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Johann Höchtl

When is Linked Data not Linked Data? - 0 views

  • production of a briefing paper that disambiguated some of the terminology for those that are less familiar with this domain
  • Linked Data must adhere to the four principles outlined in Tim Berners Lee’s Linked Data Design Issues
  • Use URIs as names for things Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF, SPARQL) Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.
    Design Principles of Open Data

10 Ways All Employees Can Contribute to Link Building - 0 views

    10 Ways All Employees Can Contribute to Link Building
Johann Höchtl

OpenGovernment: Empower individuals and organizations to track government at every level - The Changelog - Open Source moves fast. Keep up. - 1 views

  • As a joint project of two 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, the Participatory Politics Foundation and the Sunlight Foundation, OpenGovernment will empower individuals and organizations to track government at every level.
  • You can support the open-source work on OpenGovernment by becoming a Booster of the non-profit Participatory Politics Foundation (a tax-exempt recurring donation of $1/day), giving a one-time charitable gift, or by forking the code on GitHub and start hacking.
Johann Höchtl

Problems and Opportunities in Government Data - Input Output - 1 views

  • Problems
  • n Government Data
  • data loss privatization mis-publication greater respect for privacy and other citizen concerns, and excessive secrecy
Johann Höchtl

Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space - 0 views

    Linked Data Book
Johann Höchtl

Wikileaks publishes documents on plan to curb free software in the European Union - 0 views

  • Wikileaks (website) publishes documents that show a plan to curb the free software in the European Union.
  • This file shows that Jonathan Zuck, president of Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) –an organization with close ties to Microsoft–, and founder of Americans for Technology Leadership, had influenced the change of working documents of the European Union.
  • This publication shows how pressure groups influence or attempt to influence the decisions made by the European institutions, but in this case is particularly striking one of these groups trying to influence against free software (ACT) has close ties Microsoft,

Willkommen im Schwarm! - 0 views

  • Mit dem Schwarmverhalten von Bienen, Ameisen, Fischen und Vögeln hat die Sache allerdings nicht immer viel zu tun. Und auch, dass Menschen, über große Entfernungen hinweg, selbstorganisiert und ohne zentrale Lenkung miteinander kooperieren, ist kein ganz neues Phänomen. Der Mechanismus der Preisbildung auf Märkten, wie ihn Adam Smith mit seiner Theorie der "Unsichtbaren Hand" beschrieb, ist das Paradebeispiel für eine solche Form kollektiver Intelligenz.
  • Smart Crowd: Der Durchschnitt macht's
  • Geschichte der Soziologin Kate Gordon. Sie führt, noch in den zwanziger Jahren, ein einfaches Experiment durch. Gordon bittet ihre Studenten, eine Handvoll Gegenstände nach dem geschätzten Gewicht in einer Reihe anzuordnen. Zweihundert Kandidaten lässt sie diesen Test absolvieren. Am Ende zählt sie zusammen, ermittelt den Durchschnitt der Schätzwerte. Und da ist es passiert. Zusammengenommen hat die Gruppe der zweihundert Studenten eine Trefferquote von 94 Prozent.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Nur fünf Teilnehmer der Studie erzielen mit ihren eigenen Schätzungen ein besseres Ergebnis. Der Durchschnitt hat die Einzelnen besiegt!
  • Andere Forscher wiederholen das Experiment. Sie variieren den Aufbau, lassen anstelle von Gewicht die Menge von Murmeln in einem Glas schätzen oder die Anzahl von Schrotkörnchen, die zu einem kleinen Häuflein aufgeschüttet worden sind
  • Ein schlichtes mathematisches Gesetz ist der Grund für den überraschenden Ausgang der Experimente. Das "Prinzip des Durchschnitts" könnte man es nennen. In seiner einfachsten Form besagt es: Lass eine Gruppe von Menschen irgendeine Menge, ein Gewicht oder eine andere Zahl schätzen. Berechne den Durchschnitt der Tipps und Schätzungen. Immer wird er mindestens so nahe am Ziel liegen, meist sogar näher wie der durchschnittliche Einzelne - selbst dann, wenn die Gruppe aus nicht mehr als zwei Teilnehmern besteht.
  • "Als Faustregel würde ich sagen: Wenn Dir zwei Leute einen Tipp geben, und Du sicher weißt, dass der eine mindestens doppelt so verlässlich in seinem Urteil ist, wie der andere, dann tu was er sagt. Ansonsten: Bilde den Durchschnitt!". Jack Soll
  • Sunstein zitiert, ist ein Experiment, das 2005 in Colorado durchgeführt wurde. Sechzig amerikanische Bürger wurden zusammengebracht und in zehn Gruppen zu jeweils fünf bis sieben Leuten eingeteilt. Jede Gruppe wurde aufgefordert, über aktuelle politische Kontroversen zu diskutieren: Homo-Ehe, Gleichstellungspolitik, Kyoto-Protokoll. Die Teilnehmer des Experimentes waren so ausgesucht worden, dass die Gruppen zu Teilen aus Liberalen, also Linken bestand, und zu Teilen aus Konservativen. Fünf Gruppen waren von den Liberalen dominiert, fünf von den Konservativen. Jeweils vor und nach der Diskussion gaben die Teilnehmer ihre Meinungen einzeln und anonym zu Protokoll.
  • Das Resultat: In fast jeder Gruppe vertraten die Diskutanten am Ende radikalere Positionen als zuvor. Während innerhalb der jeweiligen Lager der Zusammenhalt gestärkt wurde, wuchs die Kluft zwischen Liberalen und Konservativen.
  • Denn eine Grundvoraussetzung für die beschriebenen Techniken des "information aggregeting" ist, dass die einzelnen Teilnehmer, Spieler oder Wähler hinreichend voneinander isoliert sind und sich in ihrer Meinungsbildung nicht, wie im Colorado-Experiment, zu stark gegenseitig beeinflussen.
    Alter (2006) aber ausgezeichneter Artikel zum Thema Kollektive Intelligenz - Potentiale und Grenzen. Mit einigen sehr guten Beispielen.
Johann Höchtl

