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Pharmacy Funding Crisis | NPA Urges Immediate Release Of Review - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has called on the NHS and the Department of Health to immediately publish the government-commissioned analysis of pharmacy underfunding and reveal the true scale of the crisis. Commissioned by NHS England, the long-awaited independent review is expected to "lay bare the perilous financial state" of community pharmacies, which is a vital part of the nation's health infrastructure. However, the NPA is concerned that the government may delay its release until after current funding consultations are concluded. The NPA argued that the public needs to understand the fragile nature of the pharmacy network before any new deal can be agreed. It has also warned health officials not to hide "the true scale of funding needed to reverse a decade of swingeing cuts", which has forced record numbers of pharmacy closures. NPA chair Nick Kaye said: "It would be a scandal to keep that evidence buried secret and leave MPs, pharmacies and the public in the dark." He acknowledged that the new government has inherited a crisis in pharmacy funding and emphasised that it will need to take "strong action" to maintain access to medicines.

UK Pharmacies Unite in #SaveOurPharmacies Day of Action - 0 views

    In a powerful display of unity, thousands of pharmacies across the UK participated in a nationwide protest today, organised by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), as part of its #saveourpharmacies campaign. The NPA's day of action was aimed at drawing attention to the severe crisis in pharmacy funding that has forced 1,400 pharmacies to close over the past decade and left thousands more struggling. Participating pharmacies showed their protest through various actions like dimming lights, blacking out their windows, wearing black for the day, or discussing pharmacy funding with customers. Many pharmacies also seized the opportunity to interact with parliamentary candidate, urging them to address the funding crisis.

1 in 6 UK Pharmacies at Risk, CPE Report Warns: Pharmacy Closure Crisis Looms: - 0 views

    A new report from Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has raised alarms about the severe financial challenges plaguing pharmacies across the sector, threatening their ability to provide even the core services for their patients. The findings are based on responses from over 6,100 pharmacy owners and 2,000 pharmacy staff who participated in the recent Pharmacy Pressures Survey 2024. The report reveals that spiralling costs and increased workloads, coupled with a 30 per cent funding cut in real terms since 2015, are putting countless pharmacies at risk of closure. "Nearly 1 in 6 may close within the next year," the report revealed. A vast majority (94 per cent) of pharmacy owners reported that they have seen significant increases in costs, with almost two-thirds (64 per cent) saying they are operating at a loss. Concerningly, these financial pressures are now affecting patient care, as 18 per cent of pharmacy staff reported severe impacts. The survey revealed that most pharmacies are experiencing longer prescription dispensing times (86 per cent), delays in responding to patient inquiries (80 per cent), and less time to spend with patients (79 per cent).

Save S.G Barai Pharmacy in Sutton, Surrey | #SaveOurPharmacies Campaign - 0 views

    "I dread the day, the accountant turns to me and says 'this isn't working' - as an owner, we shelter our patients and teams from the financial pressures we feel on a daily basis," shares S.G Barai Pharmacy owner, Reena Barai. Today, S.G Barai Pharmacy in Sutton, Surrey joined pharmacies nationwide in the #SaveOurPharmacies day of action, organised by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) to spotlight the critical funding crisis facing community pharmacies across the UK. Recent figures reveal that over the past decade, more than 1,400 pharmacies have closed in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, with additional closures looming in Scotland due to financial pressures. The NPA reports that three-quarters of pharmacies are operating at a loss, exacerbated by real-terms cuts to funding. "We turned our lights off and wore black today to symbolize the precarious situation pharmacies like ours are facing," said Reena Barai who owns the pharmacy.

Empowering UK Pharmacies: NPA Launches #SaveOurPharmacies Campaign - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) is distributing new campaign materials to pharmacies across England this week to empower them to advocate for fair funding in the forthcoming general election. These include campaign posters, stickers, postcards for patients to send to MPs and petition materials. By supplying these resources, the NPA aims to boost its cross-sector #SaveOurPharmacies campaign and help pharmacies raise local and national awareness of the funding crisis that is forcing pharmacies to close at the rate of 10 a week. NPA chief executive Paul Rees said: "Pharmacies are under crushing financial pressure. We want to help them join our efforts to raise the profile of the funding crisis and make the public and politicians fully aware of the threat to our much-loved pharmacy network.

