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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Savannah Earley

Savannah Earley

Sports medicine/ Science - 0 views

    The author opened up a whole new perspective on my outlook on sports medicine, and the science. I had no idea there were so many diffrent types of jobs to be offered around the area of sports medicine, aside from athletic training. I would highly recommend this resource to any one looking for more careers involving sports, or medical science.
Savannah Earley

Sports Medicine: Athletic Training - 0 views

    "Program Narrative The field of sports medicine is gaining in popularity and employment opportunities are expanding. The demand for Certified Athletic Trainers in particular is increasing." This website was helpful in finding out more about the careers involving athletic medicine. I would recommend it to anyone interested in any fields involving athletic training.
Savannah Earley

Athletic Training at The University of Vermont - 0 views

    The University of Vermont's Athletic Training webpage was very useful to me. They talked about steps to getting their (requirements, courses, etc.) and they also proved why their program is a very good choice, with statistics and personal experience. I recommend this to anyone interested in Athletic Training.
Savannah Earley

Athletic training at The University of Montana - 0 views

    This website was very helpful in finding out what The University of Montana has to offer in this department of learning. They talked about why this was a better choice, as appose to other schools, and how it will get you into the career of Athletic Training.
Savannah Earley

Athletic Training - 0 views

    This website was a helpful resource. It had a lot of information along the lines of becoming an athletic trainer, what it means to be one and statistics. I would recommend this website to anyone interested in this career choice
Savannah Earley

Athletic Training - 0 views

    This website has a lot of basic information about athletic training. I would recommend this website to anyone interested in this career choice who wants to learn about it without having to read a lot.
Savannah Earley

Athletic Training - 0 views

    This website was a helpful resource for figuring out some of the requirments it takes to become an athletic trainer. Such as classes/courses to take, as well as what athletic trainers actually do for the athletes they are working with. I recomend this website for anyone looking into this career
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