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Roland Gesthuizen

ICTEV2011 State Conference: In Touch | ICTEV - 0 views

    "ICTEV's 2011 conference aims to put you in touch with educational colleagues who will enthuse and inspire you to integrate technologies in your learning and teaching. The technologies you will hear about and explore on the day will allow you and your students to be in touch with other educational communities (schools and professionals) across the world."
    Event for Victorian Educators, Sat 21 May 2011.
Roland Gesthuizen

TeachMeetMelbourne - 2013 - Feb 2 - 3 views

    "2013 is starting with a wonderful event arranged by Roland Gesthuizen with the support of ICT in Education Victoria. Teachmeets depend on the participants getting involved - everyone knows something that is interesting to someone else!"
Roland Gesthuizen

TeachMeet Melbourne 2013 - 2 views

    "Another Teachmeet has come and gone.  The tweets from the day tell the story so well.  Thanks to all concerned for a great start to 2013. Every Teachmeet I have attended has been different. Different because of the venues, the presentations, the time of the day, the day of the week, the people who attend. This is one of the reasons I like them. Teachers sharing passion, interest, skills, questions and ideas."
Roland Gesthuizen

Thought Leadership Webinar on Vimeo - 3 views

    Listen to our first webinar, on Thought Leadership. Get some great ideas for how to lead the integration of ICT into your school.
Roland Gesthuizen

ICTEV's videos on Vimeo - 2 views

    Here are all ICTEV's videos on Vimeo. You can see both the videos this user has uploaded, as well as any other users' videos they appear in.
Roland Gesthuizen

Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria - 2 views

    Facebook page for Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria.
Roland Gesthuizen

Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria | Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV) ... - 1 views

    "Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV) replaces ICT in Education Victoria and the Victorian IT Teachers' Association. This new association will deliver professional support and networking opportunities to all educators from pre-service teachers to principals, from the early years to careers."
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