P2PU in Huge NYC Report - 0 views
"Just as Airbnb established the idea that regular people opening their homes to strangers to rent as an alternative to hotels was not just feasible but widely appealing, startups such as Skillshare, Dabble, P2PU and The Amazings are proving that people will turn to nontraditional teachers, or teachers far outside their normal circles, for knowledge."
Open data and the charity sector: a perfect fit | News | guardian.co.uk - 1 views
My Library - 1 views
Technology: how to land a job riding the silicon roundabout | Technology | The Observer - 0 views
The Mechanical MOOC - 0 views
Learn To Code: 10 Free And Fantastic Online Resources To Hone Your Skills - 0 views
How P2PU is Reshaping Professional Learning for K-12 Teachers | Getting Smart by %autho... - 1 views
BBC - BBC World Service Programmes - Click, 10/04/2012 - 0 views
Brownstone, Redbrick, Ivy League are a few of the names sometimes associated with different types of universities. But increasingly there is a new kid on the block with a new title: the peer-to-peer internet university. Peer-to-peer is a form of higher education that is exploiting the benefits of the internet to bring students to university who might otherwise miss out. Click talks to Peer 2 Peer University co-founder and director Philipp Schmidt.