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Meet Atulkumar Patel: Transforming Healthcare at Lincoln Pharmacy - 0 views

    Nestled in the heart of a bustling high street and a housing estate, at Lincoln Pharmacy, part of Mildcare Ltd Group, in Tower Hamlets in London, the scene is a testament to resilience and innovation, where queues of people seek aid from a pharmacy technician stationed behind a glass window-a symbol of the enduring impact of the pandemic. Amidst the array of modern amenities at the pharmacy stands Atulkumar Patel, the proprietor and Independent Prescriber (IP) at Lincoln Pharmacy, whose vision has propelled the establishment into a beacon of progressive healthcare. Owner of two Pharmacies, Patel's team of 20 dispenses an average of 20,000 prescriptions monthly, maintaining an NHS/OTC split of 80/20. Recipient of the prestigious Independent Prescriber of the Year award at the Pharmacy Business Awards 2023, Patel reflects on the pivotal moment when his pharmacy pioneered the rollout of COVID-19 vaccine jabs within the community. "When doctors' doors closed, pharmacy was the only place where people could get help and care," Patel recounts, emphasising the pivotal role pharmacies played during the crisis. Patel's dedication during the pandemic extended beyond mere service provision; it was about showcasing the untapped potential of pharmacies.

Recast community pharmacy as valuable partner in post-pandemic recovery 2024 - 0 views

    In its closing oral statement to the UK Covid Inquiry Module 3 on Wednesday (27 November), the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) urged the government and NHS to "recast community pharmacy in their minds as a valuable partner in the post-pandemic recovery, and not as a cost center." The Inquiry was also asked to recommend sufficient government investment in the network and infrastructure needed to integrate community pharmacy into the broader health system and support effective cooperation across the health service. Additionally, the NPA requested that the significant contribution of community pharmacy to the pandemic response be reflected in the Module 3 findings to "redress the lack of recognition they received throughout the pandemic." The NPA's closing statement addressed four key issues - the role of community pharmacy, the impact on pharmacy teams, the resilience of the pharmacy network, and the lack of recognition given to the sector during the pandemic and since. Lee John-Charles, speaking for the NPA, told the Inquiry that "Community pharmacy became the first port of call for patients seeking health advice during the pandemic." "Many community pharmacies went to great and heroic lengths to ensure that their services were maintained during the pandemic and demonstrated the value of the network of community pharmacies across the country."

NPA Chair to COVID-19 Inquiry: 'A resilient pharmacy network' crucial for future pandem... - 0 views

    Nick Kaye, chair of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), gave evidence to the UK's official COVID-19 Inquiry on Monday (4 November), highlighting the importance of building a "sustainable and resilient community pharmacy network" to enhance preparedness for future pandemics. Kaye also recommended utilising the existing community pharmacy infrastructure for public health initiatives, such as vaccination programmes, and stressed the need to recognise community pharmacists and their teams as integral members of primary care. "Seven pharmacies a week are closing across the four nations, and that is tragic for any future response. So, a resilient community pharmacy network that exists is going to be key," he told the Inquiry. He noted that 90 per cent of most NPA members' income comes from providing NHS services, underscoring the critical role pharmacies play in healthcare delivery. However, Kaye highlighted that pharmacies were often overlooked and underappreciated during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Inquiry : RPS urges greater recognition for pharmacists - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) presented key evidence to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry on 10 September, underscoring the vital role of pharmacists and pharmacy teams during the pandemic. Deirdre Domingo, legal representative for the RPS, delivered the statement during the Module 3 public hearings, which focus on the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare systems across the UK. As the professional body representing pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in Great Britain, the RPS urged the Inquiry to consider several critical issues: Recognition of pharmacists as key workers The RPS highlighted the crucial role pharmacy teams played in ensuring continued access to essential medicines and their integral involvement in the roll-out of COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. However, the Society also raised concerns over significant failures and challenges, such as inadequate safety measures to protect pharmacists at work, confusing national guidance, increased hostility towards healthcare professionals, and a disparity in the treatment of community pharmacy compared to NHS staff.
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