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Sentiments & Art - 0 views

    Here is a religious icon that transcends myriad manifestations and still remains sacrosanct. Feast your eyes on our special Ganesha visual fare and share your views...

How to send the Business Holiday Card - 0 views

    Decide whether you are sending the secular greeting cards or the religious one.

Creative Pick: Tatiana Tatarenok - Pick My Templates - 0 views

    When the silence met with space Sometimes words cannot describe what we see. Silence speaks and words can't. The beauty and serenity of nature is vastly appreciated by photographers worldwide. They religiously capture these mesmerizing moment of golden silence where there is no sound of cars, wind, bark, planes etc. And in this moment of tranquility, photographers unconsciously become more aware of the power of nature because of the absolute stillness and quietness. It is as if nature is speaking to them.
Rupa Pathak

Interesting facts about Gautam Buddha: - 0 views

    Gautam Buddha was a religious leader who started a new religion - Buddhism. He was born in 623 BC in Kapilavastu in Nepal as the son of King Suddhodhana. Being raised in immense luxury, prince Siddhartha was always keen on spirituality.
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