Where a PLN and an LMS Become One (#PLENK2010) « Collaborative Understandings - 0 views

    A counter argument to the "Advantages of an LMS" from Anderson (2006) from the Collaborative Understandings blog. In the interests of balance I should state that the author doesn't comment of Anderson's "Advantages of a PLE".
Ian Woods

Why MOOC Engagement is So Hard « Ponderances of Steve - 0 views

  • Produce a field guide to the area and make it freely available to others
  • Your blog can serve as a public repository for notes to yourself. Those notes will document the insights and conclusions of all your travels through the field, and perhaps even your frustrations
  • Blog because you learn better with it. By reporting your struggles to learn the material, you learn better. By summarizing, reviewing and debating the ideas of the course, you learn better. By writing for an audience, you write better and thereby learn better. By making your journey open through the use of blogs and forum comments, you not only serve others, but you also do the extra work of sense making that leads to deeper integration of the materials.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We teach best what we most need to learn. — Fritz Perls
  • So why is a MOOC so hard? Because it breaks all of our expectations about what is supposed to happen in a class. We are asked to transform from the passive role of student to the more active role of self-directed learner. Our new role makes us ever more responsible for our own learning, in a way that might just expose us and make us appear silly. That is a daunting undertaking, even for the most web-savvy students. The good news is that you can’t really fail, unless you apply the old rules to the new situation. Survive a MOOC and you’ll come out of it a better person. Thrive in it and you’ll come out a better leader.
    Steve LeBlanc on the importance of exposing ourselves and risking feeling silly
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