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Duncan Flippo

Palestine Monitor Factsheet - US aid to Israel - 0 views

    • Duncan Flippo
      I found this. Talks abt military stuff
  • Israeli research and development of weapons systems is often co-financed by the US. Joint military projects have been set up, such as the development of the Arrow Missile System, which has been operational since 2000.
  • In August 2007, a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on military aid was signed between Israel and the US. This MOU guarantees Israel $30 billion in military aid via FMF over the next decade.
Neha Kukreja

U.S. Aid to Israel - 0 views

  • He explored the strategic reasoning behind the aid, asserting that it parallels the "needs of American arms exporters" and the role "Israel could play in advancing U.S. strategic interests in the region."
  • Approximately a third of the entire U.S. foreign aid budget goes to Israel, "even though Israel comprises of the world's total population, and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes."
    • Neha Kukreja
      What would happen if they lost this subsidy??
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "Israel has helped defeat radical nationalist movements" and has been a "testing ground for U.S. made weaponry."
  • this aid is "little more than an American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers," considering that the majority of military aid to Israel is used to buy weapons from the U.S.
  • Israel enjoys other privileges. While most countries receiving U.S. military aid funds are expected to use them for U.S. arms, ammunition and training, Israel can spend part of these funds on weapons made by Israeli manufacturers. Also, when it spends its U.S. military aid money on U.S. products, Israel frequently requires the U.S. vendor to buy components or materials from Israeli manufacturers. Thus, though Israeli politicians say that their own manufacturers and exporters are making them progressively less dependent upon U.S. aid, in fact those Israeli manufacturers and exporters are heavily subsidized by U.S. aid.
Duncan Flippo

Potential Threats To Israel: Iran - 0 views

    • Duncan Flippo
      I found this. It is about Iran's threat to Israel and an ability to injure Israel
    • Duncan Flippo
      all my highlights are way down the page.
Neha Kukreja

Should Israel continue to receive aid from the United States? - Israeli-Palestinian Con... - 1 views

  • ] is a real benefit to the United States and Israel. We give aid to Israel to maintain its security in a very tough region and a very important part of the world in order to advance critical U.S. interests. If that aid were reduced to a point that Israel couldn't buy the equipment it needs to defend itself and maintain the peace, that would be dangerous to us."
  • "As Israel is continually attacked by ongoing Palestinian terrorist assaults, aid to Israel is more important than ever. Foreign aid presents many benefits to Israel’s safety and security and to Middle East stability.
    Evidently, aid to Israel is a necessity for Israel's security since they're surrounded by so much hostility...
Neha Kukreja

Romney vows to increase defense aid to Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews - 1 views

  • Romney warned that “In the hands of the ayatollahs, a nuclear Iran is nothing less than an existential threat to Israel. Iran’s suicidal fanatics could blackmail the world."
Onurcan Tatman

hilltop heroes - 1 views

    oh yeah i got it
Shana Thomas

The 1967 Six-Day War - 0 views

    territory won during the 6 day war
Shana Thomas

Israel: The Six Day War - 0 views

    Israelis won the territory during the 6 days war so technically it is rightfully theirs
Onurcan Tatman

Israel really against new borders - 1 views

    Prime Minister NETANYAHU talks about his ideals and that he wants to help out the Palestinians and their refugee problems but not on Israel proper and that resolving the refugee issue will never happen on Israeli soil. He also talks about how Palestinians need to really stay on their own land and how he is completely against he 1967 border lines coming back into place.
Onurcan Tatman

Lateline - 23/05/2011: Obama misrepresented over Middle East speech - 1 views

    US president Barack Obama has sought to reassure a powerful Jewish lobby over his speech on the future of the Middle East
    talks about how israeli correspondent saying they want peace that can last and that cannot happen with the palestinians getting more land because of the israeli feelings towards it and them having to lose land.
Mckenzie Hudson

Goodbye, Gaza | The Cornell Daily Sun - 0 views

  • "We can never totally return to the indefensible pre-1967 borders," Olmert insists, referring to Israel's frontiers before the Six-Day War, in which the Jewish state captured the West Bank from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. "We simply cannot afford to make Israel [9 miles] wide again at its center. We can't allow the Palestinians to be a couple [miles] from [Tel Aviv's] Ben Gurion Airport in the age of shoulder-fire missiles with the capacity to shoot down jumbo jets. But that doesn't mean we must remain in every corner of the West Bank or in Gaza, where fewer than 10,000 Jews, living next to 1.3 million Palestinians, have been protected by twice as many soldiers."
    • Mckenzie Hudson
      great point made by previous prime minister of israel Ehud olmert- pre 67 borders would be too insecure/vulnerable
    • Mckenzie Hudson
      And by the way i (mckenzie) found this first, ask me before if you want to use this in debate.
Mckenzie Hudson

PA rejects Olmert's offer to withdraw from 93% of West Bank - Haaretz Daily Newspaper |... - 0 views

  • lus all of the Gaza Strip, when the Palestinian Authority regains control over the Gaza Strip, which the militant group Hamas seized from forces loyal to Abbas in June 2006.
    • Mckenzie Hudson
      Israel already tried to return almost all the pre 67 land but palestine rejected it as quote not acceptable
    • Mckenzie Hudson
      And by the way i (mckenzie) found this first, ask me before if you want to use this in debate.
  • The Israeli proposal is not acceptable," Abbas's spokesman said. "The Palestinian side will only accept a Palestinian state with territorial continu
Mckenzie Hudson

Defensible Borders for a Lasting Peace - 0 views

  • Finally, in the context of a discussion over classic conventional war, there is one further consequence to consider from a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines: after such a withdrawal the chances of war would actually increase, as Israel's ability to deter war would be eroded. A post-withdrawal Israel would offer a very tempting target, since it would be a narrow country with no strategic depth whose main population centers and strategic infrastructure would be within tactical range of forces deployed along the commanding heights of the West Bank. Whoever believes that war is impossible does not have to take this consideration into account; but all who think that it is possible, even if unlikely right now, must then understand that by returning to the 1967 lines, Israel increases the chances that such a scenario of renewed hostilities may actually materialize.
    • Mckenzie Hudson
      Reinforces my point about insecure borders and how they could result in war.
    • Mckenzie Hudson
      And by the way i (mckenzie) found this first, ask me before if you want to use this in debate.
Shana Thomas

Picture of territories - 0 views

    Pre, during, and after 6 days war borders
Shana Thomas

Netanyahu rejects Obama 1967 view - 3 views

    Following up with my previous article; Israel already disagrees with the pre 1967 borders. We don't want to piss off our only ally in the mid east
Shana Thomas

Obama calls for Israel's return to pre-1967 borders - 2 views

    Saying we threw Israel under the bus and accusing Obama of "not sticking by our allies"  If we negotiated wrong then Israel wouldn't be our friend anymore and we wouldn't have a place in the middle east; no allies in the middle east
Shana Thomas

Palestinian territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Overview/ background
Katy Field - 0 views

    In order to promote peace & stability, the United States government should freeze all foreign military financing aid to Israel until the Israeli government agrees to remove all settlements from the West Bank and East Jerusalem so as to return to its pre-1967 borders.
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