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PDA Union Joins NHS Staff Side 2024 : Empowering Pharmacists in Agenda for Change - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has secured the right to negotiate and agree on proposed changes to the NHS Agenda for Change (AfC) terms and conditions for its members. This milestone follows an agreement with other NHS trade unions, enabling the PDA Union to join the NHS Staff Side. As part of this group, the PDA can now actively participate in the NHS National Joint Council, which oversees changes to AfC. Participation in the NHS Staff Side brings significant benefits for PDA members, especially those employed in the NHS under AfC. In addition to providing the PDA the right to negotiate and agree proposed changes to AfC, it empowers the trade union to advocate for pharmacists at the highest levels in the NHS, participate fully in the NHS Social Partnership Forum, and collaborate with other unions on critical issues such as NHS pay. It also gives PDA members the right to be represented at local trust level on matters handled by local staff sides.

Enhancing Pharmacy Leadership in UK ICSs: Addressing Gaps in Medicines Optimisation - 0 views

    "Only around half of ICSs have a Chief Pharmacist," indicating a significant gap in leadership that hampers the pharmacy sector's ability to influence critical healthcare decision, a report on medicine optimisation by the Public Policy Projects (PPP) highlights. In PPP's latest report, a notable concern highlighted is the inadequate representation of pharmacy leadership within Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) despite the role of pharmacy being "central in the delivery of system priorities, with pivotal roles in improving population health and tackling inequalities". In recent years, the role of pharmacy within the NHS has evolved significantly with recent developments including Pharmacy First Services and legislative amendments that allows pharmacy technicians under PGDs to administer and supply medicines.
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