Pharmacy Funding Crisis: NHS Contract 'Completely Broken'-Urgent Fix Needed - 0 views

    Many community pharmacies are under severe financial strain due to chronic underfunding and a mismatch between medicine costs and reimbursement rates. A report by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) revealed that NHS underpays pharmacies by up to £75 a pack for common medicines, resulting in losses of thousands of pounds each month. The NPA analysis found that, in many instances, NHS funding covers only one-fifth of their purchase costs for medicines. Nemesh Patel, Managing Director of the Southdowns Pharmacy Group, said the current pharmacy funding contract is "completely broken and beyond farcical." Sharing their struggles, he tells Pharmacy Business: "Our teams are wasting hours and hours trying to just source medication for patients when they could be better using that time to clinically support our patients, and then when it comes to reimbursement, the drug tariff prices or concessionary prices are structured such that on hundreds of medications we dispense per month, we will be making a significant financial loss, each and every single time our pharmacies dispense that medication."

Uplift Contractual Framework Now to Prevent Pharmacy Closures, CCA Urges UK Government - 0 views

    Sector leaders have welcomed the NPA ballot results, which demonstrate that community pharmacies are prepared to take collective action if a funding increase is not achieved. Nearly all pharmacy owners, who participated in the NPA ballot, said they were willing to limit their services to protest funding cuts. Commenting on the poll results, Malcolm Harrison, CEO of the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) said: "The results of the NPA ballot serves to underline the huge pressure that pharmacy contractors face, following a decade of underfunding. He emphasised the need to start the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) renegotiations for 2024/25 without delay. "The government and NHS must uplift all elements of the contractual framework, to stop further reductions in pharmacy opening hours and permanent pharmacy closures, and to ensure that patients can continue to receive the medicines and clinical care and advice they need," he added. Harry McQuillan, Chairman of Numark, stated that while the NPA ballot outcome has once again brought the financial crisis facing the sector into focus, this is "an everyday reality" for many independent pharmacies and that it has reached "breaking point." He warned that rising operational costs including the increase in national insurance and minimum wage will push many more to the brink.

Autumn Budget 2024: National Insurance Rise Alarms UK Pharmacies | Funding Crisis Deepens - 0 views

    The new Labour government's first budget has not been well received by community pharmacies, who are 'deeply worried' about the increase in National Insurance and the national living wage. They have also voiced their dissatisfaction with the Autumn Budget 2024 for lacking measures to address pharmacy closures. Commenting on the Chancellor's Budget, Paul Rees, CEO of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) said: "Millions of people who depend on local pharmacies will be holding their breath today, hoping that the £22.6bn increase in health spending announced by the Chancellor will include money to stem the devastating closure of local health services in the past decade. "There's absolutely no mention in the Budget of action to halt the closure of our vital NHS pharmacy network, which has been shrinking at the rate of seven a week as pharmacies are forced to close through underfunding." According to the NPA, around 700 pharmacies have shut since just the start of 2022 due to the impact of a 40 per cent cut to funding coupled with rising demand.

NPA Ballot Result | Community Pharmacies Threaten Service Cuts Over Funding Crisis - 0 views

    Community pharmacies are bracing themselves to withdraw services from patients after an industry ballot supported plans for major action unless the government provided a significant increase in funding for the sector. The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) on Tuesday (12) announced the results of an unprecedented collective action ballot in which nearly all pharmacy owners, who participated in the ballot, voted to limit their services, insisting that a lack of additional funding is jeopardising patients health and safety. Over 63 per cent of NPA members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland took part in the ballot- representing 3,049 independent community pharmacies in England alone, or 3,399 with Wales and Northern Ireland included. Nearly 98 per cent of pharmacy owners in England voted to reduce their opening hours to the minimum required by their contract. This could result in fewer pharmacies remaining open during evenings and weekends. More than 93 per cent voted to stop offering "unfunded" free home deliveries of medicines, and over 96 per cent voted to withdraw from locally commissioned services, including certain addiction support, emergency contraception, and stop smoking services.

Urgent Plea to Save UK Pharmacies: Fight4Pharmacies Campaign - 0 views

    "If the Government does not support community pharmacies with the relevant funding, then we will see a massive number of closures," warns Dr. Leyla Hannbeck, chief executive of the Independent Pharmacies Association (IPA). The Fight4Pharmacies campaign, led by the IPA, is urging prime minister Rishi Sunak to address a critical £1.2 billion funding shortfall that threatens the survival of independent pharmacies across the UK. This urgent plea comes as 1,000 community pharmacies have closed since 2019 due to rising operational costs and insufficient reimbursements. On May 21, supporters of the Fight4Pharmacies campaign, along with 50 MPs including prominent figures like Priti Patel and Gavin Williamson, delivered a petition to Downing Street. The petition, Prescription to Save Our Pharmacies outlines how independent community pharmacies can be supported to ensure smooth running of pharmacies.