eFoundations: Term-based thesauri and SKOS (Part 2): Linked Data - 0 views

    Using SKOS to create a thesaurus for Open Data
Johann Höchtl

Wiki:Government 2.0 | Social Media CoLab - 0 views

  • Internal (intra or inter-government) collaboration. Institutional presence on external social networks Open government data Employees on external social networks 
  • Increased government efficiency Increased government accountability Increased citizen engagement and participation Increased innovation
  • Potential loss of privacy Invalid data
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • 1) what data should the government share and 2) how does data influence the public sphere
  • The optimists decry the modern instantiations of bureaucracy and policy in which democratic governments operate as the source of democratic ills and support the normative idea of an informed and engaged public.  Pessimists counter that the normative model of democracy most accepted in the literature is a novel construction that is not grounded in the natural behavior of citizens.
  • The innocence of Americans is either explained as a rational choice under the principle of rational ignorance (Downs, 1957) or explained as something inherent in the lack of mental sophistication in humans.
  • Government 2.0 attempts to correct the problems of information diffusion by assuming that people are simply unable or unwilling to find information in the offline world.  If the barriers to information acquisition are lowered then, the theory goes, people will be more likely to find, synthesize and use information in decision-making processes.
  • Feedback loops: Who will be active in these loops? How will the public respond? 
  • People usually think about explicit citizen participation, but some of the most pwrful Web 2.0 tools aren't about that: it's about ppl who are participating w/o knowing they are participating. Google is actually one of the great engines of harnessing participation, anyone who clicks on a link is participating, a link is a vote, meaning hidden in something they're doing already. Wikipedia isn't the only place where people are contributing.
  • The amount of data being shared/collected about people is growing exponentially, old notions of privacy need to be replaed by ideas of visibility and control: give more control over who gets to see it. We are better off with more visibility and control than stopping people from collecting data. The data is incredibly useful, applicaitons depend on data, people willingly giving up that privacy about where they are all the time.
  • many programs go wrong, generically, (what worries me) government is still very much an insider's game, we have not yet really built a system that allows real participation
  • Another gov 2.0 observation: it's very hard for a government agency to start over, it's not like private sector, where companies with bad ideas go out of business. Government agencies don't go out of business. (consumers benefit from newspapers going out of business) We don't have creative destruction in gov't, the basic machinery of it just gets bigger and more entrenched. Need to figure out how to start over: what not to do
  • The toughest part about Web 2.0, Gov 2.0, etc, might be the role of management. It used to be about defining the outcome and monitoring the progress towards that outcome. In Web 2.0 you don't know what that outcome is, it's a huge leap of faith, and takes a tremendous amount of adjusting to that approach. Do we need a different set of metrics? Yes. Media is intersecting with technology, technology is a new channel for media, even Hollywood is changing: oh my goodness, we have to create entirely new financial models!
  • "The future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed." It's a cultural issue here, people are stuck in the past and we need a new wave of innovators or we should just expect slow results.
Johann Höchtl

Coffee Party | Wake Up and Stand Up - 0 views

    Im Video fällt der Ausspruch: They build and we will come. Nach der Aussage stimmt es, die Seite hat zZ massiven zulauf. Links-lastig

Study links gov website transparency to citizen trust - 0 views

    A new study on government agency websites found a correlation between website transparency and citizen trust in a given agency.
thinkahol *


    This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles ADDED!] On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged. A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format.
thinkahol *

‪The Fluoride Deception - FULL LENGTH‬‏ - YouTube - 0 views

    Hailed as a harmless chemical that would prevent tooth decay, new evidence shows how fluoride could be linked to serious health problems.
Johann Höchtl

Linked Data star scheme by example - 0 views

    Examples of TBLs open data star scheme
thinkahol *


    On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged. A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format.
thinkahol *

Is Your Meat Habit Giving You Diabetes? | Mother Jones - 0 views

    More research links traces of PCBs and pesticides in factory-farmed meat and fish to Type 2 diabetes.
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