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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Madison Wood

Madison Wood

Tips for Planning Events - 0 views

    I decided to use this website because I wanted to learn more information on planning events for my future career in hospitality. This website reiterated ideas I have already learned, but also taught me some new things and I thought it was very helpful.
Madison Wood

How to be an Effective Leader - 0 views

    This website was helpful to me because it gave me new insights into qualities a successful leader has. It was also well organized and used simple language.
Madison Wood - 0 views

    This website discusses the positive things that come from using a Gantt Chart. It uses bulleted points to talk about several attributes that Gantt Charts have. It mentions that because of the clearly written out style of the Gantt Chart, it is nearly impossible to be confused about deadlines or responsibility. This website was very helpful in discovering the ways a Gantt Chart could be helpful to me in the Music Department.
Madison Wood

Choosing Concert Band Music - 0 views

    This website gives insight into how to select music for a concert band. This week, I was asked to pick out some music for our band to play in the Winter Concert and I found it rather difficult. I decided that this would be an important subject for me to research. Its most important suggestion is to be realistic of your expectations of your band. It said not to choose pieces that range in pitches that you have not heard your group successfully reach. It also said to to be sure to balance what your students want to play with what they should play.
Madison Wood

25 Tips for Fundraising - 0 views

    This website included 25 tips on how to run a successful fundraiser in a school. Considering the Music Department hosts many fundraisers each year I decided that these tips could help me to evaluate what we are doing right and what changes we could make to become more successful. One idea I appreciated was to avoid doing the "small" fundraisers. While I had thought that any amount of money would be helpful, this site pointed out that parents and students begin to suffer from "fundraising fatigue" when they are asked to participate in multiple events. Also, although we have the same fundraisers every year, we are very bad about letting parents know at the beginning of the year the different fundraisers we will need help with. This website suggests to let parents and students know as soon as possible what the group will need their participation in. I thought this was a helpful website in because they presented their information in an eye-catching and a simply put way. Also, they would give a bullet point of helpful information, and then divulge further to explain their reasoning.
Madison Wood

Group Facilitation - 0 views

    This website had some helpful tips on how to be a good facilitator of a group discussion. There were a few things I found particularly helpful. I liked what the article said about being the "pacemaker" of the meeting. This would entail making sure that the group was moving through the bullet points of the discussion at an appropriate rate. I also thought that the advice to critique the plausibility of an idea was helpful. Many times during my discussions with the Music Department officers I've run into these issues. The article gave advice on how to deal with problematic situations when in a group discussion. Overall, it was a very informative article.
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