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mrs roadrunner

Can You See The Trout, Life Depends On You Not Seeing It! - 0 views

    Can You See The Trout, Life Depends On You Not Seeing It! I have better shots of this trout, though I wanted to make a point, and easy for people to see the trout. Life depends on camouflage for many creatures.
usman mani

Tips for Buying a Digital Camera for Beginner Photographers - 0 views

    Life is a series of memories. Sometimes it's very hard to look back into life and remember past memories. Life has become so much busy that we don't have any time to remember the unforgettable moments
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Fifteen Amazing Pictures Of Village Life In Asia - 0 views

    Villages in Asia have simple and beautiful life. Herds of cattle mend by young shepherds girls and boys roam on mud trails

Top 10 Bollywood Couples In India | Top10Twist - 0 views

    Here is an exclusive list of top 10 Bollywood stars whose married life with their spouses has been no less than pure harmony. Click to know about his married life.
mrs roadrunner

A Little Incite In The Life Of A Bumblebee - mrsroadrunner's posterous - 0 views

    A Little Incite In The Life Of A Bumblebee. I found this bumblebee first on one of the sunflowers. It just was not moving the way many of the bees I photograph move. So I touch the little guy and found out he was just to cold. So, instead of picking him up with my bare hands I took one of the leaf stalks the mastiffs chewed on and moved this bumblebee over to the pond, and the nice warm rocks that had been warmed by the sun. Within no time this big bumblebee was buzzing and soon took off. These are the photographs of that experience.
mrs roadrunner

Life In The High Desert - mrsroadrunner's posterous - 0 views

    Life in the high desert.
Lovethatshot Photography

Professional Wedding and portrait photographer - Lovethatshot Photography Adelaide - 0 views

    Lovethatshot Photography is the professional wedding and Portrait photographer Adelaide to click the memorable life changing moments of life. Professional Photography for the Wedding, portraits, corporate events, engagement, model shoot and much more.
Top Photo

Creative And Refreshing Street Photography By Carlos.H - 0 views

    To get creative touch in street photography is not an easy task. Life around have simple formation and to shoot moving pictures out of that needs lot of creative ability.
sams boston

'Harvest the Bay' festival offers peek at Barnegat Bay life, impact | The Asbury Park P... - 0 views

    ISLAND BEACH STATE PARK - The O'Sullivan family knew they could jump in the ocean during their visit to the beach here, but were surprised at a chance to tread through the bay hunting for clams. The opportunity was just one interactive lesson the O'Sullivan children, Ryan, 4, Karleigh, 7, and Shailyn, 9, got Tuesday as part of the "Harvest the Bay" festival at Island Beach State Park. The first of three such festivals this year welcomed local businesses, nonprofits and other partners to showcase what they do for Barnegat Bay with tables, games, and hands-on demonstrations, said Ed Hale, a naturalist for the state park.
Never Knew

Pursuing Inspiration * -because we share life- - 0 views

    because we share life
mrs roadrunner

Railroad Workers as Mt. Jefferson Looks On - 0 views

    Railroad Workers as Mt. Jefferson Looks On. Life in the high desert.
mrs roadrunner

Life In The Garden - 0 views

    Life In The Garden. This honey bee is on his daily rounds checking all the flowers.
mrs roadrunner

Campfire On The Trail mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon - 0 views

    When I take photographs I take them for me first. I went really public with my photographs a little while ago on this computer, some of you have even been with me through this process. With all the stuff I heard about computers and all.... I just kept them off the computer. Now with over 92,000 visitors to my site I think I have hopefully given people a little entertainment sharing our life over here in Oregon? I am enjoying showing and selling my photography to the world on the computer! I am even doing photograph calls n....

Tips For Photographing Newborns | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Tips For Photographing Newborns - Did you ever feel that photographing newborns is photographic activity that feels so pleasant? Capture a new life with a plain face is so adorable. Photographing newborns can become an arena to practice your photography. Find a friend or relative who just had children, and offer them to get a shot, and hopefully they are happy with the results of the photo and you get the commercial side of the activity. One tips that can be applied when photographing newborns is photographed at 'eye-level' baby. There are many baby pictures are taken from the angle, about 2-3 meters above the baby, if we may say, angle shooting from above will make cute babies are smaller and look like toys. enter the world of them and get them to interact, thus will facilitate capturing the tiny baby. photographing Newborns Newborns can be said a little difficult to photograph because they stationary in one place and always moving his arms, legs and head. One of the best ways to get a good photo when photographing them is by putting them on the carpet and your baby is lying right next to them with your camera just above the floor, this way you can see first hand a large and beautiful eyes, and are not the audience will instantly put a photo on a perspective of 'eye to eye' unique.

When The Right Time Using P, S, A, M Mode on The Camera? | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    When The Right Time Using P, S, A, M Mode on The Camera? - Aperture Priority (A) is effectively used for photographing a stationary object, for example, landscape (except slow speed), interior or still life. In A mode, you can set the aperture to get the depth of field as desired, and the camera will adjust its speed. Speed ??Priority (S) is very effective for photographing moving subjects such as waterfalls, sports and panning. With this mode, you can specify the shutter speed to create the effect of moving as desired, and the camera will determine the appropriate aperture for you. Manual (M). Although the cameras already have very sophisticated metering systems, but can also occur sometimes measurement errors, especially in difficult conditions such as event staging. To get the 'fix' a photographer who has had flight hours will determine the ISO speed, shutter speed and aperture for the shooting was his. Manual mode is also often used for studio shooting where lighting is measured by the flash meter. Program (P) mode is most often used to create photo coverage, where the priorities are the moments that move very fast and will not be repeated. In this mode, the camera is in full control, and you only have to shoot it.
india art n design

Dynamic Forms - 0 views

    Can the digital medium bring to life your every whim? Check out the digital geometries that German artist Tobias Gremmler plays with for the upcoming Kung Fu Exhibition in September 2016. Do tell us what you think…
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