Math run is an interactive math game which gradually becomes more difficult as you progress. This source is a fun and interactive way to brush up on your basic math skills.
Storyboardthat is a free online source that provides an easy, fun, and interactive way to present information. Students can use this source for anything from a book report to a foreign language project.
Wikimindmap is a tool that helps you browse wiki content. It is in the form of a mind map which gives you a visual way of navigating content. It also helps you to find search terms related to a very broad topic.
LittleBirdTales is an interactive story building tool that helps children write stories. In addition it has tools for teachers such as interactive assignments and common core templates.
This tool is good for visual learners because it gives a visual representation of anything you search. It is augmented reality so you can see an object and relate it to objects you already know.
PictishPuzzle is a site in which you help to reassemble an archaeological find. Archaeologists actually haven't figured out how to reassemble it yet so students actions on this site actually have real life impact.
OpenEd is an educational resource catalog which provides videos and educational games. This site is also aligned to common core standards so it provides students with the information needed to graduate.
StoryToolz is a source that can be used by those writing stories, or essays. Among other tools StoryToolz has a word count meter which you can use to monitor how your word count has increased as you have progressed.
Text2mindmap is a resource that can be used to make graphic organizers.This is useful for students who are visual learners. It is also a faster alternative to making graphic organizers by hand or with inspiration which is confusing and takes forever.
Amathsdictionaryforkids provides a resource for children to find definitions for math terms that confuse them. It is good for lower grade levels but can also be used by higher grade levels to brush up on past knowledge.