Community Pharmacy Central to Government Health Missions - Urgent Call for Funding Lift - 0 views

    Stephen Kinnock, Minister of State at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), discussed all primary care contracts, including those related to community pharmacy, during his meeting with Community Pharmacy England (CPE) Chief Executive and two members from the Negotiating Team. The pharmacy minister reiterated that community pharmacies will be central to the new government's health and wider missions. CPE Chief Executive Janet Morrison and her team updated Kinnock on the community pharmacy sector, highlighting the pressures throughout the summer. They underscored the critical challenges facing the sector and the urgent need for a funding lift. They also discussed Pharmacy First and emphasised the broader potential for pharmacies to further support the health of their local communities.

Save Our Pharmacies 2024 : Join the Fight for Fair Funding | National Pharmacy Association - 0 views

    Pharmacy teams across the country are joining forces for the second day of protest, organised by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), as part of its #SaveOurPharmacies campaign, on Thursday (September 19). A cross-sector delegation will present a petition signed by a record-breaking 350,000 people to No 10 Downing Street. The delegation will include National Pharmacy Association (NPA) CEO Paul Rees, NPA Chair Nick Kaye, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) Chief Executive Janet Morrison, Company Chemists' Association (CCA) CEO Malcolm Harrison, and Community Pharmacy NI Chief Executive Gerard Greene, The Save Our Pharmacies petition has surpassed the previous record held by a Royal College of GPs in 2014, whose petition, addressing the issue of general practice funding, secured 300,000 signatures. The NPA is hopeful that this show of solidarity by pharmacy teams will make a difference and open up conversations in Westminster and Whitehall.

UK General Election 2024: Pharmacy Bodies Urge Support for Community Pharmacy - 0 views

    With the UK General Election set for 4 July, pharmacy bodies are actively engaging with all political parties to secure support for the community pharmacy sector. They are pressing parties to address urgent issues such as pharmacy closures and medicine shortages. "The upcoming general election is a critical opportunity for us to strengthen supporters of community pharmacy in readiness for the new Parliament," said Janet Morrison, chief executive of Community Pharmacy England (CPE). She stressed the need for unity within the sector in advocating for community pharmacy and raising awareness of the issues with election candidates from all parties. As the general election approaches, CPE has called upon all political parties to support pharmacies by "introducing a long-term sustainable funding model and reviewing the medicines supply chain, including much-needed short-term relief measures."

UK Pharmacy Spending Crisis 2024 : NPA Warns of Underfunding Impact - 0 views

    The UK is far behind comparable nations in spending on medicines and community pharmacies, according to a new analysis by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA). Published today, the report highlights that Britain ranks among the worst countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for access to pharmacies, with fewer pharmacies per 100,000 people than countries like Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, France, and many others. On average, a UK pharmacy serves around 5,700 patients, far more than those in France (3,238 patients) and the Republic of Ireland (2,500 patients), where an average pharmacy caters to less than half the number of patients served in the UK. All comparable countries manage fewer patients per pharmacy. The NPA analysis also found that the UK spends less per capita on medicines than nations such as Australia, Ireland, Japan, the US, Spain, Germany, and Italy. Germany spends twice as much as the UK, while the US spends nearly three times more.

UK Pharmacies Face Financial Crisis: NPA Demands £108M from Government - 0 views

    In a decisive move highlighting the financial strain faced by community pharmacies, the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) submitted a £108 million invoice to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) today (16 May). According to the NPA, this substantial sum represents the amount that pharmacies in England personally covered for the dispensing of NHS medicines last month, as a result of inadequate funding. "The £108m figure is an average monthly figure based on the loss to pharmacy incomes over the past decade," it said. The association believes that mass closures can be prevented only when the government stops expecting pharmacies to subsidise the cost of delivering NHS care. NPA chief executive Paul Rees, said: "The soaring costs of dispensing medicine coupled with declining real terms funding has led to community pharmacies in England having to subsidise the dispensing of drugs to the tune of £108m a month.

