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mrs roadrunner

A Walk Around The Cascades mrsroadrunner A Wildlife,Nature Photographer,Oregon - 0 views

    The Cascade Mountains are named because of the cascades within them. It is a treat to get to see a cascade that is full of water. These small waterfalls can be very fun!!
mrs roadrunner

railroad tracks cascade mountains Oregon landscape photography - 0 views

    railroad tracks cascade mountains Oregon. This was truly way up in the cascades. We took this road and that one and here we were with a drop off. Turning around was entertaining!
mrs roadrunner

Gray Jay Bicolored Ochoco Mountains Oregon - 0 views

    While deep in the Ochoco Mountains we ran across a nice flowing creek. I love running water and just had to stop!! Upon inspection of where we were it was obvious this spot had been used as a hunting camp. The legs of the elk and the "meat hangers" (we laughed for I am sure there is a real name for them ha) , that were nailed to the trees. The feathers laying around looked as if maybe a turkey was in the mix with the elk? Even a spot for a bathroom. Gave us this impression. Guy wondered further down the creek then I for things happen to catch my eye. So I was wondering around on my own taking shots of the ice that was found where the water was not running fast. As I was doing my thing I heard some racket that was obviously coming from the trees and from birds. As you can imagine wild creatures do not just sit still so one can snap off photographs, so off I went to get this loud birds photographs! There were at least 3 of these birds, however non of them were all that impressed with any of us there! From the information I gathered of this bird, these must of been truly wild Gray Jays!! Not yet ingrained with human presents. I first thought this was a nutcracker. We have many of those around so it seams. Same family as these Gray Jays, but so is the steller's jay,blue jay and the western scrub jay , the crows, the ravens there is a lot of species in the Corvidae family!! From the sub species of the Gray Jay and getting these photographs in the Ochoco mountains this determined these to be the Bicolored Gray Jay. One thing all these birds have in common is, they are very smart!! Smarter then humans give them credit for! Over the Cascade Mountains there is yet another sub species of the Gray Jay over there with different needs and habits. That Gray Jay does not like snow, the ones here better like snow! Like all birds of the Corvidae family, they are pretty much scavengers, however it appears all the species of the Gray Jay have different food s
mrs roadrunner

Cascade Mountain Sunset - 0 views

    Cascade Mountain Sunset. A wall calendar is coming out of my mountain shots. This may or may not make the cut. I will let everyone know when it is available.
mrs roadrunner

Cascade Mountain Culvert : cascade mountains - 0 views

    Cascade Mountains Culvert. Usually these culverts are super ugly! We need them so the roads do not flood and get washed away. I like this barrel culvert, what a great idea!
mrs roadrunner

Sahalie Falls Nature Photography Pacific Northwest Oregon - 0 views

    One thing you can be sure of, the Cascade Mountains are named Cascades for a reason. Plenty of waterfalls!!
mrs roadrunner

Running Creek Up In The Ochoco Mountains. - 0 views

    Running Creek Up In The Ochoco Mountains.
mrs roadrunner

sisters mountains Oregon landscape photo - 0 views

    sisters mountains Oregon landscape photo
mrs roadrunner

Mountains, Sisters Oregon . : nature photo,oregon - 0 views

    Mountains, Sisters Oregon. This is also my new twitter background. : nature photo,oregon
mrs roadrunner

Pair Of Bald Eagles mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon - 0 views

    This pair of Bald Eagles have been hanging around one of the lakes here for a couple weeks now. Saturday we had snow again, which is not a huge surprise. We took off in it and thought it was not a good idea to go down into the canyon so we headed in the direction of this lake. This pair of Bald Eagles we both agreed they must of came down from the Cascade Mountains for the better fishing and all around prey on what I call the flats. Not sure what others around here call this area. I call it the flats for one can actually walk it. I trekked out into the snow to capture these photographs. The one that is on the left is keeping it's eyes on me, that one seams to be the dominant Bald Eagle and the first to fly. The other followed.
mrs roadrunner

Hot Air Balloon In The High Desert - 0 views

    Hot Air Balloon In The High Desert.
mrs roadrunner

On Top of the World Ma! - 0 views

    Guy and the puppies were taking in the view
mrs roadrunner

Railroad Workers as Mt. Jefferson Looks On - 0 views

    Railroad Workers as Mt. Jefferson Looks On. Life in the high desert.
mrs roadrunner

Heron Bird fishing : wildlife photography - 0 views

    Heron Bird fishing in the pacific northwest. Can you see how well he blends in?
mrs roadrunner

Devils Lake Oregon : landscape photography - 0 views

    Devils Lake Oregon. Elevation 5446. Devils lake is only 30 acres and 9 feet deep. The road to get there was a old Indian trail. It is a pretty lake.
mrs roadrunner

Color On The Forest Floor - 0 views

    Pacific Northwest wild mushroom
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