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Towards Abundant DiY Service Creativity Successfully Leveraging the Internet-of-Things ... - 0 views

    A paper by Lieven Trappeniers, Marc Roelands, Marc Godon, Johan Criel, Philippe Dobbelaere Bell Laboratories Alcatel-Lucent. Antwerpen, Belgium (lieven.trappeniers at"With continuing trends towards miniaturization and lowpower connectivity, an abundance of connected smart objects - the Internet-of-Things [1] is expected to emerge. As a consequence, also the market for applications leveraging this swarm-of-nodes is huge. However, as traditional "operated" network infrastructure will gradually be complemented with these huge amounts of connected smart objects, a gap still exists for application enabling technology platforms.
Théo Bondolfi

Leandro Navarro's Home Page - 0 views

    "Scientific coordination of the FIRE EU Large-scale integrating project (IP) CONFINE on "Community Networks Testbed for the Future Internet" (10/2011-9/2015) Scientific coordination of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing EMJD-DC (a 5 year contract starting in 2011/2012) Scientific coordination of the national research project Delfin: Self-adapting distributed systems for the Future Internet (TIN2010-20140-C03-01) Principal Investigator (PI) for Planetlab at UPC."
Théo Bondolfi

Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (CAPS) initiati... - 1 views

    "During September and October, several academic institutions across Europe are hosting Information Days to explore the 'Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation' (CAPS) initiative, which will provide funding for research within call 10 of the workprogramme 2013 of the EU ICT programme (Objective ICT-2013.5.5).These information days will provide the opportunity for networking among participants and preparation of proposals among this call and objective."
Théo Bondolfi

E-democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "E-democracy is a combination of the words electronic and democracy. In an evolving political and technological landscape here on Earth, many are fighting over the definition of this term. But a logical definition adheres to the word itself: a democracy that has "electronic" characteristics. E-democracy does not equal e-government, but is a form of it. It does not equal "wikigovernment" but is a form of it. Of course, defining "e-democracy" can be just as difficult as defining democracy when you get down to brass tacks. But because the Internet connects millions of people and can be a tool for governance, e-democracy has the potential to become one of the first forms of large-scale direct democracy on Earth. Canada and Sweden are now both trying to enact forms of this system of government, by working within the traditional political process to elect e-democracy friendly politicians, with the ultimate goal of overhauling the entire system of their nations' governments. Sweden's party Aktiv Demokrati aims to build a genuine direct democracy; Canada's Online Party has taken a milder approach with citizens in a more advisory capacity."

Recent News - Homepage test space - DIY: Smart Experiences - 0 views

    The Do-it-Yourself Smart Experiences project (DiYSE) aims at enabling ordinary people to easily create, setup and control applications in their smart living environments as well as in the public Internet-of-Things space, allowing them to leverage aware services and smart objects for obtaining highly personalised, social, interactive, flowing experiences at home and in the city.

The gift; forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies : Mauss, Marcel, 1872-19... - 0 views

    Anthropologists have prooved that human beens can give and have empathy for the others. THE GIFT, Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies by MARCEL MAUSS Cohen & West, London, 1966 Quote page 27: "Social life is a constant give-and-take; " gifts are rendered, received and repaid both obligatorily and in one's own interest, In magnanimity, for repayment of services, or as challenges or pledges. We here set down a few of the most important forms they take."
Théo Bondolfi

Biogas digester - 12 views

Here is the answer from Bob Hamburg, and my answer to him afterwords On August 15th 2012, Bob Hamburg wrote : > Dear Theo, and others, > Finally! I am quite glad to hear from yo'al. It was m...

biogas digester research SoA

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