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Nigel Coutts

Collaboration & Connectedness the Key to Quality Teaching - 0 views

    Most teachers recognise the potential for collaboration between students and the importance of it as a component of a 21st Century education and yet many do not take full advantage of the opportunities they have for collaboration as teachers.
Nigel Coutts

What skills might our students most need beyond school? - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    It is tempting to make predictions of the skills that our students will need beyond their time at school. Such wondering can be a useful guide as we contemplate what we shall focus on with our curriculum. Unsurprisingly, there is no shortage of predictions for future skillsets published by educators, economists and analysts. What might we learn from such lists, and how should education systems respond?
Rhondda Powling

Standards for Teachers - 5 views

    "Teachers have always held the key to student success. But their role is changing. The ISTE Standards·T define the new skills and pedagogical insights educators need to teach, work and learn in the digital age."
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