50% Surge in Closures Sparks Urgent Call for Government Action - 0 views

    The UK has witnessed a nearly 50 percent increase in pharmacy closures this year compared to the same period in 2023, which was already considered the worst year in recent memory. A new analysis by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) revealed that 177 pharmacies closed their doors between January and April 2024, compared to 116 in the same period last year. This is the equivalent of 10 local pharmacies shutting down every week. Analysis of NHS figures by the NPA showed that 403 pharmacies closed their doors last year, nearly five times higher than the number that closed in 2022. Since 2017, over 1,400 pharmacies have shut down across the UK. Rising costs and declining real terms funding have led to the fastest rate of closures in decades, said the NPA, highlighting that "real terms funding has decreased by 40 per cent over the last decade."

Healthwatch Report 2024 Unveils Crisis: Pharmacy Closures Threaten Elderly and Rural Co... - 0 views

    A worrying rise in pharmacy closures across England is disproportionately affecting older people and rural communities, according to a new report by Healthwatch England. Findings obtained through Freedom of Information (FoI) requests have exposed the scale of the issue, with over 436 permanent pharmacy closures recorded in 2023 and more than 13,800 temporary closures resulting in nearly 47,000 hours lost. The report, published on Thursday, paints a bleak picture of access to vital healthcare services, particularly in rural areas where pharmacy closures have hit hardest. The report found that Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in rural areas recorded a higher level of temporary pharmacy closures compared to ICBs in predominantly urban areas. Additionally, ICBs with a higher proportion of people over 60 years of age recorded a higher number of hours lost per pharmacy. Healthwatch chief executive Louise Ansari expressed concern about the impact on elderly populations, noting that the closures were undermining the government's flagship Pharmacy First programme, designed to relieve pressure on GP practices by allowing patients to seek care for common conditions at local pharmacies.

Community Pharmacy Faces Critical Collapse Without Urgent Funding Uplift - 0 views

    Janet Morrison, CEO of Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has emphasised that stabilization of the sector is essential before any solutions can be delivered to fix the "struggling" health service. Speaking at the recent SIGMA UK Community Pharmacy Conference 2024, Janet described the current contract as "unaffordable" and warned that pharmacies are becoming "unsustainable." "Without an urgent funding uplift, the sector is facing a 'house of cards' collapse that will seriously impact communities, patients, and the safety of medicine supply. "So, first of all, we have to secure the stabilization. We have to make sure you can keep the lights on and the doors open, and that's critical," she stated. Janet pointed out that if the sector is stabilized and a fair deal is achieved, community pharmacies could effectively deliver solutions for the government that meet their policy goals. However, she noted that negotiations for the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) for 2024-2025 cannot resume until the budget is published on October 30.

NPA to hold a day of protest to highlight 'emergency in community pharmacy' - 0 views

    There is a state of "emergency" across the community pharmacy sector, the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has warned. The organisation is holding a day of protest action, called 'One Day to #SaveOurPharmacies', on 20 June to draw attention to the sector's growing crisis. During the protest, pharmacy teams across the UK are expected to take a range of symbolic actions - such as turning the lights out for a period, asking their staff to wear black, blacking out windows, using the day to engage with patients, inviting parliamentary candidates and using #saveourpharmacies on social media - signifying dark times for the beleaguered community pharmacy sector, the NPA said. The organisation decided to choose 20 June for the protest as it marks the day from which the average pharmacy across the four nations will be "lossmaking overall."

Health Select Committee report: 'Broken' funding model needs 'a complete overhaul' - 0 views

    The current funding and contractual framework for community pharmacy is not fit for purpose, the Health and Social Care Committee report has concluded, recommending a complete overhaul to reduce its complexity. Published today, the report highlighted the necessity for a new framework to ensure adequate funding and to prevent damaging cross-subsidy between clinical services and prescription dispensing, as is presently observed. The report revealed that community pharmacy funding has fallen by over 30 per cent in real terms since 2015, resulting in an annual shortfall of at least £67,000 per pharmacy for individual owners. More than 1,100 community pharmacies have closed since 2015, of which were serving the most deprived areas, it said. MPs on the committee have urged the government to address medicine shortages, warning that they could undermine flagship initiatives such as 'Pharmacy First' by eroding public confidence in pharmacists. "People living with type 2 diabetes, ADHD, epilepsy and cystic fibrosis, and those experiencing the menopause, have faced challenges accessing the vital medication they need. Many others are facing similar experiences.
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